Back pain/arthritis and working out?

Not too long ago I was diagnosed with 3 bulging discs, degenerative disc disease and arthritis in my lower back. In January I was diagnosed with scoliosis. I'm having a hard time staying motivated to work out and lose the weight I gained since having my child in 2009.

Do anyone have any tips on ab exercises and cardio that doesn't involve a lot of bending?

Also, those who suffer with similar ailments.... how do you stay motivated?


  • vmcconnellg
    I would highly recommend seeing if you can get a referral from your doc for physical therapy. They should be able to set up a safe program for you.

    Tai Chi for Arthritis is a good exercise program that will make you stronger and protect your joints over the long run, but may not target your abs in the way you want... still an excellent program. You can google Dr. Paul Lam's TCA program, and you can also look online to see if there are any instructors in your area. Here is an article from the Arthritis Foundation about Tai Chi: :smile:
  • skonly
    skonly Posts: 371
    Only your doctor can recommend something for you. He will probably suggest physical therapy. I've had two spinal surgeries. Don't try any new programs or routines unless they are approved by your doctor. You could hurt yourself and not all damage can be repaired. Even with my surgeries I still can't do everything, yet I can do some things others with the same surgeries can't.

    No one in a forum is qualified to give you suggestions. I have permanent damage from a physical therapist I saw, so don't assume anyone knows what they are talking about based on being a trainer, therapist or anything else. Please use your doctor for recommendations and good luck to you.
  • nicolegibbs83
    Well, I did ask the doctor that as soon as she told me the results. Physical Therapy will happen if the pain gets worse. She said stay away from repetitive bending and heavy lifting. Her quote "if it hurts even a little, don't do it."

    I started back at just walking. I know weight loss begins in the kitchen, but getting fit starts in the gym. I just don't want to over do it.

    Thank you! :)
  • melpop8
    melpop8 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I have bulging discs, degenerative disc disease and am waiting to see a surgeon next month to discuss my options. But until then im taking my medication and walking. I use the wii when im pain free, but i really focus on my calorie intake as i cannot rely on being pain free that much to exercise. It is hard to keep motivated but i get more motivated after every pound i lose. Stay within your limits, if you have pain, stop, dont exercise. Take advantage of good days and go for a walk. good luck :)