To all the moms out there...



  • xannonz
    I have had 3 kids, and I weigh less now than before I gave birth to any of them. Yes you put weight on, but nothing says it can't come off, you just have to make it a priority to get the weight off after, and not use having a baby as an excuse to keeping the weight on. Don't let it scare you, you get to decide on what you weigh after.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    I'm 19 weeks as of tomorrow, and I'm up 21 lbs sofar.

    Pregnancy weight gain varies A LOT depending on your diet choices and sometimes just your hormone levels. Some women will just gain a lot more than others no matter what they do.

    Most of my weight gain was in the first trimester (16 lbs in 12 weeks), and I was eating at or under maintenance. Most of it was bloating and fluid gains from very high levels of progesterone from the pregnancy.

    From what I understand, as long as you are mindful of your intake, most of the weight comes off fairly quickly after the birth so I'm not worried.

    My sister in law is very skinny, and she gained 65 lbs with her son. 40 of it came off within a month after his birth, and she's managed to get the final 25 off within the last 5 months after his birth.
  • victoriaannewilliams
    I gained 35 lbs with my daughter, but I lost it all two weeks after I had her, and then I never watched what I ate, and never worked out and gained it all back, and a few more extra pounds.
  • marz31
    marz31 Posts: 159 Member
    I gained about 30 pounds with my daughter and all of it came back off within the next 2-3 weeks after her birth. I breastfed for 15 months and not long after she weaned herself, I started gaining, because I was still eating like I was feeding another human, I wasn't. but stupidly, it took me getting back to that "day I went into labor" weight, well, 2 pounds MORE, to say "hey, girl, stop it! NOW!" and learn.
  • abigailmariecs
    abigailmariecs Posts: 192 Member
    My first pregnancy was a breeze (not sure if it makes a difference but it was a girl) I was overweight (not obese) to begin with and gained 12 lbs in my last trimester (all 12 plus about 10 lbs more were gone before I left the hospital). My second pregnancy (a boy) I had real issues with nausea and vomiting. I am afraid to be sick on an empty stomach so I ate a lot of bread and saltine crackers and gained 50ish pounds. I had also changed jobs from one where I was on my feet running round all day to only working two days a week where I was minimally active. Leaving the hospital I had lost 10 lbs but gained it right back durring the first few months (little sleep and lots of food for fuel). My youngest just turned a year and I have been working to lose weight for about 4 months now and in total I am back to my pre-pregnancy weight and working to become fit and no longer overweight.

    edit: my daughter was 8lbs 12oz and my son was 8lbs 5oz
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I didn't really gain any weight with my kids.....but then again... I was already huge :)
  • coffee_rocks
    coffee_rocks Posts: 275 Member
    I gained 10 pounds in my wife's first trimester because I finished her dinner each night when the nausea hit. I lost ten pounds when my son was born because I spent four days in the hospital running from my wife's room to the special care nursery.

    My wife gained about 30 pounds (5' 6", 140 to 170).
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    OH WOW, SO MANY DIFFERENT NUMBERS.... When ever the time comes (AND I DO MEAN WHEN EVER...LORD KNOWS HOW LONG FROM NOW) I don't want to put on more than 15lbs, but I'll settle for 20. LOl
    I even had this idea (which mom friends of mine thought was crazy) of losing about 20lbs before getting pregnant, that way when i DO have a baby if i put on lets say 25 lbs, I'll only have about 5-10 to lose. lol.
    It sounds brilliant to me, but life has a way of suprising us. :laugh:
  • virichi08
    virichi08 Posts: 465 Member
    I gained 10 pounds in my wife's first trimester because I finished her dinner each night when the nausea hit. I lost ten pounds when my son was born because I spent four days in the hospital running from my wife's room to the special care nursery.

    My wife gained about 30 pounds (5' 6", 140 to 170).

    ahahah... i had to read the 1st sentence twice... lol
  • gingerjen7
    gingerjen7 Posts: 821 Member
    How much weight did you put on during your pregnancies? I'm not pregnant, not even "active" but every time i read a story about someone putting on 55 lbs during their pregnancy it FREAKS me out. (A baby isn't something I'm working on for ANY TIME SOON, not even sure if i do want them... but this is a"just in case" question)
    I gained 16lbs but I was very unhealthy.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    30lbs with my first and 33lbs with my second.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    OH WOW, SO MANY DIFFERENT NUMBERS.... When ever the time comes (AND I DO MEAN WHEN EVER...LORD KNOWS HOW LONG FROM NOW) I don't want to put on more than 15lbs, but I'll settle for 20. LOl
    I even had this idea (which mom friends of mine thought was crazy) of losing about 20lbs before getting pregnant, that way when i DO have a baby if i put on lets say 25 lbs, I'll only have about 5-10 to lose. lol.
    It sounds brilliant to me, but life has a way of suprising us. :laugh:

    Yeah, I had planned only to gain 25, and I'm up 21 and not even halfway through my pregnancy! Some women just gain more than others.

