Are there any online fitness coaches for free?

neztet Posts: 21
edited September 20 in Fitness and Exercise
I really like being able to come on here and track my food, but I am slacking on the exercise part. I do water aerobics once a week for an hour. I try to exercise at work, we have a small gym, but that requires staying late and then driving an hour home. I know that is an excuse but I am trying. I am severely overweight and have lost 20 lbs so far with watching what I eat but I need exercise also. I really want to lose atleast 200 lbs. Lost 10% so far, :)!! Another thing, money is tight and a personal trainer is not an option. Also besides the minimal equipment at work I have nothing at home, and it is the middle of winter in Western New York.

I welcome any and all advice.

Thanks in advance


  • Congrats! I don't know about online coaches, but you can do videos/dvds at home.(inside) The library may even have them to try for free. I know there are also some free fitness things online. I often do them inside, cheap and easy to work into a schedule. Good luck.
  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    Just start moving, like walking..............and every time you go increase your distance. Don't worry about speed in the beginning, it will increase the more you do it. Swimming is a great exercise find a pool!!!

    HEY i'm from western new york orginally, where are u from?
  • poustotah
    poustotah Posts: 1,121 Member
    I've been working with a personal trainer for 3 months now and I LOVE it. If you'd like some routines let me know and I can put something together for you based on what I've learned from my PT. Please include your current weight and how much time you have to workout each day.
  • joann
    joann Posts: 624 Member
    dance...i love richard simmons tapes
  • missyjane
    missyjane Posts: 188 Member
    The library is a great source for DVDs. I highly recommend Leslie Sansone walk away the pounds.
  • geregam
    geregam Posts: 17 Member
    If you're really looking for a change, you may consider While you probably won't be able to do the Workout of the day as they prescribe (at least, not initially), there are scaled work outs for all different levels.

    To get to the scaled workouts, go to the "Start Here" menu and select Brand X scaled workouts. From there, select the Crossfit WOD forum. That will have the scaling of the workouts. If you have a question about a particular exercise, you can watch videos of the movements on the site (Exercise demos).

    My wife and I both started this, and it's really an excellent program. The workouts vary tremendously, but most are designed to take under 20 minutes. Add 10 minutes for warm up, and you have a quick 30 minute gym workout. Now, don't get me wrong, my wife and I also jump on the elliptical trainer or go for a run afterwards (some days), but those are things you can do outside of the gym.

    We have been following the scaled crossfit workouts, and we've seen excellent results.
  • neztet
    neztet Posts: 21
    Near Rochester
  • lgsprs
    lgsprs Posts: 43 Member
    I'd really like to know the exercises that the fitness coach gives you
  • neztet
    neztet Posts: 21
    I am currently 380lbs and have about 30 min a day.
  • I hope i'm not butting in here. IF you wasnt a free fitness coach try Sign up for the free team beachbody and you are assigned a coach. The site is similar to MFP and has message boards as well. The exercise video that BB offer are great and you can find them online, craigs list etc for pennies on the dollar.
  • AmmieSue
    AmmieSue Posts: 6 Member
    Good luck with whatever you find that really works for you. I have found that just moving my body and really working up a good sweat has helped me to shed some pounds! I myself have been trying to lose weight over the last year and it's been very slowly coming off.....As long as you make the effort not matter what you do, you'll do just great. There are TONS of free sources out there it's just finding them. Also, I've found small inexpensive things here and there that have really helped to start trying to tone too. Good Luck!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    I'd say the easiest and probably cheapest thing would be to just ask around on here and try to find an accountability buddy.
  • bosanka
    bosanka Posts: 336 Member
    From another web site forum - i knew a guy that was ove 450 lbs - and he was short on money- time and capability- I know he started walking regularly to his mail- which was some how a little further away from his house- it took him in the beginning about 15 min to get there and 15 to walk back home.. bu t i know he started walking first across his living room - up and down.. up and down.. it was a start.. than the mail - thing.. and than he was at the point where he would walk to the mail thing 10-15 times in his workout - and has lost about 150 lbs - my point is - you have to start somewhere - not compare yourself to anyone else- just start somewhere.

    Great workouts on the budget are dvd's - you can rent them from the library for free. but you can also buy them on amazon- or sometimes just look at ross stores or clearence racks at other stores you can get some for like 5 $ - target has now sale on workout dvd's - usually they have been on 15 $ per dvd' last week they had them all for 9 $- i think thats a great investment and won't heart you monewise like that much ..

    And dancing- just get your favorite music and let yourself go.. just enjoy it - i'm telling you if you do really dance- for about 20 minutes you will be soaking wet ! At my heaviest - where i habe been 290 - even than i enjoyed dancing- i know it was probably not " good looking " but in my head i was the ' skinny -long-legged- blonde" .. and didn't care what i looked like i just enjoyed it :) have some fun while at it.. try belly dancing moves :) they are great for shaping up.. that's probably like free.. go to You tube, enter your favorite songs and- start moving :)

    Good luck
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