How do you reply to a comment on your profile?

Hi :-)
Wasn't sure where to post this but I just needed some help. Can someone please tell me if someone posts a comment on your profile do you reply back on their profile or do you reply as a 'comment' to their post on your profile? I hope that makes sense, I'm still trying work out some of the MFP features. Thanks!!


  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    It will only show on your profile. I normally just go straight to their profile and post.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    It will only show on your profile. I normally just go straight to their profile and post.

    I agree-you can do it either way but if you post on the person's profile then you know they'll see it and get a reminder (if they have it set up to get emails)
  • karrathachick
    karrathachick Posts: 34 Member
    Thankyou!! Such a 'noob' question I know but I thought that was the case people might not have been seeing the replies when I posted back on my profile! Thank-you!!