I want-need chocolate! Help me!

That time of the month........I have to eat my chocolate! Not dark, milk chocolate only and no artificial sweetner type chocolate. What do I do? Any subsitutes, ideas, suggestions???


  • ekgstr
    ekgstr Posts: 21
    the little fun sized candy wouldn't be to many calories
  • iambrandice
    iambrandice Posts: 157 Member
    You can treat yourself every once in a while. It's good for your self esteem because you don't want to deny yourself things because then you will want them even more! Just remember that it must be in moderation! :)
  • prudychick
    I keep Hershey's Kisses both at home and at work. At home I keep them in the freezer, at work my desk so I don't have to go back to the kitchen. Try those. Especially if you freeze them. Just let one melt in your mouth. That way you taste and experience the chocolate and it last longer. :)
  • samosky
    samosky Posts: 1 Member
    Hershey's makes "Bites" in different flavors... like M&M's. They are 180 calories for 50 pieces so I put them into small single serving bags and keep them for when I need a "sweet" fix. My fav is dark chocolate but you said no... they have Almond Joy and Reeses plus some other flavors. Good luck.
  • dempstergirl
    I find having a cup of cocoa ( not hotchocolate but real cocoa powder) works well. Use skimmed milk and the cocoa is not many calories. Good luck!
  • augustbells
    100 calorie singles! They come in lots of different candy bars (milk or dark chocolate). My faves are Kit Kat, Aero, and Raisinettes.
  • argburr
    go ahead and eat your chocolate, just don't eat the whole bar/bag. 1 serving! But don't deprive yourself you deserve a treat especially during your lady week.
  • siobhannestor
    A small amount of M&Ms? With almonds, maybe? (If it were dark chocolate, I'd say that Dr. Oz recommends 1 oz now and then for people who are losing weight...)
  • guidosgal
    guidosgal Posts: 581 Member
    You got to treat yourself once in awhile just keep it under control and budget into your calories for the day :bigsmile:
  • Darkraven
    I have chocolate 3 times a day! Of course in the form of a lean protein shakes lol. I've actually found a good brand it's muscle max lean protein chocolate moose(spl?) It's not the old school nasty protein either and that is coming from a seriously picky eater!
  • mags_2006
    You can make a whole box of cook and serve sugar-free fat-free chocolate pudding for 280 calories. If you add a couple tablespoons of light whipped topping, it is pretty amazing!
  • kdc210
    the jello pudding snacks are a great fix for me..especially the new Mousse temptations; only 60 calories, fat free and they are so creamy and satisfying without being too heavy
  • michellemo87
    same problem here.. try necco thin mints. they're yummy and not too bad.
  • hungrygal
    I'm enjoying the Sugar Free Jello Chocolate pudding...very yummy! I've had it with strawberries or Nilla wafers or just by itself. So good!
  • taylorfriedchicken
    Caramel Nut Brownie Luna Bars... It was my savior this past weekend plus it has a lot of soy protein to make it semi-healthy!
  • lalabrona
    Eat one of two pieces of chocolate, then put it away and brush your teeth so you won't be tempted to visit the chocolate bar again. You have to treat your self every once in a while.
  • michellemo87
    same problem here.. try necco thin mints. they're yummy and not too bad.
  • slsoenen
    Weight watchers makes ice cream bars and cups with chocolate and they are pretty good. They also have caramel chocolate bars that are too die for. 1 point- about 50 calories. so worth it when you need a fix.
  • jconway
    jconway Posts: 8 Member
    try a pickle first...that always helps me. if not, go ahead and have a something small-moderation is key!
  • bethinagain
    bethinagain Posts: 282 Member
    These are great idea's! Thanks everyone, I really need all the help I can get when it comes to chocolate. I'm definately going to try some of these suggestions!