breakfast ideas.

What do you have for breakfast? I normally dont have breakfast. But have started to since restarting healthy eating but I hate having.the same thing every day would.lime some variety. Bug it must keep me full or I find I will slip.and.have somethi.g.unhealthy. please help. BTW I have a 2 year old so something that she too.


  • Kimjanebrooks
    Kimjanebrooks Posts: 253 Member
    Breakfast is one of my favourite meal times cause you can have what you want!!

    Boiled egg and soldiers (toast cut into strips)
    Poached egg on toast with marmite
    beans on toast with poached egg on top
    Dry fried egg, beans and 2 turkey rashers
    Cereal (with hot or cold milk)
    Fresh fruit salad

    Hope this helps
  • I like to have cottage cheese on toast with a banana on top sprinkled with some cinnamon, baked beans on a slice of toast with some spinach leaves, there are recipes for low fat pancakes and omelettes, i also have peanut butter, or some tomato and cottage cheese on toast, you can make a breakfast burito healthy recipes for this online also search for 300 calorie low fat recipes and alot will come up (i eat approx 300cals for breakie you made need more depending on your situation)
  • simini77
    simini77 Posts: 67 Member
    Breakfast is my favourite meal of the day! There is so much choice, and its such a good way to set yourself up for the day. My favourite choices are:
    Breakfast cereal with skimmed or semi skimmed milk
    Porridge and honey
    Fruit, yoghurt and raisins
    Poached or scrambled egg on light toast
    Muffin with jam or poached eggs also nice too, but not with jam!! :)
    Sometimes I love fresh tomatoes with basil on some toast - that's TASTY!

    So much choice, but if you can, eat breakfast, it is the most important meal of the day and will set you up and stop you getting the munchies!!
  • Lyra89
    Lyra89 Posts: 674 Member
    I LOVE breakfast!

    Today, I had almonds, chopped strawberries & vanilla yoghurt with tea (coconut milk and stevia added)

    Usually I have porridge (only the jumbo oats, they're the nicest!) with almond or coconut milk, chopped banana, berries & seeds (pumpkin & chia!)


    Wholegrain toast with organic tomato ketchup and scrambled eggs on top.

    There are so many options...I love wholegrain toast with peanut butter, banana and cinnamon on top...or a big fruit salad with a protein shake!

  • oatmeal is quick and healthy and there are all kinds of healthy add-ins. I like to throw in some nuts of some kind and sprinkle on some cinnamon. Also, if you need protein, add protein powder.

    I keep bagel thins and english muffins on hand also. And eggs are healthy and good for protein. I often make egg beater sandwiches on english muffin for breakfast (well... until I started exercising more and switched traditional b'fast for protein shake). A protein shake with some add-ins might be a good choice also. There are some good cereals that will keep you full, I use Kashi GoLean, but your 2 year old probably won't love it. I can't say the taste is what drew me. But it's great for curbing hunger. Peanut butter on whole wheat bread is good. Yogurt is also a good option and something else you can add to to bump up the healthy factor. I prefer Greek yogurt as it has lots more protein than regular. You will definitely want something with protein and carbs (preferably not junk carbs) to stay full.

    Good luck on your journey.
  • 2 oz. smoked salmon, single serving Philly cream cheese, Thomas everything bagel thin.


    Kashi GoLean Crunch and 8oz. Silk Unsweetened Almond Milk


    Egg white omelette with fat free feta, baby spinach and tomato
  • Ceryszena
    Ceryszena Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there not sure what you are already eating for breakfast but I alternate between 1) cereal 2) 2 x scrambled eggs (no butter or milk) with smoked salmon and plain low fat cracker 3) apple & banana chopped up with a tablespoon of no fat vanilla yogurt and sprinkled with a few seeds and raisins or 4) mug of tea with a little flapjack (always have a batch on annabel karmel flapjacks made up for when i'm running late with the you a boost of goodness whilst feeling naughty at the same time :) Hope this gives you a few ideas...Goodluck
  • Sassyvalgal
    Sassyvalgal Posts: 1 Member
    banana sliced long ways w/1 Tbsp Almond butter/orpeanut butter
    scrambled eggs
    Plain greek yogurt add honey and fresh blueberries
  • There is no need to eat breakfast if you're not hungry in the morning.
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    I change it some time, I love eggs...

