Trying to get fit. I NEED THIS!

I really need to get my body into shape. Im not where I want to be and this is the first time I am really trying to get to a happy place. I would love if people would add me because I feel the more support I have and the more support I can give it will do me better in the long run. I am in college and trying to do a lot of things. A new job at olive garden, my sorority plus a full course load. Please I could use all the help I could get to stay motivated. This is where I lack. I tend to give up really easily on loosing weight. I just feel like i don't have it in me to keep going by myself. I would love to hear from all of you :) Off to class cant wait to log back on!


  • I hear ya!! I just joined this site and think it is a good way to keep track. I have found what works for me when making long term changes is starting small. Making durastic changes has never worked for me, especially when it comes to health. For the past couple of months I have done atleast 30 minutes of exercise, if not more, 3-4 times per week. I have tried to incorporate cardio, strength and circuit training (really good workout). I am now trying to work on what I put in my mouth.

    I am also in school and trying to work on the weekends and it is very hard to find time to spare to exeercise. I just try and fit it in when ever I can. Sometimes at 5am or 11pm. Good Luck!!