Mean people suck!


My gym is the place I go to unwind, to destress to focus on me. Recently they have contracted out to the local college and a bunch of new young kids are working out there (for free). Today one of my gym buddies was upset because he over heard one of those young pukes saying "I had to stop working out over there because of the view. Not very work out friendly." speaking in regaurds to me and my other gym gal pals who where on the floor doing our crunches.

How can he be such an idiot! No I am not a size 2. No I'm not 20 anymore but damn...

Usually I am a pretty nice person but I really want to put this guy in his place. I'm sure we wont be the only people he comments on and he shouldnt get a way with it. How many people will this punk discourage?

What is the best way to do this?

Knowing me i wont do anything but smile sweetly at him and visualize the treadmill he is on colapsing and him falling on his stupid *kitten* in front of the 20 year old blond girls he flexes for....ummm

But your comments on how to handle this would be nice....thanks guys for listening!


  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    So he works there?

    If he works there I'd go over his head and complain to the management. That is soooo not a good way to build up new clients.

    And I can guarantee a LOT of people would probably quit going there if they overheard comments like that, which really could mean the difference between life and death for some people.
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    Oops, okay so I read that wrong...

    HE works out there!

    I'd still complain!
  • gennyvieve
    oh man, i could throw together a string of curse words that would shock denis leary right about now. i HATE people like this. idiots. i just remember that karma is a *****, and they will get what they deserve.

    i apologize in advance for my language, i get a little worked up.....

    at my workplace(CNN) we share our gym with the Atlanta Hawks Dance Team a couple nights a week....i've gotten all sorts of rude comments from these twiggy 20something *****es.....and i've gotten to the point where i call them on it----nothing shuts one of those *kitten* up like turning around looking them straight and the eye and saying "REALLY? you're not even going to wait until you're out of earshot to talk about the size of my *kitten*?" i couldn't stop smiling the rest of the night. :)

    so i hear ya----and i say screw em! :)
  • gennyvieve
    wow, i didn't realize this will edit out curse words for us....
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    I believe he will get his!
    KARMA! aka What goes around comes around.
    Maybe he will wake up in the morning with a massive zit on the tip of his nose!
  • ractayjon
    I used to work at the front desk of a gym. My suggestion to you is to speak to the gym manager and explain just what you told us. If these kids are getting this for "free" and you are paying the gym should take notice of what you are saying - they arent going to want to lose your business. If you can point him out to the manager that would be great - maybe he can be suspended from using the gym..if you cant point him out directly - tell the manager that you would like the school to make it known that their memberships are in jeopardy - or something like that. You deserve to have a judegment free environment - especially from punk kids. Good luck!
  • ractayjon
    oh man, i could throw together a string of curse words that would shock denis leary right about now. i HATE people like this. idiots. i just remember that karma is a *****, and they will get what they deserve.

    i apologize in advance for my language, i get a little worked up.....

    at my workplace(CNN) we share our gym with the Atlanta Hawks Dance Team a couple nights a week....i've gotten all sorts of rude comments from these twiggy 20something *****es.....and i've gotten to the point where i call them on it----nothing shuts one of those *kitten* up like turning around looking them straight and the eye and saying "REALLY? you're not even going to wait until you're out of earshot to talk about the size of my *kitten*?" i couldn't stop smiling the rest of the night. :)

    so i hear ya----and i say screw em! :)

    Someday they will get theirs - maybe it will be when they are double their age, have a few kids and have to work 50 hours a week plus take care of their household and themselves...whenver it comes - they will get theirs. But, I love that you call them on it...they must be mortified at that point. good for you.
  • jlvgriffin
    jlvgriffin Posts: 23 Member
    All I can think about is the movie Fried Green Tomatoes when the character played by Kathy Bates, runs her car over and over into the car that took her spot yelling "I'm older and have better insurance". if only you can come up with a great line.....Until you come up with that line...know that we are behind you and are proud of the view!
  • LuckyLeprechaun
    LuckyLeprechaun Posts: 6,296 Member
    wow, i didn't realize this will edit out curse words for us....

    yes even if you don't mean anything by it.

    like..the famous detective **** Tracy
    or the famous comedian **** Van *kitten*
    or Richard Nixon AKA Tricky ****

  • tiffanygil
    tiffanygil Posts: 478 Member
    LOL....I love this its already making me feel better, I thought about walking up to him and asking him his name and saying "Hello, I'm a lawyer and I would like to ask you, Do you know the true meaning of sexual harrasment? If you dont let me enlighten you....its anything that you do that makes me feel uncomforable. Your comments made me feel uncomforable and so I am asking you to stop. If you make another comment about me or anyother member I will consider this to be not taking my wishes into consideration and therefore I will sue you. Now I know you dont have any money but you will owe me for the rest of your life and I will make sure this harrasment charge follows you the rest of your natural life. Good day. "

    Dont know if its true or not but I would love to see his face!
  • melissa1337
    that is so ridiculous, i'm not exactly sure what i would say/do
    but atleast you are with a group of girls that could support you
    don't let it get to you even though i know that's easier said than done