2 yrs of healthy living with a 114 LB Loss (PICS)

Many of my friends have asked me to post my blog info into the success story forum.
Well, I just now got the hang of attaching pictures on the boards. So here it is.

I have been overweight since I was in my early twenties. I had pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I would always be heavy. I was having a few health problems, but nothing too serious. The thing that bothered me was that every time I went to the doctor, it seemed I had something else wrong or I needed a different type of medication. I had tried dieting before but every time I would reach a plateau, I would get discouraged and “fall off the wagon”.

One day while visiting my Mom and Dad, Daddy said he was really worried about me because of my weight. I knew I didn’t want to worry them or my husband and that I needed to do something, but quite frankly I didn’t know what to do. I wanted to be healthier so that I could be around for my family and be able to play with my precious grand children. I told them that I didn’t want them to worry but I just needed to be ready mentally to go on a diet, because as we all know we have to be willing to change our lifestyle. I knew if I wasn’t ready I would only fail again, and I didn’t want that to happen. I needed the strength and I felt like I just didn’t have it. In fact, I didn’t have the strength to do anything and that included walking from the house to the car without “huffing and puffing”. My husband would even let me out at the Wal-Mart door so that I didnt have to walk to far and I would get what I had to have and go back to the door for him to pick me up because I was out of breath if I walked into the parking lot.

My husband and parents at that point were the only “encouragers” I had. I began searching the web for weight loss tips, advice, and ideas to keep motivated. I ran across a link to MFP and clicked on it. I read several testimonials of how tracking calories and the exercise calories burned helped keep people motivated. I also read that you can makes friends with others who have some of the same problems, and are facing the same battle. I decided to give it a try! I thought this might be what it would take to keep me motivated and looking forward not back. After all, it seemed in the past the reason I got discouraged and quit was the lack of motivation or encouragement.

God gives me strength every day to fight this battle. I know that even though my family loves me, God loves me more. He doesn’t want me to be sick and unhealthy. I should do my part and that includes making my health a priority. I need to stop putting myself on the back burner by doing other things instead. I know that our bodies are the temple of God, and we should not destroy them.

I made a promise to myself that I will do this and I will do it in a healthy way. I started eating healthy and exercising every day. There are no fad diets or quick fixes to lose the kind of weight that I need to lose. I have realized that even if it takes me three years to lose this weight, I took me 22 years to put it on. So, I will keep pressing on.

I have been on my fitness journey for 24 months and have lost 114 pounds and 71.5 inches. I have had many rewards so far from the weight I have lost. The first and greatest reward was my last doctor visit when he took me off of my blood pressure/ fluid medication and anti – inflammatory for arthritis and bone spurs. Second, would be that I can walk 4 or 5 miles at a time and not be struggling to breathe. Third would be shopping in regular stores again, and not having to go to the big women clothing stores. Another is seeing the look on people faces when they ask how much I have lost and I tell them. I say this because I know there are many who doubted my ability to do this and I am sure many still doubt that I can keep the weight off. But what they don’t understand is that I am focused on my goal and my stubbornness is helping me to continue on. I will continue to lose this weight by proper diet and exercise, and then maintain it in the same way. I still have 37 pounds to lose, but I will make it because I am now more motivated than ever. I still have my husband, and parents as my “encouragers”. Plus, I have my walking partner and Friend Lynn who keeps me laughing when I want to cry. I also have a very supportive and wonderful church family, and some great MFP’s on this site.

Weight then = 311 Weight Now 197 =Total lost 114lbs

BMI then = 56.9 / Now 36.0 =Total loss 20.9

SIZE then = 26-28W / Now 14- 16Misses

Measurements Total Loss 71.5"

Neck Then 18" / Now 14.5" = 3.5"

Arms Then 18" / Now 13.5 = 4.5" x 2 = 9"

Bust Then 50" / Now 39.5 = 10.5 "

Waist Then 47" / Now 35.5 = 11.5"

Hips Then 61" / Now 45" = 16"

Upper Leg Then 29" / Now 22" = 7" x 2 = 14"

Calves Then 18" / Now 14.5 = 3.5 x 2 = 7"

My advice to others would be to surround yourself with people who love you and want what is best for you. Find people who have the same goals and are fighting a weight loss battle also. But don’t let anyone (including yourself) sabotage your weight loss efforts. Don’t tell yourself that you cannot do this. If you need a friend, feel free to send a friend request and I will try to help you all I can.

I have included some before and after pictures. I hope you will be inspired and understand that if I can do this, you can too. Best wishes on your journey…











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