New to the site, not to trying weight loss.

Hi everyone!
I was told about this site by someone and decided to give it a try. I have been working out since fall 2009 on a consistant bases and have only lost 9 lbs so far. I joined a local "biggest Loser" competition and have only lost the last 5-6 since starting that. I seem to be at a standstill. I am wondering if maybe I am not eating enough....protein among other things. I workout hard 6 days a week. I have a long way to go, and the plateau is very discouraging!!! I know I am not the only one who has had this problem. Any ideas how to get past it?
Good luck to us all.


  • Butterbean6737
    Butterbean6737 Posts: 34 Member
    first of all welcome! second of all well done for not giving up! so let's get down to the hard part - if you are working out 6 times a week and not losing weight then it could be down to food intake. I'm not an expert nutritionist and I hope you will get some good advice on that from others on this site but for me it is simple maths - burn more calories than you need from intake and you will lose weight, maybe not every day or week but on average you will lose weight.

    I have found this site to be informative and helpful, in fact it's more than a site it's a community and we will be there to support you.
    This is the first time in a long time I have taken this seriously and this program works. I'm 30 days in and feel so much better about myself than i did at the start of January.

    Set goals and commit to them. Get back on the horse when you fall off. And don't give up! GOOD LUCK!!!
  • lafemme705
    lafemme705 Posts: 4 Member
    Don't be discouraged! Being inspired to work out consistently can sometimes be the hardest part and it sounds like you have that no problem there. If I had to hazard a guess as to what is causing you to plateau, it probably has to do with what you are eating (or not for that matter!). The good thing is, you are in the right place! My advice is to give yourself 2 weeks, JOURNAL RELIGIOUSLY for that time period and see what patterns emerge. Sometimes when you exercise hard and don't eat adequately your body protests by hanging onto all the fat it can! So be sure you eat plenty of lean protein and veggies with some whole grains thrown in. Stay away from alot of processed stuff if you can. Low fat is not always great for you either. I bet you will find that after 2 weeks some patterns will emerge to clue you in to the plateau. Oh and try wearing a heart rate monitor if you don't already when you work out. It is a good way to make sure you are getting the proper burn for your effort. Good luck and happy losing!