Afraid to weigh in

Been getting serious about weight loss and healthier life styles for a couple months now. Before my OCD on the MFP site, I lost almost 8 pounds in 4 weeks. Since being on MFP and reading the many stories and issues from you I have NOT wanted to get on the scale for fear of not seeing the progress that all my effort SHOULD yield.

I do my cardio 3 or 4 sometimes 5 times a week for 30 min. I log and watch what I eat, trying to stay away from processed foods, and when you click the "Finished entry for the day" and you see what you should weigh in 5 weeks, I'm pleasantly surprised at what the program thinks of my progress.

My wife is a chronic scale watcher... I think it leads to more disappointment than encouragement, but I would like to see my little pointer move on the weight loss scale...

I know many on here won't pass a scale to see if they have + or - any weight, then others are more satisfied with the "feel" of their efforts. I'm the guy in the middle that wants to see progress but doesn't want the disappointment if no loss is realized.


  • laarae
    laarae Posts: 332 Member
    I sometimes feel the same way-do not want to step on the scale because of what I want to see and the reality of what I do see. If you are counting calories and exercising regularly and have been-maybe you are building muscle and getting more toned, how are your clothes fitting? This is really what matters rather than watching the needle move down. It's a long road we have chosen for ourselves-I thought I was going to see results overnight-but then reality hit me with "it has taken me years to get to this size-I think it will take a few years to get to a smaller (but smarter) me. Keep the faith:smile:
  • chinatbag
    chinatbag Posts: 249 Member
    So you know, in medical reviews regarding weight loss, it is show than participants who weigh in on a daily and weekly basis have better adherence to a weight loss program. Don't fear the scale, you can do it. And when you see you haven't lost for that week, don't fret, it's probably muscle mass that you've put on and your clothes are going to fit much better.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If you are emotionally tied to the number on the scale, and you have a feeling it's not going to be a number you want to see, then don't weigh yourself that day, or that week.

    Whether or not you looked at the number doesn't change your actual weight. So why torture yourself unnecessarily? If you continue eating well and exercising regularly, that's a whole lot more important than what some device calculates as the Earth's gravitational pull on your specific mass.

    If the shame of seeing a number you don't like helps you stay on track, then I guess scale-watching is motivational for you, in some way.
  • Rachlmale
    Rachlmale Posts: 640 Member
    Aww is that your puppy? :love:
  • SheilaN1976
    SheilaN1976 Posts: 266 Member
    the scale is evil in my opinion! i hate it. i would have to say i am with you in that i dont want to weigh myself for fear of not seeing results from all of my hard work......which is why i am also doing measurements.....and focusing more on how many inches i have lost instead of what the scale says..after all that is what its about anyway, getting smaller and better fitting clothes which relies on losing inches. i weigh and measure once a week.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    There's no rule about weighing in, I only weigh in once a month now. The scale needn't be your only measure of success, how your clothes fit or how many inches you lose are just as good measures.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I find that with things like this, I do more damage to myself with the wondering and worrying than with actually seeing the results. If you're really emotionally twisted about it, it might be better to just get it over with and step on the scale. Fear of seeing the number not change shouldn't keep you from experiencing the happiness of seeing some validation for your hard work. Use the scale in combination with the measuring tape. If one isn't moving, the other should be.
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 839 Member
    I step on my scale every morning, after I use the bathroom and before I eat or drink anything. I don't weigh myself any other time of day. I believe I need to do this to keep myself in line - the same with logging in everything I eat. I know from my past, I'm not good at estimating calorie intake, and I can gain wait very quickly. I realize not everyone has to do this, but it seems to be working for me right now, so I'm sticking with it!
  • htrehearne
    htrehearne Posts: 2 Member
    Totally understand being afraid to weight in, but I found that Once you start doing really well and losing weight you have to turn to measurements. Also change it up. You could platue, by changing it up you will begin to lose again. By changing it up not only in a workout routine but also food.
  • I completely relate! I did NOT want to step on the scale this week! But the more I thought about it, if I'm going to be committed to my weight loss, I can't fear the scale. I'm going to weigh what I weigh, and make progress as slow or as fast as my body decides, whether I step on the scale or not - so I might as well be informed.