A Long, Long, Long Road Ahead...



  • JustMagpie
    JustMagpie Posts: 31 Member
    I train with a trainer 2 to 3 times a week. I also do what I can when we do not work out together.

    That said, how do I deal with what she calls my struggles. I have major melt downs. Usually while working out. She keeps telling me, 2 plus 2 equals 4. Nothing more simple then that. Eat to nourish, Work out hard to your max, will equal weight loss.

    So now, I eat foods I am not thrilled with. I am someone who loves food, loves the social aspect of foods. Oatmeal is my friend. Lunch or breakfast. No processed foods at all. No salt, No extra sugers.

    I am supposed to do at least 30 mins cardio a day. Which if your doing eliptical it is really 50 mins. 10 mins warm up, 30 mins within your max heart rate and 10 cool down. I really do not like doing cardio. Weights, and lifting I love!

    So right now my issues or struggles are that I need to do cardio. I really am really strongly disliking it. Actually I hate cardio! at the level that is expected. So this week I will be doing it more and see what the result is.

    So, talk with people, Work things out why the internal you is struggling as the external you changes. That is the biggest change I am finding, This last 8 months I have changed so much internally to allow me to change externally.

  • abetterbrandi
    @Aeryn- Thank you!

    @Tiara- Your progress pictures are so inspiring! Great job! I hope to have some to post in the future!

    @JustMag- I wish I had time for a trainer! Great advise from here though, 2+2=4. I think sometimes we do over complicate it. Less calories out than in = weight loss. Congrats on your loss so far, and I know you can do it :)
  • cally69
    cally69 Posts: 182 Member
    As someone who had 140 to lose I can sympathise. As someone has already said, the weeks and months are going to go by anyway, so why not spend them moving forward to your goal? Try not to worry about the end result, as the rewards you will find week to week and month to month will make you feel fantastic! It's not just the destination that counts, the journey itself is so worthwhile. Good luck to you and well done for making the start x
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    Welcome! So glad you made the first step to making a better you! :)
  • MommaKit79
    I will admit I did have that much to lose but, every one of us have a battle. I am all for encouraging anyone who wants to be Healthier and Happier.

    Agreed that you have made the first step in admitting it and knowing what your issues are with the process. Good Luck through it all and we are all here for support. Will it be difficult? YES!! Will there be times you want to stop trying? YES!! Will there be times when you wonder if it is all worth it? YES!!! BUT...WILL it all be worth it in the end? ABSOLUTELY YES!!!!

    We are here for support, encouragement, and motivation!! YOU GOT THIS!!!!
  • tallieterp
    tallieterp Posts: 257 Member
    I have to say i found support from the rarest of places when i went in for a sick visit to my new doctors and when he heard I had lost 18 lbs and was running/walking 3-4 miles a day he gave me a hug and told me that when he talks to people like me he gets inspired and that I was his hero of the day... here I was thinking I wasn't really doing all that much or being that successful and he gave me the boost I needed... sometimes its in the most random of places or from the least expected people that we get the pick-me-up we need...
  • doin_it
    doin_it Posts: 414 Member
    Taking before pictures now may seem like not such a good idea but as you start to loss weight you can look back and see how far you have come. They will be your motivation to keep going! Cause mirrors can be deceiving. Then when you reach your goal weight you will be able to look back and be proud of your accomplishments!! You don't have to share the pictures with everybody, but you can have them for yourself!! Scarey as it is...you can do it!!
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    One of the best things I can say is that you can find a lot of good information on this site. There are quite a few people who are willing to help. There are those that are not of course, which boggles my mind because this is a site for people to help each other out after all, but you will have to wade through the chaff.

    The next best thing I can say is: Do not try to make EVERY change at one time. You'll hear a lot of good information and you'll want to follow it to get the same results as the person who told you about it... but you have to realize that first of all, you are not that person and your results will be different (most likely) than that person's. Second of all, you have just made a major change and that is to help yourself get healthy. Making a bunch of changes at one time will only overwhelm you mentally and physically. You want to make changes that you can sustain for the rest of your life. And you want to make sure that the changes you make are positive changes. For this reason I say make one change at a time and stay with that change for a few weeks before incorporating another change. This way you can see, as you go along, what changes have benefitted you the most.

    The next best thing I can say is: Keep a good journal. Not just a food diary which is imperative, but a written journal. Either here as a blog which you can share or keep to yourself or somewhere else. A place that you can write down your "failures" as you see them, your "NSVs" (non-scale victories)... the things that make your day-to-day lifestyle change positive or negative that day. This way when you go back to look at your history you have something to compare it to... I didn't start this until a few weeks ago (I've been here for about 18months now) and I really wish I had the journal to fall back on as a tool for my own learning.

