To all the moms out there...

How much weight did you put on during your pregnancies? I'm not pregnant, not even "active" but every time i read a story about someone putting on 55 lbs during their pregnancy it FREAKS me out. (A baby isn't something I'm working on for ANY TIME SOON, not even sure if i do want them... but this is a"just in case" question)


  • Felicia714
    Felicia714 Posts: 21 Member
    I gained 18 lbs with my daughter. Started out at 120lb and ended at 138lbs. She was 7lbs 11oz, so an average size baby.
  • TeachTheGirl
    TeachTheGirl Posts: 2,091 Member
    40-60lbs with my son.

    Not a single pound with my daughter.

    Just eat right and continue (safe) exercise and you'll be fine! =)
  • ThePhoenixRose
    ThePhoenixRose Posts: 1,978 Member
    i gained 23 with my daughter, who was 7lbs 13 oz and 22 with my son who was 9lbs.

    it doesn't have to be scary!!

    ETA - I did, however, lose 17 lbs the first trimester with my daughter, i was so sick all the time. ya just never know!
  • Yes2HealthyAriel
    Yes2HealthyAriel Posts: 453 Member
    33 with both my sons and only 11 with my daughter, but I had gestational diabetes with her and was put on a very strict diet
  • mmmurphy585
    mmmurphy585 Posts: 36 Member
    I gained 13 with my son (he was a 35 weeker) and weighed 5 lbs 15 oz; 30 pounds with my daughter (she was born at 38 weeks) at 8 lbs 7.8 oz.
  • LadonnaFunk
    LadonnaFunk Posts: 15 Member
    32 the first time, and 40 the second time. I was quite active during my first pregnancy, and not so much during the second. It wasn't hard to get the weight off afterwards though, because I was breastfeeding, and that requires a lot of calories.
  • Kekibird
    Kekibird Posts: 1,122 Member
    I put on 50 lbs for my son. He was born weighing 8 lbs 4 oz. Not a small kiddo. And I was active and ate healthy for the most part.
  • Conceived my son around 215.

    Left the hospital with a newborn at 188.

    Conceived with my daughter around 195.

    Left the hospital at 178.

    Then it crept up from there. But the moral of my story is - you don't have to gain weight. Granted, I was heavy to start with, but baby + fluids usually = approx. 20-25 pounds - so that's a good number to have in mind if you are average weight.

    I wasn't sick with my son (although I did get some wicked heartburn for the first time in my life!), but I couldn't help but lose weight. It didn't seem to matter what I did. Although he was (and is) the height and weight of a kid older than him. I was sick with my daughter, but the weight didn't fall off that time - surely because there wasn't as much to lose, first of all, but my appetite wasn't as suppressed as it was the time before.
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 313 Member
    I ate like it was my job and gained 60 with baby1, 50 with baby2, and 43 with baby3. I aboslutely did not need to gain that much, but I was completely sedentary and the queen of cake. All my babies were around 9lbs with number 3 at 9lbs 14oz.
  • NavyKnightAh13
    NavyKnightAh13 Posts: 1,394 Member
    I am one of the rare weird ones I guess. I was 243 when I found I was pregnant, but I lost weight during the pregnancy (they think its because I was active during my pregnancy, as in walking went from 243 to 204) and my son came out 7lbs 12 ounces in Jan :) and he was exactly 40 weeks!
  • I have 4 kids...diffrent gain with all of them, first pregnancy 18lbs, 2nd 24, 3rd 22 and this 4th one 29...I was stuck losing the last 8lbs, now thanks to mfp I have lost them...yay. Now excited to lose 40 more!!!
  • DeannaPaige1
    DeannaPaige1 Posts: 84 Member
    I gained 23..I have had friends that gained more than 40 and to me that's just ridiculous !
  • 32 the first time, and 40 the second time. I was quite active during my first pregnancy, and not so much during the second. It wasn't hard to get the weight off afterwards though, because I was breastfeeding, and that requires a lot of calories.

    *Sigh....* I wish I had been this lucky. Breastfeeding for me means that I can't lose an ounce. I just hold onto the fat for dear life.
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I gained 60ish pounds with my first daughter, 40 of which was water retention in the last month. With my second daughter, 19 pounds.
  • ndwyer0910
    ndwyer0910 Posts: 86 Member
    A good old whopping 45 pounds and she only came out 7 pounds :embarassed: . I did not walk like I should have and granted it came off but just make sure once you feel you have the strength to start working out.. DO IT. dont wait :flowerforyou:
  • MetamorphosisMe
    MetamorphosisMe Posts: 69 Member
    With my first pregnancy, I gained 23lbs (natural birth). With my second pregnancy, I gained 10 lbs (c-section - breached). Both pregnancies were so different. The first, all I wanted to do was eat! And I craved dr. pepper all the time (and I hate dr. pepper!)

    My second, I could hardly stand food, I craved water all the time. Not all pregnancies are the same :wink:
  • kelseyhere
    kelseyhere Posts: 1,123 Member
    At full term, you shouldn't have gained more than 30. Anything more than than is considered unhealthy. You should keep exercising while pregnant. Most women take it as an excuse to be lazy, but that's just bad ju-ju. Also you aren't really "eating for two." You're eating for you, plus an itty bitty embryo.
  • Hi honey. well, I gained 20 lbs but I was about 20 lbs overweight already. I've been told 30-35 lbs is healthy. You make up your own mind when the time comes. No worries.Be happy.
  • hrtease2
    hrtease2 Posts: 10 Member
    i gained 40 with my son :happy:
  • When I had my first son, yes I was 19 when he was born, I weighed in at 125lbs. During my pregnancy I gained like 15lbs, and 7lbs 13oz was what he weighed when he was born. My second child I weighed in at 128 and gained 20 lbs, but only 4lbs 6oz was him, so I put on some weight. I lost the 15 from my second, and when I found out I was pregnant with my 3rd son I was 130lbs and gained 14 lbs with him, after he was born I lost 4lbs 2 oz, so I put on 10lbs. Now I am trying to lose the weight again, since my baby is about to turn 11 this next month! The advice I have to offer is this.....

    1. Watch what you eat and portion control is a MUST!
    2. Do not believe that you are eating for 2, you eat to your fill.
    3. Be as active as your OB/GYN says you can handle.
    4. After the baby is born, try to breastfeed. It can help to shed those pounds you gained during pregnancy.
    5. Dont get upset if you gain a ton of weight, or none at all. Everyone is different.

    I hope that this helps you.