Anybody out there taking Lexapro?

I have been on Lexapro for about 4 years. I want to get off of it because I worry about long term effects, plus if you forget to take it or run out the side effects are terrible, and I have a very low libido. I hate the fact that I am on this drug, but it has made my anxiety and depression much better. For the last couple months I have been weaning off of it to see if I trully need it and I am noticing big changes in my attitude and general well-being. My kids are driving me up the wall, cry easily, anxiety attacks, irritable, and stressed out. At this point, I may as well stay on them because they seem to stabilize me and make me feel good. I would like to hear your take on it.


  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    I've been on lexapro and welbutrin for about 3 years now and have the same issues. I've stopped taking most everything else. However, I've found that those two are what keep me from losing my mind. The lack of libido seems to change depending on the day, but it's an issue at times. However I find the benefits far out weigh the drawbacks.
  • 126siany
    126siany Posts: 1,386 Member
    I took it a few years ago and it was great for me. It kicks in much more quickly than most SSRIs (about 10 days for me) and I actually had very few side effects on it. I didn't have any trouble coming off it either, although I know it's possible.

    From what you are saying, it sounds as though you feel a benefit with your depression and anxiety but really are not satisfied with the side effect profile. And yes, Lexapro has a shorter half life than many SSRIs so some people really notice problems if they forget to take it on time.

    You might want to speak to your doctor about either altering your dose or changing to another SSRI. No antidepressant is 100% side effect free, but you might find that a different one gives you a wider margin in dosing schedule and side effects that you find easier to manage.
  • hilltopsarah
    Go to your Doctor and ask about switching to another anti anxiety such as prozac:smile:
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    anyone yawn ALL THE TIME? i find myself yawning non-stop..........
  • emaildianeb
    emaildianeb Posts: 55 Member
    I'm on effexor and yawn all the time - even while I'm working out. Also, I get the same withdrawl's as those of you on Lexipro. I forgot to take my pill on Saturday night and was miserable all day yesterday (heart racing and droping, zaps, etc.).

    My husband was on Lexipro and he had to get off of it because he was having really bad realistic dreams where he would wake up and have to make sure the dream wasn't real.

    I'd suggest asking the Dr. about trying something else.
  • erinfog
    erinfog Posts: 95 Member
    you have to wean yourself off it very very slowly. they sell a liquid version that you can get a prescription for so that you can go down 1mg at a time for a week or so (or just cut your pills). i finally got off the medication i was on after about 3 months of weaning and after all the withdrawal symptoms subsided (crying, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, brain zaps, etc.) i feel so much better and i'm glad i finally got off of it.

    even if you don't want to be off it completely, weaning down to a lower dose is always the better way to go.

    i hope you feel better :)
  • eatcleanNtraindirty
    I took Lexapro for four years, all through college. I've had depression issues since high school. I think it was the Acutane I took for 2 years. Anyway, I got off it for a couple months but then something happened and I jumped back on. Then finally I was in Europe and ran out of my prescription. It was TERRIBLE for the first week. I was living and working as a bar tour guide in Barcelona and I was out drinking every night. Well that week I stopped it all together I had REALLY bad anxiety attacks when I would wake up in the morning and I would basically freak out. I finally pushed through and am so happy I got off!

    So yeah when you come off of it, things might get worse for the first week or so but what you have to focus on is that it is ALL IN YOUR HEAD! Mind over matter! Just concentrate, look up deep breathing relaxation techniques and tell yourself that you are OK and that things are going to be better. I would constantly repeat in my head while taking deep breaths and pushing deep breaths out, "It is just in my head, I am ok. Everything is ok. There are people that love me and that I love. They want me to be ok. I AM OK!"
  • totallydevious
    totallydevious Posts: 309 Member
    I've been on Lexapro in the past and honestly, it didn't do much for me but before my suicide attempt, they had me on Zoloft which honestly, just made things a whole lot worse but after my suicide attempt while I was in the mental unit they then had me on a set of medicine that I think works perfectly. I take Effexor XR - antidepressant, Risperidone - antipsychotic and Lorazepam which is for my anxiety. Ever since I got on this set of medicine, I've been doing amazing. If you aren't happy on the medicine, you should talk to your doctor about changing you to something else, because something else may work better for you.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Have you spoken to your physician about finding a new med in place of Lexapro? Maybe that would help.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    My ex-husband took it for a month, and was wonderful to me. Then, he stopped taking and refused to get the prescription refilled.

