15 lbs my first month!

Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
edited September 20 in Success Stories
I learned A LOT this month. I have done this before, about a year ago but didn't stick with it for very long at a time. I started again on January 1st, 2010.

My first week I didn't workout at all, just watched what I was eating. I was shocked by my sodium intake, that took a few weeks to get down to the max. I was eating about 100-200 calories UNDER where I was supposed to be at. I lost 6.5 lbs.

My second week I added WATP for 5 days, just 15 mins. each day. Again I kept eating under my calories by 100-250. By the end of the 2nd week I was hungry, tired, and sick of it. I had my first binge that Saturday when I weighed in and found out I lost NOTHING. It took my body 2 weeks to figure out I wasn't eating enough and it was going into starvation mode.

After that I did what I SHOULD have done the first time. PAYED ATTENTION. I reassessed what I was eating, started eating all of my calories and all of my exercise calories. If I am under now, it isn't by more than 50 calories or less, that is only when I eyeballed something and wasn't exactly sure on the portion.

Then I lost somewhere around 4 lbs the 3rd week, and 3 lbs the 4th week. Between Friday and today (monday) I lost another lb, putting me at 15 lbs for January.

I definitely encourage everyone to EAT. My body shut down on me when I wasn't eating enough, and that entire 2nd week of suffering was useless.


  • Mamakatspokane
    Mamakatspokane Posts: 3,098 Member
    GRREAT JOB!!!!:flowerforyou:
  • teresa011
    teresa011 Posts: 101 Member
    Ok, great job, and I seriously think that, that is what my problem is...........i'm working out, and doing aerobics, but I keep under my goal calorie intake sometimes i'm 500 calories under what I should eat.......and I've been wondering why the weight isn't going anywhere, After reading your post, I figure that my body has also gone into starvation mode, and I will try to consume the amount of calories i'm suppose to and try to stay under by only 50 or so..............thanks for the great info!! Keep up the good work!!
  • jenng38
    jenng38 Posts: 105
    That is fantastic!! I just finished my 1st week and I have lost 3.4 which I am very happy about and everyday I am finishing under the calorie goal but I am not trying to. So I am worried that the same thing might happen to me...but 15 lbs in a month!!! that is awesome. good job figuring out what was going on :wink:
  • What a sucessful month! Reading that was encouraging and motivational. Thanks for sharing and good luck with the rest of your journey!
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Wahoo! Great job! I too had a successful first month, 16 lbs gone! I believe my success has come from drinking water mindlessly... I actually crave it now!.... and not telling myself "I can't have that". I basically eat what I want, but stay in my calorie goals. Of course I don't eat a bunch of junk... but I have allowed myself McDonald's a couple times. I have also been hitting the gym 3-4 times a week, I usually do not eat back the calories I burn.
  • LGWhritenour
    LGWhritenour Posts: 11 Member
    Awesome Job!!!:smile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    What a great inspiration...keep it up!:bigsmile:
  • SammiAnne11
    SammiAnne11 Posts: 158 Member
    Great job! I agree, you have to eat to give your body enough energy to lose the weight....I am glad you figured it out!:flowerforyou:
  • stacymac
    stacymac Posts: 6 Member
    Great job! Eating enough is very important! I've learned that the hard way myself.
  • thanks for that info, i never knew that, great job! keep it up!
  • Amazing job Jen! And thanks for this post, it is exactly what I needed to hear. I have only just begun here and posts like yours are very inspiring. I know I have an issue with being in starvation mode, so your experience, as well as everyone else who piped in in regards to that, is hugely appreciated. I have to eat! What a concept. Congrats again, and thanks!
  • cvtga
    cvtga Posts: 118
    Congrats! I too shared in a successful January. I began dieting (low carb watching my calories) on Jan 2nd. Began working out on Jan 4th and do so 5 days a week. 16lbs gone, I'm almost half way to my goal. I realize the weight over this next month won't fly off as it did these past few weeks, but really looking forward to continued success.
  • WOW! GREAT JOB! Good for you for listening to your body! It's thanking you!
  • Jennwith2ns
    Jennwith2ns Posts: 296 Member
    Thanks everyone!!!

    Teresa, definitely eat all of your calories! You are working your butt off and are probably hungry, and nothing is happening. Try eating ALL of your calories for a couple weeks and see what happens :)
  • xbecbecx
    xbecbecx Posts: 2 Member
    Wow! That's amazing! Congratulations!
    I only really started yesterday, but already I am struggling to meet my calorie intake. I was about 200 below yesterday, and I'm on course for 100 below today - so after reading your post I popped out to get a small 100 calorie snack, just to give me a bit of a boost! I hope my first month is as successful as yours!
  • Good job on all the success on this post!! Really gets me motivated and proves it IS possible!!!!
  • Hels40
    Hels40 Posts: 25
    Congratulations to you and everyone on such great weight losses.
    Jen,i totally agree with you how important it is to eat all your calories. The only exercise i have been doing is my normal dog walking each day and have lost 16lbs in 4 weeks,started mine 4th January.
    Keep up the great work everyone and enjoy all them calories :flowerforyou:
  • Great Job!!!!! Keep up the good work!
    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • thanks so much after reading all the post, i did a little research on this starvation mode, if you go under 1000 calories a day, your body goes into starvation mode and starts storing the fat,
  • BombolinaM
    BombolinaM Posts: 561 Member
    WOW! Congrats and thanks for the information. Keep it up :flowerforyou:
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