Hips, Pant Sizes, and Feeling like Crap

Alright, I know there's always a post every once in awhile with many of us women going, "My hips are still big after losing weight!"

I usually jump right in and say, "Get it girl!"

But then I read a thread of "Success Stories" of women shorter than me, heavier than me (even at their goal weights), all wearing sizes lower than me.

I know we're all different. I know our bodies our different, we carry our weight different, etc.

But does anyone else get disheartened when so many people who have achieved success list their dramatic "pant size" differences? I mean, I'm always the girl who says, "When I was 95 lbs at 5'6", I still could barely get into a size 5 pant." When my hips are all bone, they're still not getting any smaller.

So when I see women who, even in their BEFORES, wear smaller sizes than me... :( I start to "body hate" on myself a bit.

Anyone else?


  • ashlielinn
    I feel the same exact way!!! At my lowest weight (which was right in the mid range of healthy for my height), I was still wearing a size 10, and was in awesome shape with barely any fat on my body!

    Even now, I've lost about 30 pounds and have gone down one pants size (on a good day). I have very wide hips and junk in my trunk, and I suppose I just have to accept it. It's the curse of being a curvy Italian woman for me! :(
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    Just have to accept reality and common sense. You can't change the size of your frame. Naturally a smaller framed person will be able to wear smaller sizes. Concentrate on reducing body fat % and you will eventually be able to wear the smallest size for you. The number on the scale really doesn't mean a thing.
  • MissyMissy18
    MissyMissy18 Posts: 315 Member
    I start to body hate on myself when I see these beautiful, feminine, curvy women with big hips and booties, and flat tummies, and pants look normal on them, and a-line skirts and dresses looks perfect on them..

    and then I look in the mirror at my narrow hips and tummy pooch, and pants that are always baggy around the hips and butt and too small around the waist and GAHH!!

    I would go up 2 pant sizes any day if it meant I could have an hourglass shape!
  • edge_dragoncaller
    edge_dragoncaller Posts: 826 Member
    Why the Frown Ashlielinn? Curves are not a bad thing! If you are fit and healthy but still get to keep your curves, that's a BLESSING! If you lost the curves your would be a stick figure...

    Say "NO" to the stick!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Alright, I know there's always a post every once in awhile with many of us women going, "My hips are still big after losing weight!"

    I usually jump right in and say, "Get it girl!"

    But then I read a thread of "Success Stories" of women shorter than me, heavier than me (even at their goal weights), all wearing sizes lower than me.

    I know we're all different. I know our bodies our different, we carry our weight different, etc.

    But does anyone else get disheartened when so many people who have achieved success list their dramatic "pant size" differences? I mean, I'm always the girl who says, "When I was 95 lbs at 5'6", I still could barely get into a size 5 pant." When my hips are all bone, they're still not getting any smaller.

    So when I see women who, even in their BEFORES, wear smaller sizes than me... :( I start to "body hate" on myself a bit.

    Anyone else?

    That's me, big time! It's so frustrating when I see people at the same height and weight that are wearing 8 sizes smaller than me! :grumble: :explode:

    It is a reminder of how wide my hips are, and they will always be wide, even if I strip every bit of fat from my body! :ohwell:
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Just have to accept reality and common sense. You can't change the size of your frame. Naturally a smaller framed person will be able to wear smaller sizes. Concentrate on reducing body fat % and you will eventually be able to wear the smallest size for you. The number on the scale really doesn't mean a thing.

    I wasn't talking about a number on the scale :P That's the issue: many people don't go by number on the scale, but by how "clothing" fits... well, my pants don't change very much!
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    I feel the same exact way!!! At my lowest weight (which was right in the mid range of healthy for my height), I was still wearing a size 10, and was in awesome shape with barely any fat on my body!

    Even now, I've lost about 30 pounds and have gone down one pants size (on a good day). I have very wide hips and junk in my trunk, and I suppose I just have to accept it. It's the curse of being a curvy Italian woman for me! :(

    Italian here too, sigh. I know people say they'd kill for an hourglass... but I swear, pants just aren't made for women with small waists and big hips.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    Edna Mode from the Incredibles, "Supermodels, there's nothing super about them. Skinny little stick figures with poofy lips."
    Personally, I think that supermodels are put forward by male designers that prefer men. I like curves and so do most men.
  • transvenouspacer
    transvenouspacer Posts: 182 Member
    I try not to worry about it. I'm 5'3", down to 155 pounds from 172 and still going. I just dropped from a size 14 to 12. I come from sturdy Irish stock. I just accepted that I'm pear shaped with wide hips, a big butt, and short muscular legs and I'll always have the same basic build whether I'm 172 pounds or 120. I'm proud of what I have and will just try to be as fit as possible for my body type.

    Part of our problem is we see these women in movies and tv everywhere that are perfect, and we just need to realize that's not reality. For instance I'll never have Jillian Michaels body and quite frankly I don't want to. That woman's got no hips lol! Be proud of what you've got and try to be the best you can be!!
  • EnchantedEvening
    EnchantedEvening Posts: 671 Member
    I'm a pear shape, and I have wiiiiide hips. Even when I was trim and toned in high school, I still had J-Lo curves. I hated them because I felt fat. I fell victim to wanting to be one of the skinny girls.

    Now, I look back at pictures from senior year, and I think, "Oh man... I was hot."

    It's really hard for me to find jeans. The waist is never, ever small enough when I buy jeans that fit my hips, even when I buy "curvy" fit. I think it's because a lot of girls who aren't curvy think they're curvy just because they're heavy (no, those are rolls, not curves), and the clothing manufacturers cave and let out the waist. Grrrrrrr. No! Curvy means your waist is a lot smaller than your hips and your jeans gap in the back because of your fabulous booty. It does not mean you are shaped like a water heater with big boobs and a belly.

    Anyway, I don't get depressed. I know everyone's body is different. I lose weight up top really fast, so my bra size and shirt size probably go down a lot faster than the ladies who lose weight from their hips and butt first. To be honest, I'd rather it be that way. I don't want small hips and a flat butt. Leave that to the guys.
  • HotelWife
    HotelWife Posts: 26 Member

    I was just complaining to my mom about this on the phone earlier. (I'm Italian, too!) So honestly, I wouldn't want a flat butt like some of my super-skinny friends. But it makes me crazy that I work really hard and watch everything I put into my mouth and I still look like I have two bodies - the Upper Thin Side and the Lower Thickness. I always feel out of proportion.

    I've said that I don't want to be a stick, that I don't want to look like a twelve-year-old boy with boobs, but wow, would it be nice, even for a DAY, to wear whatever I want in the jeans department. Or to order a pair of jeans online and know they'll fit and look good.