For those who 'need' to have a perfect record...

I have a problem. That problem is that whenever I give in/mess up with my eating, I cannot move on until it's a new week or until I make a new account etc. Does anyone know how to conquer this?


  • LlostInSpace
    OMG I am exactly the same!!!! It's so weird...
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Stop giving a fudge what other people think. Most of us are here because we're not perfect.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    Just get zen about charting your journey - the only person who can grade you is you, and that is totally optional!
  • zoukeira
    zoukeira Posts: 313 Member
    Yip - MAKE yourself do it (get back on board without a new account or a new week) just once, and you'll realize it's no big deal for the future.
  • 2012asv
    2012asv Posts: 702 Member
    yes i used to do that... I constantly have to remind myself- no excuses.
  • tearsinger
    tearsinger Posts: 17 Member
    Try making a different promise to yourself. This time around (because I have been around this track before) I promised myself 2 things.

    1) Walk the dog every day 20 minutes at least
    2) Track all the food I eat -- all of it.

    That is my 'goal' so it is really hard to mess up. If I forget something when I track I go back and add it the next day. It is "perfect" when I have everything tracked.
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    What is a PERFECT RECORD??

    Guess I don't understand the issue and I'm a perfectionist

    only one who counts is YOU.
  • wolfchild59
    wolfchild59 Posts: 2,608 Member
    Make your diary private and stop caring what anyone might think about what they see there even if it's not. We are human, we make mistakes, we eat food we like, we eat more than we should sometimes. It's fun, it's enjoyable, it's living life. You aren't going to spend the rest of life never enjoying a big meal or a day where you just don't care enough to stay within calorie limits, so why expect 100% of that now?

    I tried that for a really long time. The 100% discipline and deprivation of anything more than a morsel of a treat here or there nearly drove me crazy. I wasn't seeing my friends because I stopped going to dinners or parties, I was crabby all the time because I was stressed and unhappy, I would snap at my husband for no reason, and I even got pulled aside at work for needing to work on my attitude.

    That was when I took an entire month off. I still logged, but I didn't really worry about what I was eating. It doesn't mean I was cheating or pissing out every day, I just enjoyed my life. Went to parties, nommed on snacks at the office, tried a couple of new restaurants we hadn't been able to. Then after that month, I got back on track and back to true counting. I was a happier person, I'd only gained one pound from the whole month, and I learned how to have a much healthier relationship with food.

    One night out or one weekend of fun isn't going to destroy everything you've worked for. All you're doing by creating new accounts is losing the ability to track trends and see how things like that won't destroy you in the long run.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Realize you messed up on that one day and do better tomorrow. Really. Don't beat yourself up over it because it's jiluat one mess up. Right now I am drinking wine which I shouldn't be doing. Am I disappointed for caving? Yes. Am
    I enjoying it right now? Hell yeah (I also didn't work out today!)

    Make your diary private and that will cut down on things too. Don't worry about it. Just do better tomorrow.
  • redkitty615
    redkitty615 Posts: 24 Member
    A long time ago, in a weight watchers meeting we had a great leader who said "yesterday was yesterday, emphasis on WAS" once it's gone, don't go back and visit it, just pick up and carry on from here forward" Basically, she said be kind to yourself, and be more forgiving - none of us are perfect or we wouldn't be here.