Hi, everyone I'm new and am having trouble getting all of my calories in. I'm sticking to "clean" eating. I've been doing this now for 5 days, and each day although not using all of my calories, I'm going over my protein allowance. What am I doing wrong?


  • maisouaxiong
    since you are tracking your food, perhaps you should eliminate some of the items which are high in protein.
  • d2rala
    d2rala Posts: 54
    What I do is review what I am eating, then I look to what I need to add. I'm always short on protein, so I make an effort to boost that food group.

    The other thing that you may need to look at is serving sizes when you are adding your calories. If the serving size stated is 1/2 of a cup, are you really eating that amount? I had a nutrition class once, and several classmates were surprised to learn that the cookies they had for dessert (2 cookies in a pack) was 2 servings and they needed to double the calories listed on the package.

    Good luck.
  • cdavis1126
    cdavis1126 Posts: 301 Member
    Try logging in your food a day in advance. I schedule out what I'm eating the next day and then looking at my numbers, can determine if I'm over or under something and then I make the correct adjustments. This way I know BEFORE not AFTER when it's too late.
  • Foofie
    Thanks everyone for your input - I really appreciate it.