    We're divorced now...

    Not saying that it was because he wouldn't take his meds... but he definitely acted like a human being when he took them.
  • jroselive2012
    I took Lexapro for a few years, and found it to be helpful. I know what you mean about weaning off and feeling the side affects. They are awful. Vertigo, nausea, headaches. The whole works. I feel for you while you are going through these. I tried Prozac for a few months, but felt completely neutered!! NO sex drive at all. It was not good for my partner and I! Then my doc put me on Welbutrin, and I feel 100% better, and finally have a normal sex drive back. Anyway, what you're going through is tough, but stay strong. Feel free to add me as your friend on here if you like. It gets better!
  • Just_One_Me
    Just_One_Me Posts: 66 Member
    I dont take Lexapro I take Wellbutrin. The dr said I'd be on it for the rest of my life. I tried to ween myself off of it and always fell horribly within time. I did it twice and boith of those times I regret I even tried . I m ok taking it daily the pros FAR outweigh the cons !
  • BarbellBlondieRuns
    For me, Zoloft worked great with very little to no side effects. I took it for around 6 months after the birth of my son when I had PPD. I weaned off once summer hit (I had him on December 3rd) and I think the time spent outside in the sunshine was helpful during the weaning process.

    I know everybody is different. Talk to your doc about trying something else. Best wishes!
  • michspor
    I'm on effexor and yawn all the time - even while I'm working out. Also, I get the same withdrawl's as those of you on Lexipro. I forgot to take my pill on Saturday night and was miserable all day yesterday (heart racing and droping, zaps, etc.).

    My husband was on Lexipro and he had to get off of it because he was having really bad realistic dreams where he would wake up and have to make sure the dream wasn't real.

    I'd suggest asking the Dr. about trying something else.

    ZAPS... that is the best way to describe it.... I got those constantly when I tried to get off of Lexapro. Like some thing would shoot thru me .... I am so glad to hear I am not alone....
  • michspor
    you have to wean yourself off it very very slowly. they sell a liquid version that you can get a prescription for so that you can go down 1mg at a time for a week or so (or just cut your pills). i finally got off the medication i was on after about 3 months of weaning and after all the withdrawal symptoms subsided (crying, anxiety, feeling overwhelmed, brain zaps, etc.) i feel so much better and i'm glad i finally got off of it.

    even if you don't want to be off it completely, weaning down to a lower dose is always the better way to go.

    i hope you feel better :)
    Thank you for replying and support!
  • djflowerz
    djflowerz Posts: 23 Member
    I took a low dose of it for a year. I've tried a couple other anti-depressants and this worked the best for me. The side effects I experienced were vivid dreams, restless leg syndrome, weight gain (9-10 lbs in a year), and urge to nap in the afternoon and early evening. Those all are things I was predisposed to before or had a tendency to do before, but the Lexapro made them worse. I stopped taking it a month ago due to the weight gain and not really needing it anymore. Plus current lack of health insurance. I weaned myself off for a couple weeks and did have some headaches, light-headedness, nausea, and scary dreams during this period. About 2 weeks after I stopped I started taking 5-HTP (1 pill before bedtime) and that is helping me, I think. I would suggest the 5-HTP as an alternative (I got it at Walgreens). I wish so badly that I could take Wellbutrin because it made me lose a lot of weight, but I've tried taking it a couple times, and unfortunately every time it made me very agitated and I got suicidal ideations. I've been off the Lexapro for a month now and I cannot lose any weight at all, even after I started using MyFitnessPal 2 weeks ago and increasing my exercise back in May. Things that I used in the past to healthily lose weight are not working now (I am 35, hopefully not menopausal yet!). I am so frustrated and disappointed with the weight gain. I really feel like the Lexapro has changed my metabolism, which is very upsetting. I hope my body can bounce back eventually. Otherwise, I would say that if you struggle with weight, be careful with Lexapro.