Anyone else do this??

girlruns Posts: 344
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Intentionally sabatoge their efforts? Or to put it in a different way--making bad decisions despite everything you know??

Today should have started out well. It was an intentional rest day for workouts. I got 10 hours of sleep (an enormous luxury for me). I had to leave the house earlier than planned so I could take my husband to school, and I needed to eat out for breakfast. I surpassed the decision to go to McDonalds and stopped at the grocery store to get a fruit bowl and regular oatmeal and a bottle of water. Go me!!

Now, unfortunately, my husband wants pizza tonight, and the pizza we have in the freezer is exceptionally high in calories. Knowing this, I packed soup and crackers for my lunch. However, lunch rolls around and I'm just not in the mood for soup. I really want Cousins. Do I surpass the craving like I did this morning? Guess not, cause I went and got a turkey sub, bbq chips, and 3 (THREE!!!!) peanut butter cookies. What was I thinking? Because I'm still having pizza tonight and I'm already over on my calories.

Somedays I know I just need to take a break and enjoy food, but that thinking has also got me in trouble in the past---obviously, which is why I'm still here despite trying multiple times in multiple ways!
Somedays I just really crave some foods.
And I guess right now, I'm dealing with the unbelievable (to me) fact that I dropped 3 pounds last week and 6 pounds in 3 weeks--huge for my normally slow loss. Because I don't think I "deserve" that loss, I think I went a little rouge today so that if I have a tiny loss or even a gain next week I'll have a reason to point too.

Sorry, I know this is rambling, but I guess I'm hoping others have crazy battles in their head like I do : )


  • Yes...I have bad days also. You have been doing great and can start again tomorrow or even tonight by exercising. Don't beat yourself up for one bad day, get back on track and see what happens.
  • I have a extensive history of doing this. Unfortunately for me, it usually leads to me falling off the healthy eating wagon. I find that with me there is a emotional reason for wanting to eat, like when I get stressed out or have a conflict with someone.
    You are not alone.
    God bless,
  • OOOhhh yes, I have bad days also... although my bad days usually occur when I don't plan meals ahead of time... but i'm trying to be better about being prepared and plan plan plan! Don't beat yourself up about your "off day." And if you do gain next week don't bother with blaming or pointing back to this OOPS day. Just move on... make better choices and learn from your mistake! Keep up the great work! You can break the cycle of sabatoge starting NOW! Lose weight for good! I have to tell myself that everyday because my weight has yoyo'd the past few years and now i'm committing to losing for good :)
    Good for you for being so honest with yourself!
  • flbeachbuddy
    flbeachbuddy Posts: 77 Member
    I do similar things. It is hard for me to "stick to" anything on a regular basis - often sabotage myself re: weight, many other things. That's why, in the past, I have gone to Weight Watchers or something that reinforces me.

    Anyway, I did this recently where I had such bad days that I didn't log my food at all... But the site has been good for me, since a friend checked up on me when I hadn't signed on. So, back on the wagon I go.

    I used "Body for Life" once upon a time (lost weight and kept it off for a long time, even after eating "normally"), and it had a cheat day. That helped me to satisfy my cravings, and also allowed me to "have a life". Lots of exercising though.

    Something I have been doing is to eat a little piece of a cookie, for example, put it aside, then come back and eat another little piece at least 1/2 hour later, stretch it out so that I feel like I have had more than one cookie. The last two days I have been doing it with Hershey Kisses. I am in a training class, and they bring around a limited supply of kisses. I, of course, want to eat the whole plate. So, I get two, eat one right away, then eat the other 1/3 at a time. I never would have thought that 1/3 of a kiss could be eaten....

    Now I have rambled on. :smile: Maybe it will bring up your metabolism for tomorrow! Enjoy the pizza, try to have just 2 pieces, but really enjoy it while you have it, don't feel guilty, it doesn't help.
  • You are not alone. I have done exactly what you have done today, simply because what others want or need is "more important"

    I now have some significant health issues and a huge amount of weight to lose. (258.4)

    My husband likes to cook, but his cooking usually involves frying or adding a lot of sugar or cream. It is really good, and I love the fact that I am married to someone that shares kitchen duty.

    Because of health issues I am often preparing separate stuff or additional healthy vegetables. He cares, he just doesn't get it
    and probably never will. He can go all day without eating, doesn't get hunger pangs, only realizes that he has a headache because he didn't take time to eat.

    Pizza is my major weakness. I can ignore sweet stuff since I had the type 2 diabetes scare. Do you know that dove chocolate makes a particular sound when he bites into it? I have begun ignoring the multiple bags of chips that he "has to have".

    I quit making the homemade "meat lovers" pizza every Friday night. We haven't had it in awhile, I'm sure it will be requested soon. I hope I will have the calories to eat it, because it is the one thing that pushes me beyond any self control.

    Forgive yourself, pick yourself up, plan out tomorrow and stick to it. Push the water and make sure you make time to exercise.
    If you don't you will have a lot more to lose again.
  • girlruns
    girlruns Posts: 344
    Thanks everyone!!!

    Sometimes it's frustrating to not put all of your good knowledge to work! I know that the whole point is to make a lifestyle change and so I'll try to not beat myself up too much. It's also really nice to know that I'm not the only one who has these thoughts that are sometimes followed by poor actions.

    Soldier on everyone!!!

    As a little side note, since I am new to being consistent on this site...I have no friends yet : ( Anyone out there willing to support me?
  • I added you as a friend! :-D

    And gosh, I know how you feel. I've overall been very good about my food choices, but it's really REALLY hard. :-( I want to eat a package of Oreos like nobody's business right now. And my boyfriend was telling me all about this chocolate pie he's going to make this weekend. EEEK! I just try and plan for my treats and work out hard to earn more calories so I can indulge once in awhile. If I have a bad day, I get right back on track the next.
  • godblessourhome
    godblessourhome Posts: 3,892 Member
    you are not alone. been there too.
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