I literally don't believe it

Hi everyone,
I've never posted on here before but I want some input on this.
I'm getting pretty close to my goal weight (I'm 5'7" and I started at about 212lbs and my goal is 150-140--where ever I decide I'm comfortable at--I'm at about 158lbs) and I'm having a REALLY hard time accepting myself at my new weight.
I know that I don't wear the same size anymore (I was at a 16 and now I'm an 8-10 depending on the store, etc.) and I can look at pics of myself when I was at my heaviest and pics of myself now and see a HUGE difference but when I'm just looking at myself in the mirror I still see myself as fat--and not good enough and it worries me because I'm afraid my body will never seem good enough.
Has anyone else gone through this or is going through it?
Any advice or thoughts on what could help this?


  • Lift_hard_eat_big
    Lift_hard_eat_big Posts: 2,278 Member
    Many people, both men and women have issues with accepting and loving themselves. There are many that look phenomenal, yet in their mind, they are hideous and unhappy with how they look, despite everyone around them praising them about how great they look. Try to learn to love yourself and listen to those around you that support you and give you compliments. And you may want to seek professional help if you can't get over this by yourself.

    BTW, congrats on the transformation!
  • adbohls
    adbohls Posts: 156 Member
    It is very common for someone who has lost weight to not see the difference in the mirror. Perhaps if you concentrate on toning now instead of the number on the scale, it will help. I do agree with the other post that if your perception does not change to seek help. You look great!! Take pride in what you have accomplished and focus on what makes you feel good and forget the mirror. Let how your clothes fit tell you how you look.
  • AustinMcKenna1030
    Congrats! You've done great. Many many people feel this way. Please just remember this is in your mind. Once you reach your goal then you have to work on changing your mindset instead of your body. If you don't you will never be happy with your body regardless of what you weigh.
  • monty619
    monty619 Posts: 1,308 Member
    when you finially start to put in the hard work and reap the benefits you will never become satisfied with the results and always want to become better, work harder, scrutinize every aspect... this goes for many things in life besides having the body you want.
  • shmunster
    shmunster Posts: 538 Member
    Totally normal, just try to tell yourself that you are good enough, and keep reminding yourself of how far you have come. I have been maintaining for nearly 6 months and I still struggle sometimes, but I just give myself new goals, like toning up and reducing my bf %, or redcing my sugar intake, to keep me going
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • Slimntrim90
    I agree that you need #1 to recognize that what your mind is telling you isn't true! #2 Believe what you hear from other people who love and care about you! #3 Start focusing on toning your new body, gaining muscle definition, so you see your body almost as a different body. Another thing that you can try is looking at your body in the mirror while imagining that it is someone elses. How do they look? #4 Look up the definition of "Body Dismorphia". Does the definition sound like you?

    My advice may or may not be good. Take it for what it is worth! But DO realize that it may take you some time to become comfortable with the "new you"! Focus on healthy behaviors. Best wishes!
  • Often with weight loss it takes your mind a lot longer to catch up to your body, you'll get there x
  • RawTriGal
    RawTriGal Posts: 190 Member
    I agree with everyone that posted that it's normal... many folks go through that... but I would also urge you to dig a little deeper with yourself. It doesn't appear as though you've answered the basic questions on your profile around why you want to do this and what your inspirations are. Start there. Journal. What is it that you can't accept? And, if you can't work through it on your own, a professional would really be able to help you discover and help you move into not only acceptance but celebration of you!
  • Domi_BTGfit
    Your post is like I wrote this myself!! I also started at 212lbs last year and I am now at 148lbs. I still see 'fat' when I look in the mirror, even though I KNOW by my clothes size and standing on the scales that I'm not. I'm just about to turn 30 years old and due to my gaining 60lbs in one year, my skin will never regain it's shape and I will never truly look the way I want to in my head. BUT I am learning to accept this by listening when others give me compliments and not just shooting them down straight away. Find the things that make you happiest about your weight loss and focus on those.

    Be strong. You have done an amazing thing in shedding all of that weight, and although you may not be able to see what you want to see, others can. I've seen a few recommendations that you talk to someone about this, and it sounds like great advice. I might just do the same thing.