confused about my calorie allowance,,experts help needed!

I have been mfping for nearly 3 months and I haven't lost a pound in weight!
I have gained muscle through doing shred/ripped etc and I have lost a few inches and feel stronger and slimmer.
I weigh 140 and am 5'2"
My mfp says to have 1200 cals a day. I always eat back my exercise cals.
If I go on fit2fat. Website I'm told to eat

Activity Level Daily Calories
Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1600
Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 1833
Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk). 2066

Now I'm doing shred and ripped 4 times a week and having the odd cycle jaunt in between..
Why am I not losing weight.

What calorie intake should I follow.

I all for giving up using the app


  • pattyg1821
    (1)do you know how many calories your burning.For instanace if you you eat 1600 cals your should burn 2100 cals in a day to get decit of 500 cals a day. Burning cals includes EVERYTHING from sleep to rest to house work to errands to job to exercise.

    (2)how much water are you drinking? if your not drinking enough

    (3) how much sodium? are you retaining fluid or getting too much sodium that might cause you not to loose
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    If you're going by fat2fit you want to be eating 1833-2066 GROSS, you don't need to think about net if you follow their recommendations.

    if using mfp then log your exercise and eat back those calories burned--1200 + exercise calories = total intake for the day.

    Does that make sense?

    do you have a food scale? have you lost weight in the past? do you have "cheat meals?"
  • pattyg1821
    open up your diary. 2 parts to loosing weight exercise and food. Without knowing your food Im going to throw this out there. If you are eating lots of processed foods trying changing that.

    Try maybe for the next 2-3 weeks changing YOUR FOOD TOTALLY. Example avoid any eating out/processed food and try just eating stuff like chicken/fish for your meat/protein ,add lots of fruits and veg choices,lots of water. Try eating handful almonds before you eat your meals. 2-3 snacks daily. try eating oatmeal with no added anything.

    I have been loosing weight since july 22 and have gotten use to not added anything to oatmeal. Try no cokes/sodas no tea.
  • Rogus1
    Rogus1 Posts: 60 Member
    You might want to stop focusing on weight and think about body reshaping. You've gained muscle which is heavier than fat for the same volume. You've lost inches. Obviously your body is getting smaller. So it's working and you are making progress. Instead of stepping on the scale, look in the mirror or how your clothes are fitting.
  • MrsH78
    MrsH78 Posts: 46 Member
    I had stalled in my weightloss and posted a similar question as my BMR on various sights was above what MFP had me eating!!

    The general consensus was that I should up my calories and see how it goes, as I am close to my goal weight, i.e have 20lbs or less to lose it is considered best to keep calories up.

    How much do you have to lose?

    I was guided here on my thread

    and also a MFPaller called SPNluver83 has a youtube channel where she talks about eating more to lose more.

    There are also groups and threads on that very subject on here. I found loads of help. But I started with that link and through that found Jayme (SPNluver83).

    So if you have 20lbs or less to lose have a look. Otherwise, as the person below has said, water (more if necessary) and salt (less if you can).

    MFP is great for keeping a track of your intake and output, i couldnt be without it, but you are best setting your own goals unless you have a long ways to go.

    Hope this helps and good luck.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    so how many calories are you eating ?
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    open up your diary. 2 parts to loosing weight exercise and food. Without knowing your food Im going to throw this out there. If you are eating lots of processed foods trying changing that.

    Try maybe for the next 2-3 weeks changing YOUR FOOD TOTALLY. Example avoid any eating out/processed food and try just eating stuff like chicken/fish for your meat/protein ,add lots of fruits and veg choices,lots of water. Try eating handful almonds before you eat your meals. 2-3 snacks daily. try eating oatmeal with no added anything.

    I have been loosing weight since july 22 and have gotten use to not added anything to oatmeal. Try no cokes/sodas no tea.

