Early morning motivation

lradka Posts: 5
edited September 20 in Motivation and Support
So I am having a little bit of a dilema. I started MFP a little less than a month ago. I lost 10lbs in the first 2 weeks and I finally found something that was easy to keep up with and was actually working! Unfortunately, I am having a tough time getting my work outs in and have only lost 1lb in the past 2 weeks. I have to be to work by 8AM and then immediattly following I have school until 10PM during the week. I have been setting my alarm to get up early to try and work out before hand but I am so exhausted I just can't drag myself out of bed. 10 is too late for me to work out because I would never fall asleep after. Should I just do twice my normal work outs on Saturdays and Sundays? 2 days a week is better than nothing but it still just doesn't seem like enough and I am limited on time on the weekends. Any ideas on how to stop hitting the snooze and get myself up for an early morning work out???


  • Ladybug610
    Ladybug610 Posts: 24 Member
    my alarm went of at quarter to five this am (i too have to be to work at 8) and when i sat up I thought "what if i just take today off"? And then I stopped and thought about how much I liked having those extra "edible calories" yesterday and changed into my gym clothes.
    I try to look at my burned calories as my extras, so that when I start to feel that nagging feeling of "i don't wanna" I think about food.
    probably the opposite of what we're trying to accomplish, but I was darn happy to have those edible calories last night!!!

    Good Luck with the motivation. Once you start doing it, it will come natural, and you will feel much more accomplished by 8. Especially knowing everyone else at work hasn't done near;y as much as you have yet :tongue:
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    I'm sorry I can offer no advice in this category. I have tried and tried to make myself get up and work out in the mornings because I feel so much better when I do (I managed to succeed a few times). But just this morning, I had my alarm set for 5:00, and when it went off (across the room because that's the only way I'll get up AT ALL), I just got up and reset it for 5:30, leaving no time for exercise. I just am not a morning person (even though I really would like to be). Is there any way you could maybe walk on your break at work? That's what I do. We have a skywalk that connects our hospital to a doctor's building and 6 round trips is a mile. I can do 1 1/2 miles in 20 minutes, so even if I don't get my exercise video done that evening, at least I've done something, and that's better than nothing at all. Good luck, and hang in there!! :smile:
  • I think the hardest thing about working out is getting there. Once you're there, you feel sooooo much better. Try to start off slow - wake up two days out of the week early. The next week try 3 - if you find yourself dragging or being too tired think back to the days you actually got up and worked out. You feel so much better, motivated and alert. That feeling should help get you out. Plus laying your gym clothes out the night before helps.
    SASSYJAX Posts: 103 Member
    Exercise gives you energy its true, the trouble I find with early morning treadmilling is my face is bright red for hours after so I cant put my make up on! Lovely!
    I have to get up at 5.45am but i know after my 30mins treadmill i can do what i like the rest of the day and any other walking and movement is extra and i dont have to worry about doing it speedily or moving my arms etc...
    you are doing great, it is tricky trying to find a routine to suit you, I have to get up so early because my ex husband drops the kids round at 7.30 and i dont want him to see me not dressed and 'in control'...silly I know!
    Just think about the good virtuous feeling you get when you have done your workout...then you can have weekends off or just have a nice walk with the family instead...think of it as part of your working routine, you will soon feel the benefit!
    I use my mobile under my pillow so i dont wake my hubby! ANd i keep my clothes in the bathroom so i can jump into them...I put them on the radiator too!
    anyway, keep it up, feeling guilty wont help, think of the positive feeling you get instead!
    GO GIRL!
  • totally agree, thats why i like myfitnesspal so much, it makes me WANT to work out because i want those extra calories! :)
  • I am guessing this schedule you are keeping is not going to last forever. In the meantime, why don't you try to sneak in your exercise. Take a 15 minute walk at lunch, use the stairs instead of the elevator, park at the opposite end of the parking lot when you go to the store. It's not the same as doing your morning workout, but it is extra movement that can fit into an over-packed schedule.
  • I have a very similar schedule. It is SO hard to get up at 5 a.m. everyday. Honestly, there is nothing that makes me want to get up... but I find it easier to get up if I have my gym clothes already set up very close to my bed with everything I will need. I walk to the gym, so I have my keys, ipod, cell phone and clothes all ready to go, so it takes as little effort as possible. Once I'm there, I'm OK.
  • Thanks everyone for the tips and encouragment! I am going to try again for 5:30 tomorrow...I'm going to try the alarm clock on the other side of my room on top of my gym clothes trick!
  • aerobicgirl
    aerobicgirl Posts: 354 Member
  • That is a good point I am going up and down a lot of stairs and always have to park far away at school. I have been doing really well sticking to my calories but it's just not enough. I am going to stop WORRYING about it so much and do what I can do while still keeping myself motivated!
  • _Landon_
    _Landon_ Posts: 8 Member
    I agree with one of the above posts. I get everything ready the night before and put my alarm clock (phone) on the dresser across the room. I also wash my face in the bathroom with all the lights on and drink a quick glass of ice water. Some people even put the alarm in an adjacent bathroom or hallway. I have a 3 year old, so this would be a disaster!
  • Ladybug610
    Ladybug610 Posts: 24 Member
    let us know how you do!!!
  • Well I did it! (sort of) It took me a little longer than i expected to get myself moving after I got up. I didn't have time to run like I wanted to so I did a 10 minute thigh/buns work out on demand. With a little tweeking and practice I should be able to do the shred a few mornings a week seeing that it's only 20 min!
  • Ladybug610
    Ladybug610 Posts: 24 Member
    GREAT JOB!!!!!!!!!!! I'm happy for you!!! And you will see the difference when you log it today!!!! Congrats!!! Keep it up!!!! Don't get upset you couldn't run, YOU GOT UP AND MOVED!!!! that's what counts!!!!! and you'll feel that energy all morning, nd tonight, when you FINALLY settle down from your day, their will be no guilt. And you WILL do it again tomorrow!!!

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