starting again!

hi just starting again need to lose around 50 pounds. that will get me to a normal b mi but would really like to loose more. i find dieting very difficult and hard to stick to as i don't really eat healthy (little veg and defiantly no fruit!). so any tips on shedding the weight would be greatly appreciated.


  • sharonlouiset
    sharonlouiset Posts: 85 Member
    Hi, I've got a really sweet tooth so find it hard to. What about things like stir fried vege with soy sauce? Also adding vege to a curry or sweet and sour where its not so noticeable. Things like mushrooms and peppers cut up small in a bolagnaise.
    Feel free to add me.
  • Gracestar12
    Gracestar12 Posts: 46 Member
    Me too! Just started tracking intake again this evening after a six month hiatus.

    Welcome back :)
  • Patcolombo
    Hi , Sounds like we are in the same place.i would love to loose 50 by spring. It is very difficult to stay focused I guess just like a acololic one meal one day at a time. This is just my second day and the first day went ok. Let's try to get a little more exercise today walking or something. Plan to make some soups this week for a easy low calorie quick fix too. Planning is such a big roll... Don't you think.
  • jamescl131
    Much smaller portions, use some basic small kitchen scales and measuring jugs and use this site to work out what you can have. If your daily allowance is 1400 for example, then decide how many you are going to have for each of the meals and then measure out what you are eating to make sure.

    For the first 2 weeks know that your body is going to complain and that you'll feel like you haven't eaten enough, but as your body adapts it'll feel full when you've eaten the small portions. If you are still hungry have a glass of water.

    Go out and find a bunch of things you do like that are low calorie, these can be used if you really need something. I know you said you don't like fruit, but try some of the more unusual things like kiwi or watermelon and see if you can find something you do like, or see if you can eat the fruit with greek yoghurt or something.

    As you get into it I find dieting becomes easier, you'll hear a lot of people say "I don't know how I ate that much before" and things like that. It's the adapting period that is the hardest.
  • whitesandra31
    whitesandra31 Posts: 1 Member
    HI everyone My name is Sandra I am back. What I am doing differently now is working with a nutrition and doing weight watchers. The nutrition is also workout partner. I have a goal that I need to meet and this time I plan to meet it. For anyone who is having problems with daily allowance and smaller portion I can tell you it is worth it when you see the end results. I am looking forward to end result.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    well, you need some more fruits and and vegetables in your diet.

    i used to be a big soda drinker. i'd need one at 3pm to help get me through the end of the work day. i read some where that an apple has the same amount of energy as a can of soda. so i switched my 3pm soda for an apple, and some almonds.
  • houseofcarpenter
    houseofcarpenter Posts: 127 Member
    trust me when i say i know exactly what you mean... i am 34 years old and had never eaten a veg in my life but this last 3 months i have tried sooo many new things that i just wouldn't have before. i started with adding the tiniest bit of salad to my sandwhichs and i mean teeny tiny then increased it over time i would still not be able to pop a cherry tomato in my mouth as a snack or anything but i can now have 2 slices in my sandwhich mixed with some lettace and spinich and cucumber and if i have it i might add a few slices of onion and grated carrot mixed with a large portioin of chicken and thats a filling lunch that will see me through a couple of hours.... over time ive managed to increase the portions so that i can eat a plate of salad for tea. my mum nearly fell of her perch when i order a salad with chicken breast and no dressing when we went to a pub recently as she has never seen me eat anything like that - i was always the one who would pick out every single piece of sweetcorn from my tuna mayo!! what im saying is that people have been telling me for years that i need to include these things in my diet if i'm ever going to be sucessful and i have tried and tried for years trying to do it without but i could never get enough food with the amount of calories i had as everything else is so calorie dense so i would go hungry and end up quitting. Try starting with picking 1 thing ( i.e i started with green beans) and having it 3-4 times in a week done with different things to get a true idea whether it's tolerble ( for me thats couliflower) weather you can eat it one way but not another ( for me thats peppers, hate them raw but love them roasted) or totaly gag-worthy (for me thats broccoli!!!) and sometimes you might find something that are just lush (roasted parsnips!!!) that you never realised.. theres no rush take it one week at a time and build up slowly, i'm still trying new things last week was courgettes - not overly keen but edible this week it will be cabbage wish me luck xx
  • secz
    secz Posts: 8 Member
    Hi, starting again tomorrow. It sounds like we have a lot in common. I want to lose about 30lbs . . .this time I am determined to take it little by little, pound by pound, and not overwhelm myself. Be encouraged! We can do this!!!!!!:smile:
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    you already know what you need to eat.. fruit and vege and protein
  • spricia
    spricia Posts: 29 Member
    Water is my best friend for eating less. Before every meal or snack I try to drink 8 ounces of water, and while I'm eating I sip another glass. I can really cut down on the amount of food I eat and even eliminate some snacks. I have cut down my portion sizes to begin with and just don't put that extra food on my plate to begin with.