Just Joined

Hey everyone, my name is Lisa, and I just joined because, well, I need to get on my grind and get healthy. Any advice from those of you who have had great success would be very much appreciated! Any recipes would be even more appreciated, seeing as how I can get really bored with the same things over and over and give up :-/ thank you all, in advance :)


  • tsolanto
    Hi, I am down 96 lbs so far.... Woooohooo... You asked for recipes, well, for starters eat as much raw food as you can. In other words, eat salads at least twice a day, add carrots, broccoli, shrooms, whatever, as long as it is raw. Concentrate on HIGH volume LOW calorie foods like most plant foods. Eat Quinoa, it is maybe the best of all the so called Super Foods. You can google it to find more info... Cut out most oils from your diet and eat as naturally as possibe with the least amount of processed foods. Hope that helps some..
  • LisaMarie_13
    Oh wow, 96? Congratulations! I need to lose like 60, so I'll take the raw advice. Do you use any dressing or just veggies? Any advice is helpful, trust me!