    Now, remember, this is YOUR journey. Do not let anyone else try to drive your train. You have to do what works for you and you have to recognize those that help and those that harm. Some of your close family may even be harmful... I've read about it on the forums... don't let discouragement... or even a week of a gain... keep you down. This is a long-haul, you know that already. Keep you chin up and move ahead, past anything that wants to hold you back.
  • star2lite
    star2lite Posts: 37 Member
    It is a long road for all of us :smile:

    We are addicted to one thing that we cannot live without: FOOD.

    I started at 211lbs 14 months ago and now I'm half way at 170lbs

    Be a slow walker but try not to walk backwards :smile:

    Good Luck xxx
  • Vicki8524
    You got this! I am new to MFP also. I am someone who has always eaten junk food my whole life. When I started this, I didn’t know what I was supposed to be eating. But what I am finding is, I just need to eat less of what I am eating when it comes to meals and to replace the junk with fruit and granola bars and healthier snacks. Not sure if you have seen these 2 websites to help you with meal planning, buy they are live savers for me. http://www.skinnytaste.com/ and http://www.emilybites.com/ They have DELICIOUS normal meals, using healthier ingredients. I am thinking of meeting with a nutritionist as well to understand what to stay away from. Also, it’s helpful to read your MFP buddies diaries to see what real people are eating.

    Emotionally, it’s hard to take in for me that I have gotten to the weight that I have. But I can’t live in regret. I have to move forward and make positive changes for me. I want to be a better role model for my daughter when it comes to food. So it’s overwhelming but I think to the future and try to picture myself thinner and healthier. I have to see it in my head and not let myself get discouraged. Positive thinking really works!

    I wish you so much success. You’ve taken the first step and joined MFP! You can do this. You want to do this. You are going to succeed!
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Hi there !

    I applaud your efforts to take control of your health ....... and yes, it can be terribly overwhelming. You have to find your own path ...... there are a bazillion weight loss programs out there, so experiment to find what really works for you ...... DO NOT GET SUCKED INTO SPENDING A LOT OF MONEY !

    Make the healthiest choices at EACH meal & snack, EACH day ...... and LOG THEM ...... move more, but remember you don't need to "run" the first day, week, or at all ...... you can lose weight by walking ....... even if it's just once around the supermarket before you actually pick up anything .....

    And plan ahead ....... always have healthy snacks available ....... also remember we won't STARVE to death if we miss a meal LOL

    It's going to take time, so enjoy this journey !
  • bpwparents
    bpwparents Posts: 359 Member
    You've made the 1st step! I started out at 263 the end of May and I'm now down to 226. Not as far as I'd originally hoped, but this is a lifestyle change and I'll take it. Slow & steady wins the race, right? I can't explain how good it feels to pull out clothes that I haven't worn in 4 years and have them fit. I also hate shopping as I am now. I want to be able to shop in NY & Company again. It's always been one of my favorite stores and I want to be able to buy pants in there again. You will get there too! A valuable resource for me for cooking has been skinnytaste.com. My kids actually love their recipes too!! Good luck to you. You can do this!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    How wonderful you're taking the first step!! Congratulations and welcome to MFP! You'll be SO GLAD that you did this while you're young. Take small steps, you'll have big success. Yay for you!
  • abetterbrandi
    Wow thank you all for the positive responses. I really like the tip about making my own way though this, and not trying to take on everything at once. I think that its easy to try take on everything at once. To want to be this superpower that just can plow through anything. I think I will start out just eating healthier, logging everything and walking 3-4 times a week for 10-15 minutes to start out. Then gradually I'll try to eat cleaner, and cleaner and add on more days/time to my walking.

    One thing that I will not do is drink soda, eat sweets or any drinks that contain calories (with the exception of skim milk). I think these will be "easy" goals and something I think will be another good step. Oh, and making myself drink more water, haha.
  • Rozie85
    Rozie85 Posts: 14 Member
    I started at 318 lbs march 2011.

    I lost 42 lbs between march and September.

    I had an op and then put on 14 lbs until the end of the year.

    I've been struggling to lose this 14 lbs since the beginning of the year :-(

    Currently 280 at the moment and know exactly how you feel.

    Started CC'ing 3 weeks ago and have lost 5 lbs so it's coming off slowly.

    Add me, we can help each other on our journey to slimville :)
  • RetiredAndLovingIt
    RetiredAndLovingIt Posts: 1,394 Member