Does anyone use the Pyle Sports HRM?

I bought one a month ago because I only wanted something to track my calories and didn't want to spend too much money (I got it for like $23 on sale). I've been having trouble with mine though and after reading some reviews on it (I know, I should have done this before I bought it), I realized a few others have experienced the same issues.

It seems that it isn't that great at tracking calories at all. After a workout, it will say you've burned a ridiculously low number of calories, but then shoot up to 40+ more calories within the next minute post-workout. Even if you let it wait for a while, it still does not seem to give an accurate number for people. (i.e. burning only 180-200 calories in a 40 minute straight jog).

Has anyone else experienced this? Is there some part of the set-up that was missed? I really don't want to have to sell it and get something else, but I am leaning toward that right now..


  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    I have a Pyle Sports HRM and I have not experienced this with mine. The one thing I know is that it gives better readings if you "wet" the 2 "rippled" pieces on the chest strap. If I don't wet them some when I first put it on it reads my heart rate at 200+, which I know is not true, but then I remember I forgot to wet it so I do and then it reads my HR great. I believe I am getting really accurate readings since my husband wears my old HRM, which is just the watch and has to continue to check his HR from time to time, and he burns more than me during the same amount of walking we do but he does weigh MORE than me so that is something I expect. Hope this helps...if not send me a message and I will see if I can help more!
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    Yeah, I always make sure to wet the chest strap... I think it might be something I've done wrong in the settings, but I can't find my instructions that came with it anywhere...
  • hummingbird71
    hummingbird71 Posts: 298 Member
    Well shoot...have you tried to look online for them? Sometimes you can find them there... if not let me know I can always make a copy of mine and mail them to you if you want me too...
  • genuinelyfrans
    Hey, I just got one of these this week. I have been trying to figure out how to use it but I don't think it is working properly. I try putting on the chest strap (after wetting the rippled parts) and the watch but when it comes to displaying the heart rate, it blinks and then shows no number. Also, I try using the calorie burn calculator but when I tested (doing jumping jacks for a few minutes) it said I hadn't burned anything. Do you know why this is or how I can fix this?
  • ThisisMiss
    ThisisMiss Posts: 187 Member
    I think I fixed it!!! I updated my age and updated a few of the other entries. I can't tell you which ones because I wasn't quite sure what was what at the time, but after taking a 30min walk at a brisk pace it said I burned 260 which sounds about right (before it might have said only 50 or something) Thanks for your help though!

    fitnessdreams: I recommend going back and checking out all the settings you have and making sure they are alright. Also dont forget to wet the chest strap!
  • maileeyang1
    maileeyang1 Posts: 9 Member
    Oh goodness,

    I just got mine today. I read the manual twice and got everything set up. Now, I am about to do a home work out and I don't know how to use it. I'm okay with the running but not sure how to do it at home?? Help anyone??