eat less still getting fatter and fatter?

I started using myfitnesspal weeks ago, i eat less than b4, controlling my appetite now to lose weight. I eat lesser but still see myself getting fatter and fatter even i eat less. is it because my job always sitting? if i just control eat without exercise can i lose weight? i joined gym b4, went 3 times a week and each time lasted 45 mins but after one year i dont see any sad :( so now try myfitnesspal see work on me or not. hope it works


  • amnsetie
    amnsetie Posts: 666 Member
    share your diary and we may be able to help
    are you logging all your food?
    have you set up your goals correctly?
    and yes it would be good if you did some exercise as well

    I used to work out and still got fat till I tried this site, and now I know when to stop with the food, and when I can eat more.
  • tpow1196
    tpow1196 Posts: 51 Member
    OMG, I have this problem too! People assume because I"m 290 lbs it because I sit around eating junk all day! Which is not the case, most days I'm way under my calorie goal. But it has been brought to my attention that if I don't eat enough my body is going into starvation mode and will not burn up the fat!

    So I'm having to make myself eat smaller portions more often through the day and changing up the exercises that I'm doing.

    So far its been working great.
    Good luck!
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    The 4 major biological functions of fat tissue are
    (1) energy storage
    (2) toxin storage
    (3) protection against insulin resistance, and
    (4) protection against estrogen decline in women.
    Eliminate the functions of fat tissue also eliminates the reasons for its existence.
  • I have a food diary with me other than using this site. coz sometimes i cant online so a food diary is better for me. yes I have set up my goal, now i am 60kgs and i wan to lose at least 5kgs before jan 2013. Can i know how you control your desire for foods? sometimes i am not that hungry but still craving for hard to you did? and you success losing weight? mind to share wats your methods?
  • eating less and less is not always the answer... you need to be eating helathy nutritious food and having at least 5 to 6 SMALL meals in a day.

    Make sure you have some nutritious snacks with you at all times for those times when you are busy or travelling - like a packet of nuts etc...

    What i have found works best for me is to prepack all my food for the day and have it in a little coller box on my desk - and set myself times when I must eat...

    By eating smaller meals more often you will find that your food craving will start to deminish. Also make sure you have having less refined foods (low GI) you will feel fuller for longer and your blood sugar won't spike and then drop which is what causes all the "bad" food cravings - it's your body looking for it's next "fix".

    And EXERCISE - even if it's just a quick 30 min walk round the block, get your blood pumping :)

    You can add me if you like
  • Oh yeah, would like to ask in this site it will meantion like if you follow this everyday you will weight ...kgs in 5 weeks after completed the food track, is it true or just a guildine and depends on individual body?
  • thunderguts123
    thunderguts123 Posts: 10 Member
    I was wondering if you are drinking lots of water?
  • thunderguts123
    thunderguts123 Posts: 10 Member
    How much slt you eatting?
  • neverstray
    neverstray Posts: 3,845 Member
    OMG, I have this problem too! People assume because I"m 290 lbs it because I sit around eating junk all day! Which is not the case, most days I'm way under my calorie goal. But it has been brought to my attention that if I don't eat enough my body is going into starvation mode and will not burn up the fat!

    So I'm having to make myself eat smaller portions more often through the day and changing up the exercises that I'm doing.

    So far its been working great.
    Good luck!

    You will not go into starvation mode. Lol. That's a big fat lie and a myth that continues to perpetuate among the masses. It's just not true. It takes about 3 or 4 days of zero food to go into starvation, plus there is a clinical definition of a percentage of body fat you have to have before you are actually starving. Trust me, you've never actually starved. I know, because if you did, you wouldn't have said what you said about starvation mode.

    Eat you goal. If the weight doesn't come off, reduce your cals. Keep going unless you get dangerously low, like 1000 cals or whatever. Then go up in cals and keep going. You might have to eat more to lose.. Sounds weird but it does work. If that doesn't work, see a doctor.

    What I mean by going up or down with the cals, is every week when you weigh in, if you haven't seen a difference, adjust your calories down by 100. Do this every week, until it just seems too low. If you're not losing, I suggest you do the opposite and go up. You can go way up and you should not gain, but might lose. It depends. But, if neither of those methods work, as I said, go visit a doctor because something else might be going on.
  • wdmom
    wdmom Posts: 24 Member
  • catodd
    catodd Posts: 37 Member
    I think the site works on your calorie deficit for that day. On the assumption that every pound of fat is 3500cals it then multiplies that deficit by 35 days (5 weeks) and recalculates your weight. Just bear in mind that there is a BIG difference between weight loss and FAT loss. If your diet is low in calories but the food you eat is is not of the correct amounts of Protein, carbs and fat your body will start to use your muscles as food and stop using your fat reserves so be aware of this and you will also suffer from dehydration as part of this process. have a look on the forums for the Zone diet. It does work amazingly well!!
  • I found the same issue and then looked at what my empty calories were. Foods that are processed, high in sugar content (remember that sugar comes in many disguises, fructose, carbs, starches. A lot of preservatives can also contribute to the weight holding on. If drinking pop whether diet or regular it will add weight. You can find many studies on the effects. Try to stay away from breads, rice, pasta's you may be surprised.
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    Your profile says that you joined MFP this month...September 2012...Today is September 18th 2012....and you believe that you can make a blanket statement saying that you are "Eating less and getting fatter"? At this point...You don't even have a track record... and anybody who is willing to tell you to just eat more and up your calories at this point is just selling snakeoil! Just how committed are you to losing the weight?
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    Your profile says that you joined MFP this month...September 2012...Today is September 18th 2012....and you believe that you can make a blanket statement saying that you are "Eating less and getting fatter"? At this point...You don't even have a track record... and anybody who is willing to tell you to just eat more and up your calories at this point is just selling snakeoil! Just how committed are you to losing the weight?

    I didnt even see that.
    So true!
    I gain water every time I change things up.
  • bump bump. I don't have much to say since everyone's giving valid points.
  • thunderguts123
    thunderguts123 Posts: 10 Member
  • Your profile says that you joined MFP this month...September 2012...Today is September 18th 2012....and you believe that you can make a blanket statement saying that you are "Eating less and getting fatter"? At this point...You don't even have a track record... and anybody who is willing to tell you to just eat more and up your calories at this point is just selling snakeoil! Just how committed are you to losing the weight?

    yes is true that i just join recently this site but i actually start eating less since i first time join fitness first last year april to lose weight plus exercise to build up my stamina. and i went to gym 3 times a week for 45 mins work out for a year and after i see no result i cancel my membership. i actually start eating less since last year. my job is admin sitting inside office all day long and am wondering if this reason for me so hard to lose weight. I notice my fat belly getting bigger and since i found this website i plan to join and hope to see result on me. So you are rite that i am newbie here but you are wrong saying i just start my lose weight program recently as i started last year april till now i remain so fat ...I am very serious about losing weight but is really hard for me to reject food...even i skip dinner also i feel so hungry at 11pm and end up eating biscuits...
  • and i have virtually no salt<pls help im desperate
  • BeckySBowen
    BeckySBowen Posts: 59 Member
    Have you had your thyroid checked? If you are doing all the right things and still not getting results, it's worth looking into.