Net calories question

If I want the best results, do I have to have 1200 net, even after working out? My total calories for the day is 1,553 and with working out, I have 807 remaining. My net is currently at 923? I feel full, which I'm surprised because I was starving before dinner. I made yummy hamburger patties with tomato sauce tonight. The fat from the meat filled me up. Should I try to consume 300ish more calories?


  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,423 Member
    In general I think it's a good idea to finish the day somewhere around 0 calories left to eat (in other words, eat until your net is around 1200).
    But, if you are under one day and over another, they will balance out. All the numbers we work with are estimates anyway, so aim for 100 cals over or under and you'll be OK.

    If you aren't hungry now, don't force anything else in, though you could snack on a few almonds or some yoghurt later if you feel like it. I also suggest that you spend a few minutes planning how you are going to eat and exercise tomorrow so you don't find this happening every day.
  • Tiffany083
    Tiffany083 Posts: 32 Member
    Thank you for your advice. If I'm still up in an hour or so, I will see if I have anything good to snack on. :) If not, I will shoot to get as close to 0 as I can.