    Don't worry about that. It's more important to be healthy before, during, and after so you can deliver a healthy baby. Any weight gain from pregnancy can come off after with proper diet and exercise.
  • qtiekiki
    qtiekiki Posts: 1,490 Member
    OH WOW, SO MANY DIFFERENT NUMBERS.... When ever the time comes (AND I DO MEAN WHEN EVER...LORD KNOWS HOW LONG FROM NOW) I don't want to put on more than 15lbs, but I'll settle for 20. LOl
    I even had this idea (which mom friends of mine thought was crazy) of losing about 20lbs before getting pregnant, that way when i DO have a baby if i put on lets say 25 lbs, I'll only have about 5-10 to lose. lol.
    It sounds brilliant to me, but life has a way of suprising us. :laugh:

    It's pretty normal to gain 25-35 pounds during pregnancy if you start with a normal healthy weight.

    Here's a break down of the weight
    * Baby: 8 pounds
    * Placenta: 2-3 pounds
    * Amniotic fluid: 2-3 pounds
    * Breast tissue: 2-3 pounds
    * Blood supply: 4 pounds
    * Stored fat for delivery and breastfeeding: 5-9 pounds
    * Larger uterus: 2-5 pounds
    * Total: 25-35 pounds
  • Chiquita_Banana
    it really depends, i lost with my twins first then just put on 12 pounds, and my 2nd pregnancy single baby i gained 35... i think each pregnancy is different and each person as well..
  • BioShocked89
    BioShocked89 Posts: 330 Member
    I gained 30-40 when I had my daughter. I was already about 290 lbs.
    My cousin, who was as skinny as a rail gained about 50-60 lbs.
    Then, my boyfriend's brother's wife, who was over 300 lbs gained 80 lbs!

    Mind you all the situations were different. I somewhat badly. My cousin would devour a whole casserole dish of cherry delight.
    And the bf's brother's wife ate gallon tubs of ice cream at a time.

    It depends on how you eat and take care of yourself. If you eat crap you'll gain, and if you'll take care of yourself, you won't gain as much.
  • SpitfireStacey
    SpitfireStacey Posts: 158 Member
    I was very sick for my entire first pregnancy, started at 143, ended at 140, dropped down to 128 at my lowest during the pregnancy, then slowly climbed back up. With my son I was 163 ish when I started, finished at 155. Negative weight gain both times. After the first pregnancy, we joked that I would have another baby when I got fat again ;)

    ETA, I was still very sick with my son but not as bad as with my daughter, She was 7.11 and he was 7.14 at birth.
  • jocybee83
    jocybee83 Posts: 155 Member
    I gained over 50lbs with my first because I didn't know any better. I just ate what I wanted and A LOT of it. My weakness was snickers and cheese (not together!). I only gained 12lbs with my second. I ate healthy foods and didn't over eat. Pregnancy weight gain doesn't have to be scary.
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 814 Member
    Respectively I gained:
    #1: 14 lbs (She weighed 4-11 She was 7 weeks premature due to issues with the umbillical cord. Completely healthy, home on
    day 3) Did I mention the morning sickness every - every - every day)
    #2: 16 lbs (He weighed 7-11)
    #3: 18 lbs (He weighed 8 lbs)
    #4: 20 lbs (She weighed 8-8)
    #5: 22 lbs (He weighed 8-11)

    #5 was the hardest to lose and I was in great shape when I got pregant. I walked at least one mile every day in 45-50 min. I was a size 1 and had a body fat of 18%.

    I also cringe when people say they gained 50+ lbs. There is no reason for it.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    OH WOW, SO MANY DIFFERENT NUMBERS.... When ever the time comes (AND I DO MEAN WHEN EVER...LORD KNOWS HOW LONG FROM NOW) I don't want to put on more than 15lbs, but I'll settle for 20. LOl
    I even had this idea (which mom friends of mine thought was crazy) of losing about 20lbs before getting pregnant, that way when i DO have a baby if i put on lets say 25 lbs, I'll only have about 5-10 to lose. lol.
    It sounds brilliant to me, but life has a way of suprising us. :laugh:

    When the time comes talk to your OB about what they want you to gain for your pregnancy. They will put a "number" based on you and your medical history. This will be discussed at your first appointment. My doctor was great and would "lecture" me if she thought I gained too much too fast (like after morning sickness ended... I inhaled rootbeer floats and gained 6lbs in one month).

    As for me, I gained 30lbs and had DS at 38 weeks. Eight of those lbs were that from that final week alone - I was induced because of Pre-eclampsia symptoms.
  • VelociMama
    VelociMama Posts: 3,119 Member
    Respectively I gained:
    #1: 14 lbs (She weighed 4-11 She was 7 weeks premature due to issues with the umbillical cord. Completely healthy, home on
    day 3) Did I mention the morning sickness every - every - every day)
    #2: 16 lbs (He weighed 7-11)
    #3: 18 lbs (He weighed 8 lbs)
    #4: 20 lbs (She weighed 8-8)
    #5: 22 lbs (He weighed 8-11)

    #5 was the hardest to lose and I was in great shape when I got pregant. I walked at least one mile every day in 45-50 min. I was a size 1 and had a body fat of 18%.

    I also cringe when people say they gained 50+ lbs. There is no reason for it.

    Good for you, but a lot of women gain more, and it's perfectly fine. Many of them get that weight off as well.