
Yep, I am a n00b. I am not entirely worried about my weight... but I want to be in shape and healthy so therefor I must lose weight. I am one of those folks who realized long ago that some people are just built big and I do not expect unrealistic results (ie me in a bikini and looking good.) If there are any like minded people on here I am more than willing to talk to them and be friends that would be awesome!

Cindy Lou


  • tsoumpho
    tsoumpho Posts: 9 Member
    hi hi!! no worries!! you can look good in a bikini!!! just keep your head up...once the pounds start coming off, your confidence levels goes up (it's pretty cool actually) <3

    add me if you want to be awesome MFP friends!
  • MattPBTX
    MattPBTX Posts: 37 Member
    We all have to start somewhere, right? Keep your chin up, commit to losing, do your reading and stay positive! Feel free to add me for support!

    (Nice Chuck's :glasses: )