Coming back after an injury

So, back in the spring I decided to get into better shape and become healthier after a winter of watching the scale creep up. So I joined this bootcamp class with a friend of mine. It was brutal! But so satisfying. I could feel myself getting stronger, my stamina was going up, I was actually almost able to do a full push up! But about 3 months into it, I hurt my back. It just gave out one day. The doctor said I had a muscle strain and some sciatica. She said to take it easy

Well its been about 3 months and I have slowly been getting better, but all the work I had done is undone. Since I haven't been exercising I have lost the strength and stamina I built up. I have started walking again but even that can be painful for extended periods. I am also afraid to reinjure myself.

Has anyone had an experience like this? How did you overcome it? And what exercises were good to start out with?


  • hippychickuk
    hippychickuk Posts: 93 Member
    My back is almost always in some state of "injury"! I have learned over the years what I can do and what I can't do, and I think it's different for different people. But, in general, while I do focus on exercises that strengthen my core muscles, I also avoid exercises that require a lot of movement because I need to be able to control what happens to my back. So for example, I stay away from the eliptical. Boot camp! I would never attempt it.

    I love the exercise bike, but always use the recombinant one (the one with the chair that has a back on it). The treadmill is tricky -- I would never run, and actually, walking is great. But I have to be careful with the length of the stride and the speed. Walking on the treadmill almost always gets my sciatica going. I walk to the gym, but can control my stride and pace.

    If you're not going to the gym, walking is definitely good exercise for you. Just don't overdo it. Ever heard of planks? These are great for building core muscles without stressing your back. Plenty of examples of planks on you tube. If you have weights at home, just make sure you pratice good form, maybe sit in a chair? Leg lifts and squats are also great. Hold on to a chair if you need to keep your balance. With whatever exercise you do, always think about contracting your core muscles.

    A bit of a mish mash there, but hopefully something in there was helpful. :)

    Best of luck healing!
  • mumcat63
    I empathize...a lot. I was an active person...triathlete etc. Then I had a severe knee injury and put on about 50 pounds in 10 months of recovery. I am STILL working back after it...and that was in 2006. The best all-over exercise I can recommend is swimming. It is easy on the joints, the water acts as resistance and give you a good cardio workout. If you are able to swim 1 mile it gives you as good a workout as walking 3 miles. I have found that with swimming, biking and careful walking I have lost 30 pounds...but still need to lose more. Good luck.
  • jazzalea
    jazzalea Posts: 412 Member
    I know exactly where you are coming from!.... I used to do regular workouts and then hurt my back, muscle strain and sciatica as well..... so somedays are good some days are bad..... but there are lots of other things you can do to work out that don't involve typical workouts.... just keep your body moving and you will stay in shape and your back will have time to heal.....

    good luck :)
  • areufnkiddingme
    areufnkiddingme Posts: 99 Member
    So, back in the spring I decided to get into better shape and become healthier after a winter of watching the scale creep up. So I joined this bootcamp class with a friend of mine. It was brutal! But so satisfying. I could feel myself getting stronger, my stamina was going up, I was actually almost able to do a full push up! But about 3 months into it, I hurt my back. It just gave out one day. The doctor said I had a muscle strain and some sciatica. She said to take it easy

    Well its been about 3 months and I have slowly been getting better, but all the work I had done is undone. Since I haven't been exercising I have lost the strength and stamina I built up. I have started walking again but even that can be painful for extended periods. I am also afraid to reinjure myself.

    Has anyone had an experience like this? How did you overcome it? And what exercises were good to start out with?

    I have been coming back from a bad back injury for almost 5 years now. It takes a lot of time and patience- go low impact, lots of stretching, and if you try lifting, stay away from deadlifts.