Let the new life begin!

Hi everyone!

I just recently became a part of this community, and i'm ready to lose weight! I start my long journey today, so wish me luck! And good luck to all of y'all as you too, travel on your own journey. Let's get started!



  • adge25
    Alright hayden let's go! you got this, it is a long process but you can do it!
  • adge25
    People feel free to encourage this young lady, she definitley can use the help!
  • hleva
    It is great you are trying to lose weight at your young age. I am 68 and I want to lose these last 30lbs, that I have been trying to lose forever!
  • Sblair18
    I have faith in you that you can lose that silly weight! The idea is: determination and concentration! Good luck!