Gym newbie.

Hello all. I'm sure some of you are regulars at the gym. I plan to get a membership soon and don't know where to start once I get there. I would like some pointers! Any advice is welcome.. what is your routine like? Not so obvious etiquette I need to know? How do I figure out my own routine? When will I see RESULTS?! (Kidding on the last one...)

Help me calm my gym going nerves!


  • lyndall5311
    lyndall5311 Posts: 146 Member
    Congrats on joining a gym. When you do join, ask the gym to write you up a program, you will probably have to sit down with one of the staff members and go through what you want ie. weight loss, strength or both. They should be able to tailor a program to your specific needs. I usually get my gym to write me a new program every 6-8 weeks (saves me from getting bored with the same thing all the time).

    Another good thing, is if your gym offers classes, go to a few different ones, it helps you work out what you like and dont (for me, its spin class and boxing, Im too uncoordinated for aerobics).

    As for gym etiquette, all i can really think of is: turn your phone on silent, if you need to take a call, leave the gym.

    Good luck :smile:
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Is there any introductory help provided? I know when I joined the YMCA I got a 12-week program with a trainer to learn the machines, design a plan and discuss nutrition. Ask if they have any free training for members, even to learn the machines and weights.

    I don't get to the gym much lately since I've been doing more outside with the nicer weather but when I did I would do 30-45 minutes of cardio on some machine - test a few and see what you like - and then 20-30 minutes of weight machines. My gym gave me the routines each day but you can also check and it'll design a basic, customizable program for you.

    Are there classes offered? Try to attend one. It's how I found how much I enjoy yoga. Let the instructor know you're new and they'll often provide extra instruction in the class, not directed at you, but to provide tips. At least, a good instructor will.

    As far as etiquette, always wipe your machines down when you're done is probably one of the biggest pet peeves of gym-goers.

    Congrats on joining! Most of all, make sure you GO! :happy:
  • hesn92
    hesn92 Posts: 5,967 Member
    Congrats :) I love going to the gym and I don't think I will ever go without a gym membership again (unless I buy equipment for a home gym some day) My routine is pretty simple... I only do weights because I don't have a whole lot of time so I just don't do cardio. I workout different body parts on each of those days.
  • sarah1334
    sarah1334 Posts: 77 Member
    Don't stress! Everyone in that gym had a "first day" at some point :) Usually when you join, there is someone who works there who will show you where everything is, how to use the machines, etc. Don't be scared to ask questions... it's their job to answer them. Congrats on joining and taking the next step to being healthy... you'll be great!

    Oh, and etiquette-wise.... don't talk to anyone with headphones in :) But you probably could have figured that out on your own! Haha.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I think you're going to love it!
    I always get more excited when I see other people working out.

    As for gym rules?
    Wipe the things down after you use them.

    I think that's the only thing that is completely mandatory.
    I sat down on a mat to stretch the other night and it was covered in sweat.
    I was so grossed out that I stopped my workout ...went to my car, grabbed my spare work clothes and took a shower.

    Planet fitness gives you unlimited use of their fitness trainers to work on a program for you. :)
    This site has really help too! Without it I never would have known what a plank was.

    My plan: Everyday 25 minutes of cardio to warm up.
    Day 1: 40 minutes of ab training
    Day 2: 40 minutes of arm training
    Day 3: 40 minutes of leg training
    Day 4: BREAK.
    Everyday: 15 minute stretch cool down.

    The body training stuff is weight lifting. I love it.
  • pandatoot
    Don't stress! Everyone in that gym had a "first day" at some point :) Usually when you join, there is someone who works there who will show you where everything is, how to use the machines, etc. Don't be scared to ask questions... it's their job to answer them. Congrats on joining and taking the next step to being healthy... you'll be great!

    Oh, and etiquette-wise.... don't talk to anyone with headphones in :) But you probably could have figured that out on your own! Haha.
    I wish more people would follow the headphones rule!!!!!!
  • MelloCape
    MelloCape Posts: 8 Member
    Thank you all! :D Very good advice. Now to GO!!
  • stephalvarez5
    stephalvarez5 Posts: 154 Member
    ABSOLUTELY BUY A TRAINING SESSION WITH A PROFESSIONAL!! i know it sounds like a huge investment but trust me after you are shown basics like how to adjust the machines to your weight and height and which ones to use to target YOUR goals you walk in there more confident and won't feel or look scared or lost. i bought sessions with a personal trainer at 24hr fitness, 3 sessions cost me $120 and it was well worth it. $120 isn't a lot of money considering the work you'll be doing CORRECTLY to ultimately reach your goals. actually in my opinion no money is more important then my health. well worth it! my trainer was so informative and I'm actually going to purchase 10 more sessions. it just so happens we are both boxing enthusiasts so we paired up really well and i've learned a lot of great exercises for boxers. so if you're looking for a certain goal, mention it so they can pair you accordingly, don't be shy :) good luck! and congrats on getting a membership, you did it! you took the first step!
  • mogletdeluxe
    mogletdeluxe Posts: 623 Member
    Well done on a marvellous step :)

    First thing I would say is that gym staff don't bite - they're there to help you. They can assist with putting together a programme, should you wish, tailored to your wants and needs.

    Personally, I set about doing my own thing because I was far too shy (read: scared of being laughed at, irrational as that is). I was unfit to begin with, so just sent myself little targets. 10 minutes fast walk on the treadmill, 30 minutes on the crosstrainer, 10 minutes on the bike, then 10 minutes again on the treadmill to cool down. And I just took it from there, increasing times/intensity as I felt able.

    Another bit of advice - joining a class can be really helpful. It gives you structure, social opportunities, and allows you to try things you may very well enjoy and take up long-term.

    All the best :)
  • AliciaStaton
    AliciaStaton Posts: 328 Member
    Hi well done for taking the first steps. As per all the other comments the workers at the gym will do you a workout plan, if thats what you want. I have one but my friend who I go with just does her own thing but it what ever your needs are. My is to do a complete fat burn and getting fit at the same time.

    As for the gym rules:

    If you need your phone, please keep it on silent, and if you have to answer it, please leave the room
    wipe down the equipment, if it needs a wipe

    Again enjoy and all the best:smile:
  • SilverOnTheTree
    SilverOnTheTree Posts: 102 Member
    I need that jpeg of an enthusiastic guy yelling "TRY ALL THE THINGS!!!!!!"
    That's how I found the fun exercises, as well as the necessary ones. The cardio bikes/walkers/arc thingies have cool pre-set runs and blinking graphs. It's like playing a video game.

    My gym helpfully has signs posted saying what you ought to do:
    Please carry a towel for use on the machines. If you leave sweat on any equipment, use the disinfectant spray to clean it.

    They provide spray bottles and wipes near most of the machines. Occasionally I've been so dull-of-brain after a big run that I clean the machine NEXT to the one I was using...

    A lot of people at my gym rest between sets by sitting on the machine. Aargh! If you're feeling brave (or short of time) it's perfectly acceptable to ask them to swap-out with you between sets. They can rest on the darned floor, or on the next machine over, if they really have to sit down after three minutes of exercise.

    The instructors are usually great about explaining stuff. If you didn't grasp an exercise, or you want to check that you're holding the equipment properly, catch them at the end of class and ask.

    Have fun there! It will be rewarding :)