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Hello everybody!

I'm Monica, I just found this web site and I need to lose about 25 pounds. how does everybody get all your friends?


  • Hi Monica :). Welcome to the side. You can add friends and send friend requests. It is my experience that when you are active on the forums you can get to know people as well.

    I am sending you a friend request. :bigsmile:
  • Hello Monica, my name is Rodolfo and I'm new to the site too.

    Although I've just registered here, three years ago I started losing weight and have lost 17 pounds since then. My body fat percentage has also dropped from 22% to 14%. I started running and weight lifting (so my knees won't suffer). I have kept my weight for the last year, but I want to lose another 17 pounds, that's why I'm here :-)

    I'll friend request you, maybe we can help each other.

  • Hi Monica, I just started here too. Today would be the first day of my new lifestyle. I'm aiming to lose about 25-30 pounds.
    Feel free to add me :)

  • gingameister
    gingameister Posts: 125 Member
    Hi Monica,
    People will just send you add requests, or you can feel free to request others. It seems very informaol on here and I've got some supportive pals from just sending requests! 8-)
    I'll send you an add request and maybe I can help you out! 8-)
  • Hi Monica, Im Emma and from the UK, Im new this time round, Ive come back after 3 months of trying to do it alone but not succeeding! This site is great for support which is why I came back. Im always looking for supportive friends so feel free to add me if you would like to :o)
  • flamencobarbie
    flamencobarbie Posts: 53 Member
    Hello Monica, Welcome!!! I have been on here for 2 weeks.. its is really working out for me and keeping me accountable.. I will send a friend request to you.. I wish you luck in your journey... :smile: