Hello..I'm sort of new here...but on the site for a few months but never posted! I need help!

I walk everyday/5 times a week about 45 mins total at slow-med pace-walking two dogs.
Then I come home and do 1 hr and 15 mins of exercising. I usually ride the stationary bike 16-19 MPH on personal trainer 1 for 1 hr and 15 mins OR I do zumba or turbo jam plus ride the bike (total of 1 hr and 15 mins). I'm trying to keep with cardio because I want to lose BUT I'm only about a pound a week. Can someone PLEASE help me I want to lose and I feel like I'm not getting anywhere! The last two-three years I lost 45 pounds then I stopped because my hubby got really sick and I gained a little back. I'm now back to it but I just feel stuck. I need some motivation and help!
Thank you!


  • valurtiaga
    and btw I've lost 45% of my vision 10 years ago from a blood clot in my brain so I wish I could go running but I don't have anyone to go with and it scares me to go alone and hubby is still not doing to well he has really bad RA! I'm to young to be feeling this OLD!
  • ItzPSGina62
    ItzPSGina62 Posts: 99 Member
    One pound a week is good. You are probably burning fat, which is more dense. The scale is probably the worst measure of how you are actually doing. I have a fitness trainer measure me. I have lost lots of inches and FAT and am gaining lean muscle mass. My loss has been slow, but not bad. Eating 6 times a day helps. Never let yourself get to hungry.
  • 2hobbit1
    2hobbit1 Posts: 820 Member

    Are you eating enough to fuel your loss? Follow the link to see if you need to up your calories so your deficit is not too large.
  • valurtiaga
    Thank you both so much!
    Sometimes I get so discouraged but I should be happy! I'm working hard at this and trying my best! I know I don't eat the healthiest but I do burn about 1300-1500 calories a day from what MFP is telling me. I did finally get a heart monitor now to learn how to use it :)