Getting past the numbers?

How do you guys get and stay motivated? How do you get going when it seems like such a long and daunting task? I know I can't stay the way I am, but to see how far I have to go just kills me. Ideas to not get lost in the idea of the total goal?


  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    Set monthly goals - they are much easier to focus on. Goals like walking a certain number of miles, going to the gym a certain number of times, etc. Get tickers to update, so you can keep track. Join MFP challenge groups.
  • I tell this to somebody " 1 lb by week it's to long!" and she answer me " you don't get up a morning and became big" a laught a lot and when de motivivation go down ia just repeat it in my head ;) dont give up
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Numbers are silly. Think of Non Scale victories. That's what really matters. Most people think of the scale but no one can look at you and say " oh you weight ___lb's". Think of the little things and after a while you'll find yourself ontop of a mountain.
  • hpoddan
    hpoddan Posts: 16 Member
    I have a big reward, a tattoo that I would have never gotten in the spot I am, when I hit my goal weight and not a moment before. My friends are all in on it too and we are going to make a day of it..they are all keeping me motivated because they want their tattoos as well!!!
  • Krohnie
    Krohnie Posts: 286 Member
    Numbers are silly. Think of Non Scale victories. That's what really matters. Most people think of the scale but no one can look at you and say " oh you weight ___lb's". Think of the little things and after a while you'll find yourself ontop of a mountain.

    What type of little things? Any way to measure that or to ensure that I'm making progress? I want to be on that mountain, but the climb scares the heck out of me.....
  • I agree with the whole just taking it week by week thing.

    ALSO- don't give up if you have a bad day. I did WW since March and just switched to MFP this month. I've lost almost 30lbs so far and I can tell you that I was definitely not perfect every day. It was the overall downward trend that mattered. If you eat one cookie, it's not the end of the world. Be sure to continue to indulge in the foods you love, just don't overdo it. I give myself a day or two break of tracking every week- I still track on those days, just less stringently, and also is helping me learn to still lose weight without writing down every single thing.

    Don't give up!!!
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Numbers are silly. Think of Non Scale victories. That's what really matters. Most people think of the scale but no one can look at you and say " oh you weight ___lb's". Think of the little things and after a while you'll find yourself ontop of a mountain.

    What type of little things? Any way to measure that or to ensure that I'm making progress? I want to be on that mountain, but the climb scares the heck out of me.....

    You'll know when you look in the mirror. You can always do certain body area if you want. I'm talking about you go exercising and you have a little more stamina then before. You bend to pick something up and you found it to be a little easier. Basically the thinks you don't think of is what matters the most.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member
    This is for a lifetime - it took a long time to get to the bottom - it will take time to get to the top.
    Set mini goals - one month at a time -follow your inches and how your cloths fit, take pictures so you can see the changes that you miss from day to day. Follow how well you feel, how many flights of steps you can do - how many laps around the block etc.
    These will improve as you make your way toward you goal. They are all important non scale victories - so do not ignore them.
    One step at a time, one day at a time, one choice at a time - not every day will take you in the direction you want to go but as long as you keep trying and you have more good days than bad you will get there.
  • justjenn1977
    justjenn1977 Posts: 437 Member
    How do you guys get and stay motivated? How do you get going when it seems like such a long and daunting task? I know I can't stay the way I am, but to see how far I have to go just kills me. Ideas to not get lost in the idea of the total goal?

    I typed about a million words... but then I hit send... and my internet crapped and it deleted them all... and I am tired... so I am just going to copy and paste from another thread I posted on :) because I am tired :(

    the gist was I basically don't make weight goals because I fail... there are so many intrinsic factors that go into weight loss that it is neither linear nor is it 100% predictable... I can have the same intake and same calorie expenditure and one week loose 4# and the next have lost 1#... then I get all depressed because I failed therefore I AM a failure... and I binge... hard... and long... and gain... then get pissed... and binge more...

    so weight based goals don't work for me.... and the weight loss is occurring as a side effect to fitness based goals

    here goes quoting me:
    I make fitness goals... when I first started making goals they were a lot different...

    my goals are (now/first goal)
    1)decrease my mile time walking (15 min mile/25 min mile)
    2) get consistent on my biking mile (I *can* do a 5 min mile... but I avg 7 goal now 5 min was 10 min)
    3) do an unassisted chin up (I use the machine and I am down to 190# of assistance goal 0 was 260)
    4) gym 3 days a week EVERY WEEK (was never)
    5) 125 miles per month hiking/biking/walking (original goal was 1500 steps per day... now I average 15000... well right this min I average 400... but I have a broken foot so this minute doesn't count)

    I also make calorie goals... eating under my cals... (or within 100)...

    doing these two things has helped me change my body in tremendous ways: I started at 340... I have lost those measurements but I know my bust was 56inches...
    31 Dec 08 310#
    waist 53
    hips 64

    24 July 2012 -270#
    bust -40
    waist - 49.5
    hips - 58.5

    I need new measurements as those were almost 10# ago...

    (I must add that I am not currently working on any of these goals actively because I broke my foot two weeks ago... but as soon as I have clearance you bet your sweet bippy I will be out there sweating)
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    As others have suggested, focusing on "action goals" is the best way to go. Also, you might want to consider weighing in less frequently (once per month?) to help become less dependent upon what the scale says. Good luck--I know this has been a long struggle for you.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    One thing I do is to weigh in only every other week so I'm not focused on the scale so much. I'm at a weight now where I will be losing less per week because I am only 13 pounds from my goal.

    I just tried on my one size smaller pants and they fit - that felt better than a weight loss.
  • pandorakick
    pandorakick Posts: 901 Member
    For me it helps to plan workout schedules and stick to them. The eating healthier and with a slight deficit is just something I do "on the side", it's not the main focus for me. This month I'm doing's 30 day challenge, next month I think I'll have a go at the 30 Day Shred again. I also found some free workouts on youtube I'm very much looking forward to do when I can fit them in my schedule :-)
  • MrsBlobs
    MrsBlobs Posts: 310 Member
    I just posted on my wall that I'm actually measuring more than weighing, reason being that the scales haven't budged at all in three weeks, I'm pretty much the same as when I (re) started. BUT I am down 5 and a half inches all over. I measure my bust/waist/hips/thighs every week and I am losing. Just not weight. If it wasn't for that I would probably get despondent and I have a lot of poundage to shift!

    There are other ways to 'lose' rather than just weight. Like the day I can lose a particular pair of trousers I hate but wear because they fit - that'll be a great loss day :happy: The day I can read without being aware that my chin is on my chest, that'll be another awesome 'loss' day (Oh to lose that chin *dreams*).

    As my weight doesn't seem reflective of my progress, I use other ways to spur me on. Good luck.

    Make little, good choices, walk more and congratulate yourself on those, all else will follow when it's ready.
  • Great advice MrsBlobs!! Words to live by.