
I am 10lbs away from my goal and feel stuck.
I am 5'10" and started off around 185lbs. I am down to around 155lbs, goal of about 145lbs give or take a few.

I don't track exercise on here so I know specific help will be hard (I have a bodymedia fit, but track food on here and transfer calories over), but I try to get a deficit of between 500 and 750 cals a day. A couple of days a week I have around a 1000 cal deficit.

I work out a lot; my schedule has 4 boxing, 2 karate, 1 kickboxing, and 2 running sessions a week. These classes all have some element of strength/bodyweight training, but I don't do any dedicated strength sessions at the moment. Runs are around 3 miles.

Any tips for breaking the plateau?



  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    I think you've answered your own question: strength training is possibly the answer. I have also been stuck at a plateau at my half way goal & I was given the advice to try a dedicated strength training program. I was told I am too cardio heavy because I do Turbo Fire daily & Run at least 3x per week. I am now currently in week 3 of a dedicated strength training program. It's too soon for me to comment on if it helped or worked, but I am commenting on this by what I was told, build more muscle to burn more calories. Good luck!! =)
  • pinkleather1981
    Bump - anyone else got any advice?