Hi - Very New To This

I just moved to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on Sept 2nd. I have been doing good tracking my food, but need to make sure I drink all my water and start exercising! Are there any southern tricks to losing weight/when it's so hot out I don't feel like walking/working out. I have a gym in my apts and it's open 24 hrs, so I'm gonna start taking advantage of it.

Plus, I could use more friends on here :)


  • NewNalu
    Hey and welcome! I'm new here too and plan on tracking and logging daily...mostly to make sure I'm eating right, and keeping up with my routine. I feel ya on the heat....I used to live in the tropics so it was hot all year, but we had the luxury of the ocean! These days I work out in front of a fan or at least with the windows wide open :)

    Good luck, and feel free to add me!
  • gingameister
    gingameister Posts: 125 Member
    Add sent! 8-)
  • BelindaDuvessa
    BelindaDuvessa Posts: 1,014 Member
    I live in Texas, so I understand where you're coming from in regards to the heat. The easiest solution is to workout indoors or in the coolest part of the day, early morning. With normal summertime temperatures over 100 for 2-3 months straight, the heat can be draining. Make sure you're staying hydrated. If you join a gym, you don't have to worry about the heat too much. They are generally air conditioned! But if you love the outdoors, I suggest working out before 8am. Once that sun starts to come up, it gets hot quickly.
  • jasmine_schaub
    thank u :) it has actually cooled down alot lately! add sent :)
  • jasmine_schaub
    thanks ging :)
  • jasmine_schaub
    thanks for the tips belinda :)
  • grandmamakathy
    Water exercise is a good one in the heat.
  • jasmine_schaub
    true, thanks for the tip! i think my problem is just like getting used to the time change, not going to bed til late - it aint too hot anymore here in okc lately, which has been nice. i just need to do the damn thang already!