I'm having a bad week :(

Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
I'm really starting to get mad at myself. I have been doing really really bad. I was doing great yesterday during the day but then I made dinner which I thought was going to be ok until I read the nutrional values of what I was cooking and it was not ok..it wasvery bad. And its TOM so I'm hungry all the time no matter what and I want greasy fried food and I have almost no will power this time of the month. I feel like I fell off the wagon and I'm never going to get back on. The last week has been horrible. Last night after dinner I was so irritated and still hungry that I just ate whatever I wanted. I deffinanlt gained that weight back. I would be surprised if I didnt. I need to get back into it. HELP!


  • Yep. This past weekend was my TOM and I bought myself a bag of M&Ms. I didn't care. I wanted it. I got it. Now I didn't eat the whole bag, but I bet you had about 2 -3 servings in one sitting. Bad bad me! I feel your pain. I want to munch all the time when I'm that way - on not on celery sticks. I want cheese curls, fries, whatever! I just want the "bad" stuff.

    Don't get mad at yourself. Remember, it's that TOM and you have hormones and water weight. Do your best to keep up the hard work. It will pay off in the end. If you have to munch, just do your best to make the right choices. If you fall off the wagon, just get back on. It's a rough road being a woman! LOL. But we can do it!!
  • cdickey
    cdickey Posts: 230
    Don't give up. We all have days, weeks and months like that. I say months because it took me almost 2 to get straightened back out. Just take today and start over. You'll be fine. Don't let a couple of bad days rule your life. We all have them and in the end you just have to forget it and move on. Good luck to you.
  • And my suggestion, don't weigh yourself until your TOM is over. :tongue:
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    You have to read the labels! For pasta, it is usually 2oz DRY pasta, as in uncooked. How many servings were in that box of pasta? Probably 7 or 8? Your food diary says you ate 8 servings... like, a whole box! I sincerely doubt you ate a whole box of pasta by yourself... your BF didn't have any?? :tongue:
  • snorker88
    snorker88 Posts: 179 Member
    Don't beat yourself up about it. I had a bad day yesterday, ate a whole bag of kettle chips, plus chocolate, plus some wine. I woke up feeling guilty, but then thought to myself, I can feel miserable about having lost my will power and blowing all the hard work I've put it, or I can get over it and start again today.

    Don't let it set you back, and don't give up!!
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    I'm the same way - but right now for me, it's not food, it's that I am on a RAMPAGE. Screaming at my husband (who sometimes deserves a "tsk tsk" but probably not the screaming), slamming doors, etc. My poor red doxie has hidden from me twice already TODAY. And now my husband is mad at me again (yes, while I type this :blushing: ) But remember, it all ends soon! And the best thing we can do is up our water, try to do sit ups, and not fret the lack of weight loss for the week (because next week, we'll probably be so. much. better.)

    I'm just so thankful that we have this group to vent a little and realize that we're not the only ones having a bad week.

    Good luck to us all!! And next week is going to ROCK :happy:
  • lt_mrcook
    lt_mrcook Posts: 389 Member
    “I am not judged by the number of times I fail, but by the number of times I succeed: and the number of times I succeed is in direct proportion to the number of times I fail and keep trying.” Tom Hopkins Don't allow a struggle to derail all the good work you have done so far (hell you're almost halfway to your goal!). You are not bad! You are not weak! You CAN succeed! You have not failed unless you fall and stay down! Today is a new day and tomorrow is another. So don't waste time on what happened yesterday, because you can't change that. Focus on today, tomorrow, and the future where YOU are in control. Now pick yourself up, dust yourself off and get back out there and Rock On! Good luck. God bless.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    You have to read the labels! For pasta, it is usually 2oz DRY pasta, as in uncooked. How many servings were in that box of pasta? Probably 7 or 8? Your food diary says you ate 8 servings... like, a whole box! I sincerely doubt you ate a whole box of pasta by yourself... your BF didn't have any?? :tongue:

    ok lol. the package said cooked serving size 2 oz. which i took a measuring cup out and filled it to the 2oz line..which is like the 1st line on the bottom i was like what the ef! So i did that and ate it..and was like yah ok that didnt do crap...so then I just filled it to the 1cup mark and did that. And 2oz was 210 calories which doesnt make sense. I made pasta last week and the serving size was 3/4ths cup for 210 calories which I stuck too but 2oz! it was redic! lol
  • mom216
    mom216 Posts: 287 Member
    Just sending lots of good thoughts your way. Sometimes it helps to just take it minute by minute. Do as much advanced meal
    planning as possible, forgive yourself & move forward. Also I try to keep a couple of products in the house that I "know" are healthy - canned vegies, fruit, sugar free jello etc.
  • nind
    nind Posts: 3
    I think you are confused between fluid ounces and dry ounces. Your measuring cup has marks for fluid ounces. The pasta is measured by weight in dry ounces (oz.), not volume in fluid ounces (fl. oz.). To measure the pasta, you should use a scale, not a cup.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    I think you are confused between fluid ounces and dry ounces. Your measuring cup has marks for fluid ounces. The pasta is measured by weight in dry ounces (oz.), not volume in fluid ounces (fl. oz.). To measure the pasta, you should use a scale, not a cup.

  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I think you are confused between fluid ounces and dry ounces. Your measuring cup has marks for fluid ounces. The pasta is measured by weight in dry ounces (oz.), not volume in fluid ounces (fl. oz.). To measure the pasta, you should use a scale, not a cup.


  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Just keep your head up and fight through it. If it was easy, nobody would be on here. I have the same weakness, not usually with eating, but when I go out with friends alot, I give into the beer....and you know you cant just drink one.
  • amberc1982
    amberc1982 Posts: 468 Member
    Just make today a better day. I seem to fall off the wagon around that time off month too. But what matters is getting back on.
  • Don't fight it or you'll get cranckier. Not worth it. Chewing celary and pop corn helps me. :flowerforyou: wink:
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