sticking to it!

hey, ive recently just started my weight loss plan and i feel like quitting already. im eating all the right food and doing alot of exercise, but ive nothing to motivate me.. no holidays, kids, not really any commitments. i get hungry alllll the time and i feel like im going to quite but really want to lose weight and get fitter.
anyone got any ideas on what i can use to motivate myself and whats other peoples motivation?
thanks and keep it going guys!:)xxx


  • IveLanded
    IveLanded Posts: 797 Member
    1) make goals. short term goals, like "lose 4 lbs this month" and then long term ones that it will add up to "lose 50lbs by one year from now".

    2) educate yourself about food so you aren't hungry. you don't have to go hungry to lose weight. it's not about's about changing why and how you eat.

    3) my biggest kick in the butt was when I was making my new years resolutions this year and I realized that my LAST years resolution was to lose weight...and I hadn't lost 1 single pound. Do you REALLY want to look back a year from now and only have a year of failed attempts under your belt? Or worse....more weight? Or a year from now do you want to look back and be able to say "Look what I did!". THAT was probably one of my biggest motivators.
  • Maybe sign up for a 5k or something like that. I lack motivation and my husband signed me up for the Warrior Dash. It made me push myself to get a workout in and continue to eat healthy when I didnt feel like it.
  • gatorginger
    gatorginger Posts: 947 Member
    Put pictures of people you don't want to look like on your fridge, that should give you motivation
  • LuckyTerrier
    LuckyTerrier Posts: 73 Member
    Making friends on here is a good way to stay motivated. If you have the right kind of friends, their progress will inspire you and they will encourage you when you need it.

    Another big one is short-term goals. Set a goal like drinking a certain amount of water, exercising a certain number of minutes, or eating a certain number of servings of veggies. You can't change everything in a day, so just focus on making small changes gradually celebrating your small victories.

    If you haven't already, I suggest starting a fitness program. It really doesn't matter what program, just pick something that fits your interests, lifestyle, and fitness level. If possible, start with something that's a complete program (like couch to 5k or 30 Shred) and stick to the program. Make it a short-term goal to do your workout every day for a month.
  • cyclerjenn
    cyclerjenn Posts: 833 Member
    You need to find what started you on the journey, and remember that. If you want to be fit, choose a goal that has to do with that. Like you want to prove you can hike a certain mountain, or run in a race. Define that goal so you have a motivation to strive for.

    Once I found that motivation I placed pictures on my bathroom mirror, refrigerator, at my cube at work. So I can could always be reminded of what I was going after. I set together a plan with weekly goals, like week 1 track all my food, week 2 walk 10 miles so I have definite, reachable goals that could be tracked, I would reward myself every week if I completed these goals with small things like a new workout dvd, fitness mag, long bath. I started my journey since 2003 so it is slow going, but it can be done.

    My motivation was my kids and wanting to protect them, Now that they are grown, I want to race next season to prove life does not end at 40!
  • thanks guys all your comments helped..i think that im not eating enough and im getting hungry... but if i eat like 5 small meals a day i feel like its a waste of time going to gym cause i feel like im eating alot. so i only eat breakfast and dinner.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    Do it because you can, it's something to work for. Everyone needs some kind of goal to keep them going in life.
  • stick with it for 30 days no matter what just to see where it takes you. what seems like a slow amount of weight loss will actually be sort of impressive after you have done it. for example, lets say you stick to the program for 30 days (which by the way is about how long it takes to start becomeing a habit, which in this case is a GOOD thing) so lets say its 30 days later and by sticking to the program you have lost 2+ pounds a week maybe by 30 days thats 10 POUNDS. thats terrific once youve done it and you realize you didnt evenn feel like you were on a diet because this is lifestyle not diet. so you didnt even really feel deprived (unless you deprive your
    self....DONT DO THAT) just flow with things. exercise the weight will fall off.....slowly but surely, and you can keep doing it.