Pro Health, Ban Pro-Ana/Buli

So there's this post on tumblr that I saw and thought to share it.

<img src=""&gt;

The picture is of Isabelle Caro, a French model who died at the age of 28 trying to recover from anorexia. She spent the later years of her life trying to promote health and campaign against anorexia, and wrote a book called, “The Girl Who Refused To Grow Fat”, an autobiography discussing the origins of her disease and her struggles to recover.

Pro-ana blogs need to be banned. It is not wrong to have a disorder, but it is wrong to help others become anorexic or bulimic, when they could otherwise live a normal life. It is normal to be self-conscious about one’s body, but these feelings have started to emerge in girls at a very young age. These girls deserve to enjoy their childhood. There’s no reason they should be so concerned about their bodies to the point of near death.

Promote health by reblogging this. We can help those already with the disease recover and prevent those who are at risk from getting it.



  • Vx3_
    Vx3_ Posts: 102 Member
    Can someone post the pic for me? lol
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,311 Member
    Well, if it is on this site, report them. In the Guidelines there is a specific rule against Pro-Ana pictures, profiles, and posts. So send the URL to Steven, or one of the Moderators (look in the MFP Blog for a list - or the Guidelines for the exact Rule.).
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,311 Member
    That picture is against the Guidelines for images, not just the weight, but the nudity.

  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    its all well and good, but the constitution calls for freedom of speech so they should do whatever they want.
    and who would decide if something is healthy/pro mia or not? what if there is a picture of just a skinny girl, should that be BANNED from the internet blogs everywhere? the line of healthy/unhealthy is sometimes blurry.
    i agree with you that those blogs are unhealthy and shouldn't be on the internet, but the moderators of those blogs have just as much right as anyone to exercise their constitutional rights.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    I just read the above posters comments, meh, just paste the link then.
  • Vx3_
    Vx3_ Posts: 102 Member
    Oh I did reported it but the info strucked me. A recovering girl who was aneroxic, couldn't live a full life because she damaged her precious organs.
  • 30theFASTway
    30theFASTway Posts: 7 Member
    Should they also ban people who promote binge drinking, sex with multiple partners, reckless living, and things of that nature?
    Those are also disgustingly unhealthy lifestyles that can lead to illness or death. Really, what's the difference?
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    its all well and good, but the constitution calls for freedom of speech so they should do whatever they want.
    and who would decide if something is healthy/pro mia or not? what if there is a picture of just a skinny girl, should that be BANNED from the internet blogs everywhere? the line of healthy/unhealthy is sometimes blurry.
    i agree with you that those blogs are unhealthy and shouldn't be on the internet, but the moderators of those blogs have just as much right as anyone to exercise their constitutional rights.
    Stop it. This has absolutely nothing to do with constitutional rights. Do you even have the first clue what "freedom of speech" refers to? It means the GOVERNMENT can't limit your speech. Is tumblr now run by the government? No? Then stop invoking free speech. Tumblr is a private enterprise that can ban ANYTHING THEY WANT.
  • lessofE
    lessofE Posts: 15 Member
    Should they also ban people who promote binge drinking, sex with multiple partners, reckless living, and things of that nature?
    Those are also disgustingly unhealthy lifestyles that can lead to illness or death. Really, what's the difference?

    Thank you!
  • its all well and good, but the constitution calls for freedom of speech so they should do whatever they want.
    and who would decide if something is healthy/pro mia or not? what if there is a picture of just a skinny girl, should that be BANNED from the internet blogs everywhere? the line of healthy/unhealthy is sometimes blurry.
    i agree with you that those blogs are unhealthy and shouldn't be on the internet, but the moderators of those blogs have just as much right as anyone to exercise their constitutional rights.

    I think I know someone who did not listen in civic class...

    This is a private site. They can ban posts from people who have curly hair if they want and not infringe on your freedom of speech one bit.

    It is only against the Constitutional protection of free speach when a Government entity does not allow you do say it.

    not the same thing.

  • "Should they also ban people who promote binge drinking, sex with multiple partners, reckless living, and things of that nature?
    Those are also disgustingly unhealthy lifestyles that can lead to illness or death. Really, what's the difference?"


    Absolutely. Everyone has their struggles, all different. Anessa, have you ever stopped to think that maybe MFP can help those who are battling eating disorders (anorexia and etc.)?
  • Vx3_
    Vx3_ Posts: 102 Member
    "Should they also ban people who promote binge drinking, sex with multiple partners, reckless living, and things of that nature?
    Those are also disgustingly unhealthy lifestyles that can lead to illness or death. Really, what's the difference?"


    Absolutely. Everyone has their struggles, all different. Anessa, have you ever stopped to think that maybe MFP can help those who are battling eating disorders (anorexia and etc.)?