    Quiche - pre made and warmed
    Boiled eggs ( my all time favorite) - with a slice of toast with Jam on.
    Egg on a slice of toast
  • I love this recipe, given to me by my trainer:

    4 egg whites
    1/4 oatmeal
    dash water
    cinnamon to taste
    optional - dark chocolate or carob chips

    Mix together (Magic Bullet works best for mixing - LOVE mine!)
    Allow mixture to sit while you heat pan to med-low then shake, stir or re-mix just prior to using.

    Pour in mixture like pancakes. WIll cook like pancakes - just make sure heat is not too high! Add 3-5 chocolate chips per pancake (depending on size) just prior to flipping. Enjoy a healthy, high protein breakfast with heart healthy oatmeal and get your chocolate fix! :)
  • sparrow70
    sparrow70 Posts: 25 Member
    this morning i had a banana (won't b doing that much after figuring up the carbs & sugars n it, but it was yummy!), And 1/4c. of egg substitute mixed w/ peppers,mushroom,onions,garlic.

    I like to have toast (whole wheat 35 bread ) made into cinnamon toast w/ i cant believe it's not butter spread
    or toast the toast then make it w/ pizza toppings & bake it like pizza bread

    Piece of smoked sausage, or fat free 25 cal balogna w/ 1/2 c cottage cheese

    Foods that aren't breakfast foods- chick pea patties, leftover chicken from night before, mushroom soup etc

    I just watch calories,carbs & sugars,(diabetic) so anything that falls into that category.

    Almost always have 4 strawberries or 6 grapes w/ breakfast.
  • vmcagle
    vmcagle Posts: 21 Member
    The last set of recipes listed here; overnight oats, are recipes I love and live off of :) sometimes I have them for lunch. You may want to adjust the amount of ingredients here as it depends on your personal routine. I.E. if you have a vigarous workout routine then leave it as is. I've been doing this and its worked to help me lose and reach and maintain my goal. Not to mention these are delicious. hope it helps

    1/3 cup Bob's Red Mill Oat Bran
    1 cup milk of choice
    2 tbl Raw Organic sunflower seeds
    2 tbl shredded coconut unsweetened lowfat (optional)
    2 tbl Now Cocoa Powder
    1/2 cup mixed berries
    Sweetener of choice

    Bring milk and water to boil whisk in oat bran, reduce heat to simmer until thickened.
    If berries are frozen add them in at the end and continue to stir until they are thawed and warmed thru
    Add in cocoa, sunflower seeds, coconut and sweetener of choice

    Calories 316; Carbs 46g; Fat 12g; Protein 17g; Fiber 14g; Sugar 11g


    • 1/3 cup uncooked old fashioned rolled oats
    • 1/3 cup low-fat Greek yogurt
    • 1 cup Almond milk Nature's Place unsweetened with Vanilla
    • 1 teaspoon honey, optional (or substitute any preferred sweetener)
    • 1-1/2 teaspoons dried chia seeds **

    CALORIES 266; carbs 32g; fat 10g; protein 15g; fiber 9g; iron 19g

    ○ 1/8 teaspoon almond extract
    ○ 3 dried apricots, diced (or ¼ cup fresh)
    ○ 1 teaspoon crystallized ginger, minced or 1/2 tsp ginger powder

    ○ 1 Generic - Raw - Medium Fuji Apple With Skin
    ○ 1/2 tsp cinnamon
    ○ 10g Chopped walnuts [to top before serving]
    NUTRITIONAL INFO: CALORIES 150; carbs 23; fat 7g; protein 3g; fiber 5g; iron 2g

    ○ 4oz mango, diced
    ○ 1 tbsp. shredded coconut

    ○ 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
    ○ 1/2 tsp Nielsen Massey - Madagascar Bourbon Pure Vanilla Powder
    ○ 2 tbl unsweetened low-fat coconut
    ○ 2 tbl raw sunflower seeds
    NUTRITIONAL INFO: CALORIES 148; carbs 15g; fat 9g; protein 4g; fiber 6g; iron 2g

    In a 16 oz jar with a lid, add oats, milk… All your ingredients. Put lid on jar and shake until well combined.
    Refrigerate overnight or up to 3 days. Eat chilled.
    Variations given above are just few of hundreds of ideas. Add your favorite fruit, dried fruit, nuts etc.

