Need Some New Motivational Friends!

I’ve been using this site since February and slowly but surely have lost 12 of the 18 pounds I would like to lose. I’ve had some great friends along the way, but lately I’ve noticed some of my friends have fallen off the MFP wagon so to speak so I need some new friends that will help motivate my butt off the couch.
A little about me, I’m a 26 professional woman and have a son. I usually work about 4-5 times a week. Although these past two weeks I’ve only made it to the gym once or twice a week since school just started and my schedule was hectic. My eating habits need work, I completely realize this. I eat chick fila more than I’d like to admit and some times I go over my 1200 net cals a day (thanks to that dang chick fila sauce…140 calories per container?!) But I’d like to give my motivation a kick in the butt and would love some new friends to help!
Add me :flowerforyou:


    LALOCHA34 Posts: 340 Member
    You can do this. I am with you! You have done great. You only have 6 pounds to go. They always say the last 5-10 are the hardest. Stick with it and put down the CFA!
  • TMusumeche
    TMusumeche Posts: 180 Member
    You got this! I'm trying to lose my last 8-10 and its hard. We just gotta stay motivated! Can't lose focus now....we've come too far!
  • the way to lose weight is to lose it slowly then you will not put it back on you have to do it for life ,I have not had chocolate , sweets or cake since June and I go to Aquarobics twice a week and try to go to the gym before i go to a class I have nearly lost my 1st stone I Have also give up Alcohol I know boring but who needs it .:smile: