Mom's.....Help me pls! My daughter hates Milk....



  • Smiling_Sara
    Smiling_Sara Posts: 203 Member
    Soy Milk? Almond Milk? Or are you stuck on the idea of cows milk?

    love soy milk for myself. I can't do cow milk. I feel like it curdles in my stomach.
  • sds76
    sds76 Posts: 215 Member
    forgive me if I'm repeating but I don't have time to read all the responses. Milk is not required for children. I have 5 kids and none of them were ever milk drinkers on a regular basis. At first I was worried but dr after dr(we moved a lot due to military) has told me that as long as they are getting the good fats, calcium, protein etc from other sources then it's fine. My kids had no problem getting their nutrients. The only thing that a dr might suggest is a Vit D supplement and/or multi-vitamin.

    Also at that age milk can be really hard on their stomach(not all kids but a lot do have trouble with it still at that age) so I wouldn't push it too much.

    Ask your dr and I'm sure he/she will tell you the foods you should ensure your child is getting to make up for it :)
  • MeMyCatsandI
    MeMyCatsandI Posts: 704 Member
    Soy Milk? Almond Milk? Or are you stuck on the idea of cows milk?
    The point of toddlers drinking milk is for the fat and calcium. There isn't enough fat in almond or soy milk, so I wouldn't bother with either of those. If she's eating enough other sources of fat and calcium, I probably wouldn't worry about it. But definitely check with her doctor just in case.

    ETA: BTW: I would definitely NOT make soy of any form a regular part of my toddler's diet without checking with my doctor.
  • GCLyds
    GCLyds Posts: 206 Member
    I wouldnt do soy, as at this point they arent too sure what those phyto estrogens do to growing bodies. I would do almond milk instead. However, if she is getting a couple servings of whole milk yogurt and cheese each day, I wouldnt worry about it. A dairy serving is a dairy serving. Besides cheese and yogurt are easier to digest because the bacteria and enzymes have broken the proteins down. My daughter loves her favourite fruity yogurt mixed with milk.
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    For me personally, straight cow's milk is gross (I can eat cheeses and yogurt). I have never liked it and I never will. Please don't try to force her to drink it. Try soy milk, almond milk, or rice milk. I raised 3 kids vegetarian without cow's milk for years and they are all healthy and strong. It truly is not necessary for a human being to drink cow's milk.
  • Laura_Suzie
    Laura_Suzie Posts: 1,288 Member
    I've always hated milk. My mom gave me goat's milk as a child, in part because I had health problems. It's supposed to be better for you than cow's milk anyway.
  • shadoewz
    I didn't make my kids drink from cow. If they wanted it, fine, and if not that was fine too. It's a lie when we're told we need any products from cows, but even if someone has that ingrained in them and must partake of mama-cow daily then yogurt and cheese are dairy - so no worries.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member

    Any advice with how you weaned your little one on some good ol' cows milk? I have read some people mixing some chocolate milk in it or powdered strawberry/chocolate mix... I really would prefer not to add tons of sugar in her diet at this age especially.

    Thanks in Advance!!! xoxo

    It's great that you're not sugar coating her foods. Has she tried milk with her cereal? I would ask your ped. what alternatives she would suggest. IMO, so long as she's eating other forms of dairy and getting her intake of calcium, she should be good to go. **however, most cheese and yogurt is low fat, so watch for that.

    **I would also suggest ignoring the snarky comments. :drinker: