I need energy!!!!! please help!

maygan05 Posts: 3
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello All,

I was hoping someone could help me find more food items that would increase my energy. I find that most days I am really tired and crash very early. Now, I have an odd case. I cannot have caffeinated products, so that leaves out all energy drinks. Any suggestions would be helpful. Maybe I just do not have a well balanced diet.

Thanks for your help in advance,



  • Mellie13
    Mellie13 Posts: 424
    The best thing I have ever done for energy is to take a Super B Complex vitamin every day in the morning. It really helps!! Now, it will turn your pee bright yellow, but that is harmless. Working out regularly also helps me.
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    You need to eat a protein with every meal. 3 to 5 oz of protein, a fast carb (potato, rice, etc) and a slow carb (veggies). Also increase the protein in your snacks. I really like the luna bars before I go to the gym. Or if you have some leftover chicken, weigh out 3 to 5 oz and just eat a piece of chicken. You should be eating something, snack or breakfast within an hour of waking up. this breaks the fast from sleeping and then eating every 2 to 3 hours to keep your metabolism burning the fat. Hope this helps.
  • jilk
    jilk Posts: 3
    I take 100 mg of Co Q10. It was recommneded for people on Vytorin or other statins, since the statin blocker blocks absorbtion of the Q10 enzyme too.

    Take it with breakfast or other meal that has some fat in it. It dissolves in oil, not water. The after slow down just does not occur.
  • I prefer the natural way of gaining enery by increasing carbs (wheat, veggies) and protein(chicken, egg, turkey). Also eating a breakfast in the morning high protein and/or carbs will really change your day! And you may need to drink more water, your body could be trying to shut down if mainly drink diet soda instead of water based beverages.
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