Bad foods 'in moderation' IIFYM



  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    You are not "deprived" unless you want to be. Your body doesnt need that crap and if you abstain for a short time, you will lose the cravings for whatever it is you think you just have to have.

    But I get enjoyment out of the occasional "goodie," whether that goodie is chocolate, ice cream, wine or jello shots. If I'm otherwise eating healthy, why not?

    I think of it as entertainment for my tastebuds. :laugh: I don't want everything I watch on tv to be serious educational programming... sometimes I want to watch Wipeout. I don't only read Shakespeare... sometimes I want to read a comic book. I don't listen to only classical music... sometimes I want to listen to the Spice Girls. (Yeah, I said that.) I don't only want to do work-work and housework... sometimes I want to play video games or dance.

    Why should how I eat be any different? You know what they say about all work and no play...
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    To some people having a cookie will keep them from wanting the whole box. I am one of them people. I have had ice cream almost everyday since i started on MFP, it keeps me focused. this is forever and you have to be able to live like this for the rest of your life. If i have a skinny cow ice cream sandwich it keeps me from wanting a pint of Ben and Jerrys, Everything in moderation is a great principle

    I agree with this. I used to over restrict. I would do fine for like 2 weeks, then binge binge binge because I felt miserable. A little treat keeps me happy. Since fruit does not get rid of my sweet tooth :P

    I also eat icecream every day. Its something I love and I'm not willing to give it up. Skinny cows are great, the coconut milk vegan icecream sandwiches, Ben & Jerry's mini cups or the mini blizzard. And I've maintained for a long time now. I've never gone back to the freezer and had 2 or 3 skinny cows though I know some may be tempted to do that.

    I agree with this too. If I have an Alpen cereal bar or something with my lunch, I'm way less likely to binge on chocolate. I used to go through days of eating barely anything, then completely pig out because I was starving.
  • TheArmadillo
    TheArmadillo Posts: 299 Member
    it depends what you mean by moderation - if you mean live entirely off junk food as long as you're under your calories then that is stupid imo as you are not getting all the nutrients you mean. However if you mean 80% of the time you eat healthily and then 20% you don't then it is a good idea.

    I like socialising and for me and my friends/family food is a big part of that (as it is for many people), being on a restrictive diet for whatever reason (to lose weight, because of allergies or other health conditions) can be very isolating. Part of having a complete lifestyle change means learning to fit these things into a reasonable diet you can keep up for life. Cutting out everything tends to mean it will be unsustainable and you will end up failing. Learning how to cope with temptation, how to fit those foods in you do like by making them occassional and restricting the portion size is part of learning how to get and maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle.
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    You are not "deprived" unless you want to be. Your body doesnt need that crap and if you abstain for a short time, you will lose the cravings for whatever it is you think you just have to have.

    But I get enjoyment out of the occasional "goodie," whether that goodie is chocolate, ice cream, wine or jello shots. If I'm otherwise eating healthy, why not?

    I think of it as entertainment for my tastebuds. :laugh: I don't want everything I watch on tv to be serious educational programming... sometimes I want to watch Wipeout. I don't only read Shakespeare... sometimes I want to read a comic book. I don't listen to only classical music... sometimes I want to listen to the Spice Girls. (Yeah, I said that.) I don't only want to do work-work and housework... sometimes I want to play video games or dance.

    Why should how I eat be any different?

    eating "goodies" for that reason is different ( to me anyway) than eating because you don't want to feel "deprived"

    I am not demonizing any food or treat. We know what junk is. If you want it and know why you want it, then it's your choice. But this "eat in moderation" or else you are depriving yourself idea seems weak to me.
  • tami101
    tami101 Posts: 617 Member
    I can eat a small portion of a treat, but the key is when or where I am eating it. NEVER if front of the tv! NEVER while on the computer! I can binge on anything while eating in front of the tv or on my computer, but if I make myself a little snack and eat it at the table, I usually have no trouble controlling the portion size. Also, don't try to eat a treat when you're really hungry from not eating much that day. That is bad news. Eat something healthy first! I also buy the little fun size candy bars which help keep the sweet cravings at bay without too many calories.
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    My nutritionist/dietician said in group there is not bad foods. It's not the food that makes you fat it's how much you eat of it in abundance that does. It is up to you to decide whether you want that food or not. For example I was in the store grabbing a couple items for dinner when I ran across a candy bar that caught my attention. I said to myself as much as I like it, I don't want it right now and I walked on. That was extremely hard for me but it just takes mindful eating practices to get through this.

