Back to Square One!

Hi all! My name is Suzie, I'm not new to MFP, but I have been out of the routine all summer! I gained back pounds I had lost in my journey since January 2012, but the point I need to focus on is that I started this before, and I can again! I am looking to lose 90 pounds, a long journey, but I CAN get there. Feel free to add me, I love to give/get advice, support and motivation! The time for excuses is OVER! Let's do this!! :)


  • This will be my fourth time losing weight. Frustrating but hopefully I am learning something each time. :) Good luck, looking forward to seeing your progress!!!

  • suz_ers
    suz_ers Posts: 31 Member
    That is the positive way to look at it! Each time is a new experience, and we learn from the past. Thanks for the add, I look forward to helping each other along the way! Good luck! :)
  • I've lost about 70lbs total over the past year. This summer I broke my habits and now I'm ready to get back on track.

    I'm trying my hardest to subtract things that no longer add to my life and it's been distracting. I will not let myself to get sidetracked by people who are not on track.

    Feel free to add me. I need new mfp peeps. I'm ready for healthy friendships that provide positive inspirations in my life.
  • Woohoo! Yeah, I know my back and forth is frustrating for people around me... but I try to look at it this way: it's just as dangerous to keep losing and gaining weight as it is to just BE overweight. At some point I think I'll get the point :)