    There is a nutritional powerhouse in these little seeds, and this is a great way to sneak them into your diet. Chia seeds:
    • have more Omega 3 fatty acids than flax seed (important for heart health)
    • are the richest non-marine whole food source of Omega-3 (better than salmon)
    • absorb 10 times their weight in water and transform into a gel-like substance--great for athletes for maintaining hydration and helps with weight loss by making you feel full longer
    • are as high in protein as quinoa
    • are loaded with calcium, potassium, Vitamin B, and anti-oxidants
    • help balance blood sugar via the gelling action of the seed and it’s unique combination of soluble and insoluble fiber that slow down your body’s conversion of starches into sugars
    • have a neutral taste so they will take on the other flavors in a recipe
    • can be eaten whole (unlike flax seed); they don't have to be ground before adding them to food in order to digest them and benefit from their nutrients
    • have a two year shelf life, stored at room temperature (flax seeds quickly become rancid and loose their nutritional value)
  • jkcrawford
    jkcrawford Posts: 435 Member
    Steak and potatoes. Yumm
  • My breakfast muffins!
    Only 158 calories per muffin!
    Delicious with yoghurt and fruit salad.
    Full of fibre and good quality carbohydrates.
    And kids always LOVE muffins!
  • yogurt and toasted museli with some berries

    apple with vanilla yogurt

    banana smoothie (really simple but soooo good)
    -1 banana
    -200-250ml of whatever milk
    -hint of vanilla essence if you want
    freeze the banana before hand and then put it and the milk and vanilla into something that blends it (i have a magic bullet) it's so nice and depending on milk only about 200 calories, plus it takes less than a minute to make and if you're busy you can just sip on it as you get ready haha

    pre flavoured oatmeal packs if you don't have time for normal oatmeal, takes 90 seconds in the microwave and they taste really nice and are only 134 calories+milk
  • JPal5
    JPal5 Posts: 178
    Here are some of the breakfasts I enjoy and are quick to prepare.

    1. Weetabix, scoop of whey protein powder, granola with semi skimmed milk.

    2. Cup of blue berries, Ryvita with cottage cheese and a boiled egg.

    3. Porridge Oats with blue berries and scoop of protein powder.

    4. Greek Yoghurt, tsp of honey and flax / chia seeds with banana slices.
  • rconnor52
    rconnor52 Posts: 1 Member
    Get a large tomato and scoop out the inside (rub alittle evoo on it & seasonings), crack an egg into the tomato boat, bake at 425 for 25 minutes, crumble 1 slice of bacon on top.
  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    Breakfasts are my biggest challenge since I became a vegan. Especially since I used to have an omelette every morning... Also because I was told it's not good to have too much sugar at breakfast, I was at a loss at first as to what to have in the morning.
    Eventually I came up with the idea of making my own pesto with no cheese, and I just eat whole-wheat bread with pesto and drink coffee. It tastes really nice and it's really good.

    It's really easy to make, you just grind basil, almonds/wallnuts (pine nuts are the best but I can't afford them), add some olive oil and salt + pepper and that's it... I usually make a lot and freeze the most of it.
  • breesok
    breesok Posts: 4 Member
    Why does it have to be "breakfast" food? Eat whatever you want. What about the delicious leftovers from your dinner the night before? I know a chef who will prepare fish or a steak in the morning... I eat pretty much anything as long as it tastes good and is protein-based. p.s. I've also lost 15 lbs... just haven't figured out how to edit my original data which was wrong to show that.