    This. Nobody said we need these foods...but if we enjoy them, who is to say we can't still enjoy them in reasonable amounts?
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    The 80/20 rule helps here. If you focus 80% of your food choices on good nutrition, you probably have room for 20% "fun" food without affecting your weight loss goals. You could track that daily or weekly.
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    its really individual thing this...
    i can see how for some its really hard and everyone has something sometimes that they just want to eat it all up... i think here im very lucky that my biggest weakness is carrot sticks... i do eat them untill i could vomit
    The more i watch what i eat the easier i find it not to eat all of something... im more aware of when iv had enough, and more aware of what im putting into my body. Its all about willpower, thinking, and savouring the flavours as you eat.
  • Martina_Who
    Martina_Who Posts: 172 Member
    I manage just fine!
    Most days I eat some treat size chocolates and I dont feel the need to stuff my mouth full with the whole bag!
    Some days I wont have any, some days I'll have a few.
    Its all about balance!
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    Everyone is different, what works for some won't work for all. Find what works for you and stick with it, change it up as needed but always it should be what works for you.
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    I am a food addict but I eat what I want in moderation. I just weigh up the pros and cons in my mind. The other day I had apple pie and icecream, usually I could eat half the pie no problem (I LOVE APPLE PIE!) but I only had 1/8 of the pie and 50 grams of ice cream and that satisfied my craving. I just think to myself 'is the guilt going to be worth finishing that?' the answer is usually no so I leave it for another day or the rest of the family. I think willpower has a lot to play and right now Annie 1 food 0.
  • alyssa92982
    alyssa92982 Posts: 1,093 Member
    Its probably more so based on that individual person. I know some friends that cannot eat that one cookie or potato chip without having control whereas I on the other hand usually allow myself one item in moderation and still do fine
  • SueGremlin
    SueGremlin Posts: 1,066 Member
    Do you want to be "on a diet" for the rest of your life? I sure don't. I am in the best shape of my life, and I got that way by listening to my body and what it wants. If I want chocolate, dammit, I will crave it until I get some. If I deprive myself, I will pine for it and will likely eat something else, or give up entirely.
    It's about keeping your endurance level workable. So YES!!!! Absolutely, as long as you meet your macros and maintain your calorie goals, eat whatever the heck you want!

    Listen to the people who have been successful at this--look at Lorina! That chick eats pizza and those weird fried southwestern egg roll things. Does she look like her body is suffering for it?
  • Iceman1800
    "You can have anything as long as it's in moderation"

    "You can eat anything as long as you meet your micronutrient and macronutrient goals"


    Imagine sitting in front of the TV watching your favorite program and you are allowed to have 12 pieces of potato chips and 3 cookies.... You eat the food and tell yourself it's enough, but you are sitting there with all the residue of the chips and cookies in your mouth and while looking back in the kitchen you see the box of cookies looking right back at you.

    Doing this is gonna have you hungry in 45 minutes...

    Sure there are people who can do this, but I never understood eating bad foods 'in moderation.' It's like telling an alcoholic to just have one drink at night and telling him he will be OK when in reality, most alcoholics won't be able to do it.
    that is completey false for people who follow IIFYM. They don't eat whatever they want, most eat clean at least 80%. People who follow it also use common sense
  • reddog101
    I agree. Thinking that I could never have a cookie again or a few bites of Chocolate Thunder from Downunder (Outback) on a special occasion - well, I'm not sure I'd be able to do this every day from now on.
    Pizza is one of my weaknesses. This morning I had half a slice from Papa John for breakfast (135 calories). I so look forward to small amounts of the things I've always loved. It works for me.
  • darrellsan3000
    darrellsan3000 Posts: 6 Member
    I have no self control, which is why I buy the individual portions of snacks. So instead of a box of cookies, I'd buy a pack of four or six. Instead of a six pack of soda, I only buy the one can when the spirit moves me. I don't even like to buy huge packages of "healthy" items like granola bars or almonds for fear I will overeat. So yes, it's more expensive but less tempting. I know if I want a snack I can't just go to the cupboard-I have to get in the car and drive to the store for it. And sometimes I'm too lazy to do that :).
    Also, it does help that I regularly add up my calories on MFP and I can see more clearly whether or not I have "room" for that three musketeers bars.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    BTW, what is IIFYM? I assumed it was a typo for 'if you know what I mean', but am guessing from the replies it's a type of diet!
  • nintento64
    It's the "If it fits your macros" diet... Says you can eat anything you like as long as you meet your micro and macronutrient needs. According to its followers they consume 80-90% whole foods and the rest 'dirty' foods like ice cream, pizza, donuts, etc
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    It's the "If it fits your macros" diet... Says you can eat anything you like as long as you meet your micro and macronutrient needs. According to its followers they consume 80-90% whole foods and the rest 'dirty' foods like ice cream, pizza, donuts, etc

    Ah okay, thanks. That diet wouldn't work for me - I need to eat mostly natural foods, because artificial additives have a bad effect on me. But I still occasionally eat salty snacks. :-)
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    "You can have anything as long as it's in moderation"

    "You can eat anything as long as you meet your micronutrient and macronutrient goals"


    Imagine sitting in front of the TV watching your favorite program and you are allowed to have 12 pieces of potato chips and 3 cookies.... You eat the food and tell yourself it's enough, but you are sitting there with all the residue of the chips and cookies in your mouth and while looking back in the kitchen you see the box of cookies looking right back at you.

    Doing this is gonna have you hungry in 45 minutes...

    Sure there are people who can do this, but I never understood eating bad foods 'in moderation.' It's like telling an alcoholic to just have one drink at night and telling him he will be OK when in reality, most alcoholics won't be able to do it.

    its called "self control". the eat whatever you want crowd has it.