Gotta get consistent!!!


Ok here goes another "re-start". I have all the right reasons to win at this.

1) Too young for all this weight
2) My kids deserve better
3) Too young for these weight-related health conditions
4) Smaller clothes are cheaper and easier to find
5) ETC...

This time I'm getting the right mindframe as well!!! I WILL DO IT!!!!!!!!!


  • I am just "re-starting" today. In fact, I re-joined about a week ago and journaled absolutely nothing! I am so frustrated with myself, but I know I must forgive and move on; otherwise, this weight will never come off!
  • I am the same position! But, today is a new day. Let's do it!
  • crazybookworm
    crazybookworm Posts: 779 Member
    Good Luck! You can do it!!
  • kulchic72371
    kulchic72371 Posts: 6 Member
    One day at a time - I fall off then come back - the key is to KEEP coming back. Good job to you both for recognizing...
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Good luck to you all! A "re-start" is so much better than a "give up"!!!
  • Woo hoo! Consistancy is where it's at! And I don't quite have it either haha

    Good luck guys! Add me and/or I'll add you if you want :happy:
  • my2chics
    my2chics Posts: 1 Member
    We can do it!!! We just have to stay motivated!!!!!!
  • Kamnikar64
    Kamnikar64 Posts: 345 Member
    I called mine a re-boot. Consistent exercise is what I need to strive for and it is so hard. I've got to do it before I leave the house, but I'm so tired when the alarm goes off.
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    Well then, let's get to it! What are you going to do today to work toward your newly set goals?
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are dead! :wink:
  • denither
    denither Posts: 6 Member
    Exactly what I need to do! Let me know what will be your daily motivation!!!! I've gained 74 lbs in the last year after having lost 100 lbs four years ago.... It's been failure after failure in the last year.... Help!!!: :embarassed:
  • I understand how you guys feel. I am an older Mom I already raised 2 kids and got divorced. So here I am remarried with a 11 and 9 year old. I stopped smoking and took 2 years off to be home with the kids and now I am 40 pounds heavier. So I am 5 foot 7 and a 160 pounds. I started at 164 so I am starting. I am even larger than pregnant weight so I really need to work hard. Good luck!!
  • rmojo13
    rmojo13 Posts: 80 Member
    Obviously we are not the only ones dealing with not being consistent. I have over the past 20 years logged food and exercise off and on and every time I look back at the journals I kick myself because when I did consistently journal I lost weight and made progress. Whenever there was a big gap in logging the weight I started back with was the same or higher than the previous start weight! Since I consider myself to be fairly intelligent I would have to chalk it up to lack of consistency which might be a lack of daily motivation?

    I always tell my kids that "knowing ain't doin". I know it sounds completely hillbilly but it is a motto that I preach to my kids every time they do stuff that they know was wrong. I guess I have to start applying it to my own life?

    My most recent example of not consistently logging is yesterday. I looked at a pad of paper that I had dated April 5, 2012 and had put down my goals for 1 month, 3 months and 6 months with a guideline on how to get there. Well, had I done what I planned on doing, I would be at my desired weight and not even on this site right now. My weight was 1/2 pound different and that was after an entire summer of activity and working out 4-5 days per week! Talk about disappointing.

    My plan is to use this site to stay motivated and to get consistent. When I accomplish my goals I want to reach out to help others on the site who are trying to reach theirs. 35 more pounds to go. When I get there I will decide if I still have more to lose.

    Let's help each other get to where we want to go! Good luck to all of you!:happy:
  • Kamnikar64
    Kamnikar64 Posts: 345 Member
    Consistency is contrary to nature, contrary to life. The only completely consistent people are dead! :wink:
    Love that, it makes me feel ahead of the curve. lol
  • Kamnikar64
    Kamnikar64 Posts: 345 Member
    I went here and have a 30 minute exercise plan to complete 3 days a week. It is free and I am to start tonight. It seems pretty straight forward and it was free; free is good.
  • That is so true. My thoughts exactly
  • Not failures, just experience. Most successful people got things wrong 999 times before doing that one right thing that changed their lives forever!!! hang in there :wink:
  • LisaY76
    LisaY76 Posts: 76 Member
    agreed!!! :smile:
  • I am starting again too. I took about a two year break and now having trouble with my hips and need to lose the weight. So back at it again.
  • sunshine22w
    sunshine22w Posts: 2 Member
    Me too... I did well the first couple of months and lost 15 pounds quick. Then I started having one set back after another, first I fell in the shower so I got off track working out wat still pretty consistent tracking but then that fell off. Once my injury healed and I started working out again I then had to wind up having surgery because the doctors found fluid around my heart. I am almost fully recovered from that and trying to get backinto the swing of things. But I agree consistency is key, let's do it!!!