    GREAT SUGGESTIONS however eating foods that you find unpalatable is not necessary to get results. I'd NEVER eat oatmeal without anything in it and there's no reason for me to. I can easily add some applesauce and cinnamon or flavored yogurt to it and make it taste GREAT and enjoy it.
  • LordBear
    LordBear Posts: 239 Member
    my advice would be stay at 1200 eat no more, and do an hr of exercise a day or more. and open up ur diary as others have said so we can see what your doing... if your not doing bout an hr of exercise..all ur doing is warming up ..
  • pinkjan4288
    On average1500 per day that I exercise and1200 on the non exercise days.
    I want to lose about 10lbs in total and I don't mind it taking a while.
    I do eat healthy food eggs, salads with chicken and avocado and tomatoes etc.
    Greek yoghurt and I will try to have things like cauli mash instead of potatoes.
    I do have a bit of dark chocolate.
    I don't eat fast food or highly processed food and never drink fizzy stuff.
    I drink a lot of decaf tea and also have water.
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    It's pretty odd that on that intake you haven't lost ANY weight. have you seen a doctor about any possible hormonal issues?
  • pinkjan4288
    I've had my thyroid tested, that was fine. Maybe I should blame the pill! :)
  • love4fitnesslove4food_wechange
    haha--water retention can do it. have you taken any time off? If you're retaining a couple pounds of water it could easily obscure any actual weight loss.
  • pinkjan4288
    Any time off what?
  • pinkjan4288
  • jamface11
    I've heard it mentioned, every few months eat at maintenance and exercise less for a week, then get back into it? Good to see you are getting results with body reshaping though, that's were it really counts :)

    Added: And from your fat2fit results, you could try setting yourself to even lightly active, then eat a straight 1500-1600calories a day and not eat back exercise. This should allow you to lose 1/2pound per week. I'm not sure how active those workouts are (they sound pretty intense :P), but this will ensure your fueling your workouts well.

    Feel free to add me, I have about 4-5kg to lose as well, and aim to eat 1500-1700 a day.

    Good luck
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    The first thing I would have to say, is if you are losing inches and gaining muscle mass to replace the fat...don't worry as much about the weight. If you need an example I would use the example of many NFL Linebackers (not Linemen). These guys are usually around six feet tall and weight around two-hundred and fifty pounds, but they are RIPPED and have a very low body fat %. According to the BMI... they are obese (LAUGHS)

    Losing size but keeping the same weight means that you are more fit than you were and that is nothing but Good! I would say you are entering the hardest part of weight loss...then end. Keep in mind that if you are building muscle but keep at the same calories, that muscle will burn more calories. Loss will come, but it's just going to take a bit longer.
  • pinkjan4288
    Thanks for that. I know I have lost body fat/inches..
    It's just a bit disheartening to not see the s ales budge one bit
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    It sounds like you are eating well, and your calorie allowance is fine. Are you measuring portions? You could be unintentionally adding hundreds of calories per day by not being careful enough or not measuring properly.
  • wahmx3
    wahmx3 Posts: 646 Member
    Since you haven't opened up your diary, it is hard to give suggestions on your food. I think you need to eat more, 1200 is very low for almost everyone, particularly when you exercise. How much water do you drink? Soda pop, even diet is bad for you, how much juice or other drinks besides water? Do you cook your own food from scratch or use boxed/processed stuff too often? Do you weigh and measure your food? Honestly, just eat more healthy foods, add calories to your day, give it a month or so, and you should see a difference.
  • kellicci
    kellicci Posts: 409 Member
    I have been mfping for nearly 3 months and I haven't lost a pound in weight!
    I have gained muscle through doing shred/ripped etc and I have lost a few inches and feel stronger and slimmer.
    I weigh 140 and am 5'2"
    My mfp says to have 1200 cals a day. I always eat back my exercise cals.
    If I go on fit2fat. Website I'm told to eat

    Activity Level Daily Calories
    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1600
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 1833
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk). 2066

    Now I'm doing shred and ripped 4 times a week and having the odd cycle jaunt in between..
    Why am I not losing weight.

    What calorie intake should I follow.

    I all for giving up using the app

    Wow I'm in almost the exact same boat! 5'1" currenyly at 135 have been here for oh I think 3 weeks now(lost 2-3 pounds probably water weight and now I'm stuck!). I have seen some change in measurements but the scale just hovers at 135. I have my goal set to 1300 and I eat back half of my exercise calories (or all of them if I feel hungry). I'm doing boot camp 2x a week and elliptical or kettlebells and wlaking 3 days a week. my workouts alone should be 2200 more than my normal desk job sedantary life (althogh those are just estimates HRM come inthe mail tomorow! =)). I'm just at a loss as to why the scale isn't moving. I wonder if it's b/c I'm in my last 10 pounds and I need to eat more...but being so petite there's not a huge window of error.

    On FattoFit I put in my goal weight and it said I should eat just under 1600 for sedentary so maybe I should just make that my goal (on work out days and not eat back those calories. I just don't know. Too many choices! lol