Fat... Fat... Fat...

So here it goes. I am a 31 year old husband and father of two boys (soon to be three boys). When I got married 10 years ago, I was 220 pounds and thin because of my build and height. After 10 years of marriage, I have blown up to 325 pounds! I have tried and tried to get this weight off and have failed at all attempts. Some of it is mental I'm sure and some of it is will power. I have signed up for Weight Watchers more than I care to admit. I wanted to have all of my weight off before the third child arrives in January, but I have only lost 5 pounds so far and the baby is due in four months!

My all time low would probably have to be yesterday when my six year old son watched a health video at school about a son and his daddy and how the daddy would eat poorly and ended up in the hospital. My son looks at me yesterday and says, "Daddy, will you please lose some of your weight?" Wow, that hit me like a ton of bricks. After that, I have went out and bought a fitbit (for some motivation on moving) and downloaded MyFitnessPal on my iPhone. I desperatly want to lose this weight and get it off as fast as possible, but sometimes feel like it is almost impossible to lose this much weight. :sad: My goal is to reach 240 pounds.

Any tips or pointers are appreciated. :wink:

I can't believe I am posting all of this on a public board... LOL


  • samblanken
    samblanken Posts: 369 Member
    I have a fit bit and it's great for keeping me motivated! Friend me!
  • prayerseeker
    prayerseeker Posts: 38 Member
    awwwwwwwwwwwwwww I can truly relate...I am a youth minister and my youth did a skit last month with me as the "joke" and put a ton of pillows in a girls shirt to represent me...it hurt deeply but I didn't let them know it...join friends that will support you here...I have a TON on my wall...add me if you like as we all have over 100 pounds to lose or you can join one of the groups that have alot to lose...the key is getting the support you need, exercising, drinking your water, and logging in everything you put in your mouth! Hope you find the road an encouraging one!
  • rjsehm5
    rjsehm5 Posts: 39 Member
    Make small goals in between your ultimate goal. Try and take a walk with your son or perhaps a bike ride. Include him on your weight loss journey and celebrate with him as you reach your small goals. Kids are absolutely awesome at holding you accountable and they love you unconditionally and want to see you succeed especially at that age. He already believes in you so now it is your turn to believe in yourself. Good luck with your journey....
  • Make small goals in between your ultimate goal. Try and take a walk with your son or perhaps a bike ride. Include him on your weight loss journey and celebrate with him as you reach your small goals. Kids are absolutely awesome at holding you accountable and they love you unconditionally and want to see you succeed especially at that age. He already believes in you so now it is your turn to believe in yourself. Good luck with your journey....

    ^^^ Exactly what she said! I have a 20 mth old niece who loves to run me ragged!!! Feel free to add me!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,310 Member
    You can do this.

    Log all your food. Every bit. Stay within the calorie goals you've chosen.

    Move more today than you used to do.

    Forgive yourself when you slip up, and get right back on the program.

    Welcome to MFP :flowerforyou:
  • pinuplove
    pinuplove Posts: 12,871 Member
    Kids really know how to get to the heart of things, don't they? But look at it this way, you have an amazing opportunity here to turn things around and be not only a positive role model for your son, but also happier and healthier for the rest of your life as a dad! :smile:
  • 1258936
    1258936 Posts: 115 Member
    Welcome to MFP! I have found loads of support and judgement free ppl here. Just started on my journey, too! feel free to add me!
  • rompers16
    rompers16 Posts: 5,404 Member
    You can definitely do this. I looked at my kids one day and realized what a poor role model I was being for them. That was almost 3 months ago and I haven't looked back yet. Feel free to add me.
  • windycitycupcake
    windycitycupcake Posts: 516 Member
    welcome to mfp. it was very brave of you to post that and you are going to do great!! be proud of yourself for taking the first step!

    make sure you log everything and don't cheat with logging, ask for help when you need it, and watch your calorie intake...you will lose weight!

    this time next year you will be posting in success stories, just wait! you can do it!
  • LCBinGA
    LCBinGA Posts: 102 Member
    Do it for yourself, but klnow you're teaching your children how to be healthy!

    Fitbit is awesome! Keeps me motivated!

    Log your foods and water -- drink lots of water, when it gets boring add slice of citrus, cucumber, mint, or if ya need a sweet, add a mio or crystal light type mix.

    Lots of veggies are almost "free" garlic, onion, celery, peppers, cabbage, lettuce, greens. great to saute, stir-fry (i use water or low sodium broth instead of oil), you can have several cups of these type veggies and minimal calories. Add other veggies and protein for taste and nutrition!

