Who's your weightloss inspiration



  • DexterDarko
    The TV show the biggest loser is what started my re-inspiration, I was so depressed and out of it. I don't know why, but I watched the entire season 1 in 1 night then when it was over I just got up and started working out with just my body lol, and started dieting and exercising and have been going at it for 5 days straight. I've watched season 1-4 of the biggest loser in 5 days.... o.O

    But I've also lost 7 pounds in those 5 days and hope to keep it rolling.
  • smokinjackd
    Holy, Kelly got hot. For me it's Ed Grimley...ya knowwww.
  • Ghkffb56
    Ghkffb56 Posts: 263 Member
    I have 3 lol.. but ONE MAIN reason I started working out was zyzz ( RIP).. Im a wow player and anyone who plays wow and worksout knows who he is :)! the other Two Ava Cowan and Denise Milani they have the ideal body i want and thats why im workin soo hard lol.. I know ill never look like them.. but having their pics up in my apt and computer just pumps me! gives me motivation to keep to my goals and never give up :D



  • 30theFASTway
    30theFASTway Posts: 7 Member
    I'm my own inspiration. I've got an awesome shape and it was suck to never see my shape in-shape.
  • QueenLovatic
    My insperation is demi lovato. I dont need to be a stick, but i dont need to be overweight. She shows me that there is a health middle ground. I want to be like her.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    My doctor who diagnosed me with diabetes back in Dec. 2009 which also was the catalyst to turning my life around. I told him after 3 months that I was getting bored with just walking for exercising and was thinking of doing short jogging intervals to break up the boredom. He told me I was too big and fat to ever think about that and if I did I'd injure myself. I did it anyways. He inspired me to prove him wrong and also to try things I thought I was too big to do.
  • jenneal89
    Myself. I lost all the weight I gained during my pregnancy plus 26lbs. I haven't been this weight since...idk....I was about 14 or 15! I also want to look like Kiera Knightly :) not far to go I hope- 5' 6" and down to 119lbs
  • christine_lisel
    VS angels;)
  • IronTitaness
    Erin Stern and Jillian Michaels.
  • Stacey_Lorraine
    As i said in an earlier post my mum is my inspiration.

    http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z459/Moonlight_Daughter/Weight loss progress/mumfullweightcopy.jpg

    I hope it works
  • aforange
    aforange Posts: 116 Member
    My cousin, Gayle.

    She's a kettlercise instructor and her body is just a-m-a-z-i-n-g, we all call her the, "Mighty Atom" because she's so relentless. She's in her mid thirties and teaches 4 to 5 classes a week around helping to look after my Grandma, her 11 year old son and her two dogs. I definitely aspire to be as fit and healthy with just as much of a rockin' bod.

    Love her to iddy biddy pieces!
  • TheBiggestLosee
    I am my own motivation. I got fed up with being so grossly overweight. I've always asked myself this question, though: why of these guys' (athletes, as I love sports) bodies would I like to resemble? Names like T.O., Ray Lewis, Derrick Fisher, and Tebow. All muscular, but not Hulkish.
  • tannyasawyer
    tannyasawyer Posts: 106 Member
    My unborn, nay, yet to be conceived child(ren). I want to be able to have fun with them, run around, play sports with them without having to stop because 'sorry, mummy is too big/unfit/in too much pain to do this'. I don't want this for me, and certainly do not want that for my children. Enough!
  • kykykenna
    kykykenna Posts: 656 Member
    My MFP friends........because they are awesome and inspire the *kitten* out of me every day. :smooched:
  • mmuzzatti
    mmuzzatti Posts: 706 Member
    My MFP friends........because they are awesome and inspire the *kitten* out of me every day. :smooched:

    You are!!!!!!!!!!
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    The old me. My profile pic is how I looked in 2007 when my husband was deployed. I had plenty of time and plenty of interest in exercise. I went hiking every weekend and went to the gym every weekday morning and out dancing at least once a week. Since he retired and had to have several surgeries, his mobility is limited and my activity level has gone WAY down. I slowly gained about 30 - 35 pounds. Now I'm working on getting back to the old me. It's amazing how few pictures I have of myself. I'm always the one holding the camera...but I found this one from August on the beach with my grandson.

  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    As i said in an earlier post my mum is my inspiration.

    http://i1190.photobucket.com/albums/z459/Moonlight_Daughter/Weight loss progress/mumfullweightcopy.jpg

    I hope it works

    Try copying the IMG code, paste it in place of the one above (you can edit your previous post). Change the capitalized IMG to lower case img (both at the beginning and the end) and save it. You should be all set.
  • ruurik
    ruurik Posts: 143 Member
    In the past, I'd listened to a lot of phoney info that never worked. I begged Esther Brady (who'd lost 60 pounds in 9 months) to help me, when she was studying in the UK. She got me started and I had immediate success. Happy days! :)
  • NotSoBigNeil
    NotSoBigNeil Posts: 215 Member
    Someone special on my MFP friends list that's lost a ton of weight, is a fantastic person that fills me with confidence and inspires me every damn day. :heart: