Need some support and motivation

Just as I started doing well and losing weight my whole world fell apart. I was trying to loose weight for my wedding next year. 2 weeks ago I was still in that bubble and within minutes my world comleptly changed.

I'm now single and would like to loose weight to help build my confidence and get back on the dating scene. At the moment my eating is all over the place. I normally enjoy cooking but I'm just eating whatever and eating at other peoples houses.

I've been too tired to think about exercise as I'm not sleeping much so struggling to get motivated.

I got weighed last night and have put 5lbs on after a holiday and 2 weeks out of heart ache. I don't think this is too bad. Today I'm trying to start a fresh. Log what I eat and go back to a zumba class.

I just could do with a bit of encouragement along the way.



  • Bufite
    Bufite Posts: 55 Member
    boooo. I'm sorry to hear that. It's difficult to keep motivated when you've got a lot going on in your life. When I'm feeling low, I just try to take it day by day - and even if I don't want to really exercise, I just try and go for a little walk. I tell myself that I owe it to myself to be healthy regardless of what's going. Sometimes easier said than done!

    Be kind to yourself - you'll feel better if you eat well, exercise and sleep enough. Things will get better - just takes a bit of time.

    Feel free to add me or PM me.
  • Fozzi43
    Fozzi43 Posts: 2,984 Member
    I'm so sorry..that is awful :frown:
    Just take little steps to start with, a walk and maybe instead of a chocolate bar have a low cal chocolate drink. You need to give yourself time to get over it. Little steps for now and when you are feeling stronger add a few more steps.
    When thinks like this happen it's so upsetting...but I'd have a guess that you will start to feel angry about it and when you do, thatll be when you really start your journey to being healthier and when you start to get angry, punch a pillow etc.

    Feel free to add me if you want? :flowerforyou:
  • melpinky
    melpinky Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you. It really helps to hear the support from people when I'm struggling! x