    You can do it! Oh yes you can!
  • mcwicker
    mcwicker Posts: 6 Member
    Wow, thank you all for the show of support and encouraging words! Looking forward to it and can't wait to see the results! :)
  • Coming4U
    Coming4U Posts: 93 Member
    Welcome and congrats on the first 5 of many that you lost. You are off to a great start. You did not put on all the weight overnight so dont expect to take it off overnight. It is a gradual process to a new healthy you and the weight lose is just an added benifit. Take it one day at a time. If you look at the total all at once it is overwhelming and defeating. If you look at it as I just need to get thru this one day you can do it. Pretty soon that one day at a time adds up and you are on your way. You can do it!
  • frank513
    frank513 Posts: 23 Member

    Stop lying to yourself. -- either you WANT to lose it or you dont.
    Stop eating more than you burn -- the basis for ANY weight loss
    Move your *kitten*! -- the basis of ANY weight loss.
    There is NO SECRET here. Eat less, move more and you WILL lose weight.
    If you say you are eating ABSOLUTELY eating right and ACTUALLY working out and not losing weight then go back to number 1.
  • AmyFett
    AmyFett Posts: 1,607 Member
    I'm 25 and my mom landed in the hospital. She ended up there for a variety of reasons, but one of the big ones was not taking care of her type 2 diabetes. I was scared crapless, and since she's, you know, still smoking with COPD and whatnot, she's not taking care of herself. I REFUSE to let my girls go through the hell I went through thinking I was going to lose my mother and that's my main motivation for losing weight (aside from looking good of course).

    I have my health now and I DO NOT want to lose it. I won't take chances anymore.

    I'm glad it hit you when your son said that to you. It would if my girls said that to me. They're still too young to really understand fat and skinny and things like that.
  • Honestly, take it ONE pound at a time. ONE decision at a time. ONE day at a time. I get overwhelmed and discouraged very quickly if I think of more than that. Before you know it you'll be loading a 10lb bag of potatoes into your cart at the grocery store and say to yourself "holy smokes - I've lost 4 of these so far!" like I did today!
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    Put one foot in front of the other and take a step towards your goal. Do at least one thing every single day that moves you closer to that goal. Remember, you didn't get fat overnight, it won't go away overnight either. Remind yourself why you're doing this. As many times as it takes. And never, ever give up.
  • NCchar130
    NCchar130 Posts: 955 Member
    I would say *maybe* don't give yourself such a tight deadline. And something that has helped me (I have 60-70 total to lose, 13 down so far) is to NOT think constantly about the end goal but on the short-term goals. I get up and my goal for that day is to stay within my nutrition goals and exercise. My goal for the week is at least 1 pound lost. Thinking to much about the overwhelming total and mentally calculating best case scenarios on how long it would take me to get to goal has stopped me from trying SO many times. When I arrive at the end isn't the point anymore, it's to get there eating healthily and enjoying my food (this is key for me) and exercise. Don't think of it as a diet, think of it as your new lifestyle and remember that to stick with it, it has to be something you can live with.

    Best of luck to you!
  • rhondadwyer69
    rhondadwyer69 Posts: 74 Member
    Congrats on your first 5 and here's to the next one, two, three, and so on!!!!! My wake up call came 1.5 years ago when my father passed away from morbid obesity related issues. I was so broken to see my 69 year old dad die and I didn't want my own kids to be going through that 30 years from now. So I made changes and went through lapband surgery and have continued to learn how to eat healthy and MOVE - exercise will come to you as you drop weight - the key is to get MOVING - walk, walk, and walk and it will get easier over time. I also have a fitbit and yes it is a huge motivator! Add me if you like - I am 46 lbs down and have just over 100 lbs more to get to my goal. I know I've made the right decision and you will too when you see some of the small victories!!!! CONGRATS and welcome to your new life!!!! :smile:
  • Wow, that is motivation right there! Good luck to you. :) I have no idea what a fitbit is!
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    wow, that story really resonated with me, and my little kids are the main reason I have made the changes in my life. There came a point for me when I knew that my getting fat and unhealthy was a selfish lack of effort - now I have more to think about than myself.

    My first piece of advice would be not to set unrealistic goals for yourself, the idea of losing 100 pounds in 4 months is unachievable, and I'm sure I don't have to tell you that no safe way will get you there. You are doing this for the long haul - get used to that concept now. Start off by making a couple of small changes, not overhauling your life completely. Firstly, find a way to get some regular exercise in, just some walking or whatever you can manage - do something every day without fail!

    The most important factor is of course diet. Use MFP but don't think you have to eat like a rabbit to lose weight. There are a number of strategies you can try such as pre-logging your food and planning meals/days in advance to avoid temptation and bad 'spur of the moment' choices.

    Lastly, I would implore you to keep a mental picture of that moment your son asked you to lose weight. That may come in handy when you are struggling for motivation in the coming months - and I can almost guarantee that you will at some point.

    This is a great place with some really knowledgeable people, use the forums and add some supportive people as friends - we want nothing more than to see you succeed!