Back to resistant training on monday

It has been a break from resistant training for 3 months. I was burned out from all the winter activity. All I did was run for the summer months. Here I go, getting back on the horse. Wish me luck on my first couple of weeks as I am going to be sore. I have to say; it makes you feel alive when you have that small bit of soreness from working out. Woohoo


  • Jimmytreatingtons
    Jimmytreatingtons Posts: 128 Member
    Well come back!

    You're back on here which is your first step, I feel what your were saying I have done it myself but I have to say I have been pretty good for 40+ days. Logging really helps and the people on here are mostly nice! support for this I suppose is important for the blips you might run in to.

    Good luck on the horse and as they say no pain no gain!