    This has nothing to do with MFP. I stated one site, and that's tumblr.
  • Vx3_
    Vx3_ Posts: 102 Member
    Anyway, I just asked for your thoughts on the post that was posted on ANOTHER SITE, not my personal opinions about mfp, or people that are struggling. It's the real world.
  • Should they also ban people who promote binge drinking, sex with multiple partners, reckless living, and things of that nature?
    Those are also disgustingly unhealthy lifestyles that can lead to illness or death. Really, what's the difference?

    Thank you!

    How does sex with multiple partners lead to death? As long as you're using a barrier method of contraception . . .

    Also, eating disorders are not 'lifestyles'. They are a mental illness.
  • its all well and good, but the constitution calls for freedom of speech so they should do whatever they want.
    and who would decide if something is healthy/pro mia or not? what if there is a picture of just a skinny girl, should that be BANNED from the internet blogs everywhere? the line of healthy/unhealthy is sometimes blurry.
    i agree with you that those blogs are unhealthy and shouldn't be on the internet, but the moderators of those blogs have just as much right as anyone to exercise their constitutional rights.

    I think I know someone who did not listen in civic class...

    This is a private site. They can ban posts from people who have curly hair if they want and not infringe on your freedom of speech one bit.

    It is only against the Constitutional protection of free speach when a Government entity does not allow you do say it.

    not the same thing.


    YES, THANK YOU! Also, the internet is not America.
  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    Eating disorders are a complex mental illness. Some girls who are "pro ana" are not necessarily anorexic. In my experience those girls go through a phase and grow quickly out of it. For some yes, those sites can trigger an eating disorder. I find that mostly the people who use those sites, post and complain about it are not actually suffering from an eating disorder, more suffering from a lack of attention and trying to find themselves in an unhealthy manner. Some recovery sites people mistake for "pro ana/mia" when that really isn't the case.
  • "Should they also ban people who promote binge drinking, sex with multiple partners, reckless living, and things of that nature?
    Those are also disgustingly unhealthy lifestyles that can lead to illness or death. Really, what's the difference?"


    Absolutely. Everyone has their struggles, all different. Anessa, have you ever stopped to think that maybe MFP can help those who are battling eating disorders (anorexia and etc.)?

    This has nothing to do with MFP. I stated one site, and that's tumblr.

    Mhm, I hear you. BUT you are complaining on MFP and not Tumblr. So, tell me how that's going to solve what's going on in "Tumblr Land". :wink:
  • skinnylove00
    skinnylove00 Posts: 662 Member
    its all well and good, but the constitution calls for freedom of speech so they should do whatever they want.
    and who would decide if something is healthy/pro mia or not? what if there is a picture of just a skinny girl, should that be BANNED from the internet blogs everywhere? the line of healthy/unhealthy is sometimes blurry.
    i agree with you that those blogs are unhealthy and shouldn't be on the internet, but the moderators of those blogs have just as much right as anyone to exercise their constitutional rights.

    I think I know someone who did not listen in civic class...

    This is a private site. They can ban posts from people who have curly hair if they want and not infringe on your freedom of speech one bit.

    It is only against the Constitutional protection of free speach when a Government entity does not allow you do say it.

    not the same thing.


    YES, THANK YOU! Also, the internet is not America.

    exactly. this is the INTERNET NOT AMERICA therefore people are going to do whatever they want. get out of the sandbox and deal with it. if those blogs bother you then....don't look at it?
  • misslindseylou
    misslindseylou Posts: 141 Member
    Allegedly, with Tumblr's recent layout change, they have also updated their terms of service to state that anything pro-ana/mia or "thinspo" will be taken down and they're now going around and deleting the harmful things. You can always report the pictures to tumblr, block them in tracked tags, or use Tumblr Savior extentions to keep them from appearing on your dash.
  • its all well and good, but the constitution calls for freedom of speech so they should do whatever they want.
    and who would decide if something is healthy/pro mia or not? what if there is a picture of just a skinny girl, should that be BANNED from the internet blogs everywhere? the line of healthy/unhealthy is sometimes blurry.
    i agree with you that those blogs are unhealthy and shouldn't be on the internet, but the moderators of those blogs have just as much right as anyone to exercise their constitutional rights.
    Stop it. This has absolutely nothing to do with constitutional rights. Do you even have the first clue what "freedom of speech" refers to? It means the GOVERNMENT can't limit your speech. Is tumblr now run by the government? No? Then stop invoking free speech. Tumblr is a private enterprise that can ban ANYTHING THEY WANT.
    while i don't like the topic - i do like the constitution .... thank god some people still know how govt is supposed to run!