
Does anyone know how to be patient during your weight loss?
I just want it to happen NOW!! lol
Thing is i think about it all the time which makes the day slower and harder....
Horrible and dumb question but i figured someone might know how to put a focus somewhere else or something :S


  • Hemis_mom
    Hemis_mom Posts: 193 Member
    That is a good question--I feel the same way I have been working out for 1 month have lost inches but still weigh over 200 pounds with no weight loss I hope other people will give us some suggestions
  • Mangoaddict
    Mangoaddict Posts: 1,236 Member
    Jazzy - the best way to look at it is that it took us years to get this big, so be patient in order to lose that weight. If you look at it that way, things start to make sense. Otherwise, turn to things like yoga and meditation, which both help with the refocus part.
  • araines92
    I have found that focusing on the here and now helps. I have been on my weight loss journey for almost a year now and it has really slowed down over the past few months. I take one day at a time, eat what I am supposed to eat, do my exercise and know in the end the results will come. It may not be as quick as I would like, but it is healthy and it is a lifestyle change that I can stick with. Good luck with your journeys and stick with it, the reward is greater than the pain of waiting. : )
  • bekarutt
    bekarutt Posts: 20 Member
    I was kinda thinking today about the same thing. Little different scenario though. I was wishing it would only take a week to lose my 20 lbs. but then I realized since I am just Now starting my weight loss journey I probably wouldnt have started working out any sooner, even if it did only take a week!

    Patience is something we can all use!! Just keep thinking about the positives!!!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    the only thing that helps me is to focus on lifestyle change...not a DIET! This is lifelong change to be healthier! But when I am obsessed about it....a good hard kick in the butt workout seems to help! LOL! I set a long term goal for my total loss, but I also set short term goals (mini goals) to make me feel like I am accomplishing something.

    I also have been at this 1 month and had only lost 1 lb until today, the scale moved another 2. so 3 lbs in 4 wks! Not what I was hoping for, but slow and steady wins the race.....right!!

    Good luck!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    I just blogged about this today. In summary: Enjoy your journey and realize that nothing is going to magically change when you reach your destination. Sure, you'll be where you want to be, but you still have to eat healthy and exercise to maintain a healthy weight.
  • AnneElise
    AnneElise Posts: 4,221 Member
    Maybe you can make small goals with rewards for each. That way you feel like you are accomplishing something more often. Like each five or ten lbs (idk your goal) give yourself something... a new pair of jeans, a manicure. That way you are looking at the her and now rather than way down the road.
  • _Landon_
    _Landon_ Posts: 8 Member
    In between exercise and meals I sometimes do a little research. Learn about every aspect of a healthy lifestyle. We have different goals, but being healthy is being healthy. Study exercise, nutrition, etc. I know it sounds boring, but you'll learn new workouts and meals and look forward to trying them out. Works for me.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    I find that the time is flying in some ways and dragging in others. It’s flying because I’m staying focused. When I really want to go buckwild and eat a bunch of junk food, or if I’m feeling discouraged, or if I need to re-psych myself up, I find a way to turn my brain back to my goal.

    In my case, I’m a really organized, detail-oriented person. So I might buy a day-planner and make a workout plan for the month, search for healthy recipes online, do up a meal-plan for the week, etc. I’ve sat down for hours before and made spreadsheets to track my weight and inches lost (and with formulas to calculate my TDEE, etc). I’ll flip through fitness magazines looking for new workouts, go for a walk, etc. Basically keep myself busy.

    Before I started trying to lose weight and get healthy, I was obsessed with food. It’s all I thought about. Looking back I realized that it’s because I had no life and food was the best part of my day. I was depressed, lonely, spent all day cleaning and caring for kids and working. And the only thing I had to look forward to was my next meal…. It was really sad. In order to stop eating all the crap I really had to change my way of thinking. I had to find something in my life to replace food as my source of joy. I decided that if I couldn’t think about food I’d focus on myself. I would MAKE myself a priority. Now that I’m getting thinner and healthier, I’m happier. Being happier means I don’t ‘need’ the food anymore, which makes it easier. Looking back, I can’t believe it’s been a little over two months already since I joined MFP. Really, it DOES get easier and once you’re in your groove, time flies.
  • shawley1
    Picture this - the majority of babies take around NINE months to grow from nothing to 7 or 8 lbs. Imagine how much you can lose in NINE months?!?! Way more than 7 or 8 lbs!!! I was losing weight last year and someone I worked with was pregnant. Even though I was on a journey as well, her time seemed to FLY to me. I feel like she was ready to deliver in no time :) It won't fall off over night and it is just as hard as dieting; to train ourselves to get satisfaction out of long term goals rather than strive for immediate gratification. Everyday should be it's own goal. If you did everything in your power on this exact day to stick to your guns, than you can promise yourself that your long term goal WILL be met. Keep your eye on the daily prize!!!
  • JazzyMarie
    JazzyMarie Posts: 39 Member
    Thank you for the replies, i have been inspired by your advice.
    The main aim for losing weight is to build self esteem (looks wise) however i shouldnt think of that as much but think what good i am doing to my body!
    I'm going to try not to obsess over it but look at it as a new lifestyle :)
    I suppose in the months to come the results will feel deserved and rewarding!!
    Thank you again,
    and good luck on your weight loss!
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    I find that the time is flying in some ways and dragging in others. It’s flying because I’m staying focused. When I really want to go buckwild and eat a bunch of junk food, or if I’m feeling discouraged, or if I need to re-psych myself up, I find a way to turn my brain back to my goal.

    In my case, I’m a really organized, detail-oriented person. So I might buy a day-planner and make a workout plan for the month, search for healthy recipes online, do up a meal-plan for the week, etc. I’ve sat down for hours before and made spreadsheets to track my weight and inches lost (and with formulas to calculate my TDEE, etc). I’ll flip through fitness magazines looking for new workouts, go for a walk, etc. Basically keep myself busy.

    Before I started trying to lose weight and get healthy, I was obsessed with food. It’s all I thought about. Looking back I realized that it’s because I had no life and food was the best part of my day. I was depressed, lonely, spent all day cleaning and caring for kids and working. And the only thing I had to look forward to was my next meal…. It was really sad. In order to stop eating all the crap I really had to change my way of thinking. I had to find something in my life to replace food as my source of joy. I decided that if I couldn’t think about food I’d focus on myself. I would MAKE myself a priority. Now that I’m getting thinner and healthier, I’m happier. Being happier means I don’t ‘need’ the food anymore, which makes it easier. Looking back, I can’t believe it’s been a little over two months already since I joined MFP. Really, it DOES get easier and once you’re in your groove, time flies.

    WOW...that is me too! I am the same way and try to do those same is the only thing that will occupy my mind and keep myself focused on the big picture! I have OCD somewhat, and I used to focus on FOOD instead of focusing on ME!
    Thanks for sharing!